insert_link CRUSADE channel The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy todayJuly 27, 2024 81
Latest Parrott Talk-Groomers Ruined Mother’s Day PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Social media was full of men pretending to be mothers. These groomers shared pictures of their families, and created posts that celebrated their motherhood. Mike Parrott has a few examples of how these […] todayMay 13, 2024 31
Wil Shrader Jr. on March 9, 2016 Please make available all the notes for all the lectures in a central location. I have the summry notes for the courses but only a few of the notes for individual lectures. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on August 19, 2015 Mike, Who is the publisher of your most trusted Bible? Log in to Reply
amydguion on August 11, 2015 still having problems getting the audio to play in Real Player this week. I don’t know where the link to the live chat is either. The first few weeks of the course both automatically opened together on my computer, now i have no idea. Any tips? I keep clicking the ‘founders pass’ sunglasses icon and get an error. Log in to Reply
amydguion on August 11, 2015 ok, Brother Francis audio player is up. now just missing chat as usual. Log in to Reply
Darcy McDougall on June 9, 2015 Just a reminder that Mike needs to purchase more advanced equipment, so we should help him by making contributions. This class is tremendous and worth so much more than we are paying. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on June 10, 2015 Thanks Darcy, please pray for our little apostolate here too. Pax Log in to Reply
brown986 on May 19, 2015 Hellow, So far I have been unable to successfully log in but I really want to participate & learn and will try again this evening. Could some kind soul please instruct me or direct me to the concise instructions for how to login, what to use to log in, etc. I am hoping for an audio capability to listen & perhaps contribute. Thank you in advance! John M. Brown Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on May 19, 2015 That would be because you weren’t added to the Philosophia Perennis category, you are now. Log in to Reply
pdacosta on April 30, 2015 Hi Mike listening to the Logic CD’s no doubt will have to listen to them 3 or 4 times to get all the information. Log in to Reply
steviewander on April 30, 2015 I also was unable to get online on Tuesday. Tried on both PC and Ipad and to no avail. I do not subscribe to or use any of the social sites that most everyone uses and will not be using them. Never heard of Rumble talk so that may be an option, otherwise will resume the study on my own and hope fully find a way to get the Tuesday night class. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on April 30, 2015 Unfortunately, RumbleTalk does not allow direct linking to their user signup, this has to be done manually by me. What I will do for the next chat is remove the privacy settings and allow guest access. The chatroom access point is still behind the privacy wall of Philosophia Perennis which is not viewable by the public. The guest feature is now turned on and you should be able to access the chat, 24/7, by simply typing in a guest username. Log in to Reply
aoastumpy on April 30, 2015 Mike, Thanks for the “Guest” user feature. It looks like it is working. Separately, did you or anyone copy the the chat session? and if so, can it be e-mailed to the group or archived on the site? That would be a great feature for people who may not be able to attend every time, so they can keep up. Thank you for your investment of time in this adventure in the mind. Bill Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on April 30, 2015 It is archived; the link and announcement of the link appear at the top of this page. Log in to Reply
aoastumpy on April 29, 2015 If anyone has the solution to log in, I’m in need of it. I’ve tried several things. I created a “Rumble Talk” account, but couldn’t get in. I tried logging in via the twitter button, but didn’t work either. Also, the “listen” page just said “loading”. Using a Mac and safari, not sure if that’s the issue. Thanks in advance for your help. Bill Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on April 29, 2015 THERE IS NO AUDIO PLAYING THERE. Are you using your RumbleTalk LOGIN name? NOT your email address? Only you know your twitter username and password, RumbleTalk doesn’t know it, it just relays it to twitter, I suggest you make sure that is correct before trying it again. Log in to Reply
Raymond on April 29, 2015 Mike, Is there any chance this class session was recorded? I cannot attend the Tuesday night class until the beginning of June, so if it’s recorded, that would be great. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on April 29, 2015 I would also be grateful if the audio were available for download. Log in to Reply
Craig on April 28, 2015 Unfortunately, 8 pm is my daughter’s bedtime and I missed the first class. I will try my hardest not to miss the next one. I have been able to listen to 5 introductions thus far and there is no doubt to the truth Brother Francis describes. He provides the path that outlines or comprises just how to achieve rightful and true thought correctly. Log in to Reply
pdacosta on April 28, 2015 Mike I enjoyed the class tonight. Got a lot of information tonight about the class and how this class is going to make me grow. Log in to Reply
troydclayton on April 28, 2015 Where is everyone? I’ve been lurking around for a half an hour and haven’t heard or seen a thing. 7pm central is what I read I thought. I hope I’ve made a mistake. Log in to Reply
troydclayton on April 28, 2015 I figured it out. Sorry! My bad! Still don’t hear anything, but at least I see the posts. Log in to Reply
SCICEMAN on April 28, 2015 I was able to get here and see past chats but now, well that is a different story. Not sure what I did wrong but I hope yall have a nice lesson. Log in to Reply
Brother Andre Marie on April 28, 2015 I’m here, Mike. I got in, too! I’ll be here tonight for the discussion. Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on April 28, 2015 I cannot believe that one of our fellow philosophy students has FOUND the Philosohia Perennis page AND managed to login with accusing me and this site of thwarting them at every turn…yay…mirabile dictu! Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1655
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy