
Welcoming Father Jeffrey Jambon To The Veritas Studios

todayJuly 19, 2016 104

This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.
This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Father Jeffrey Jambon is formerly our pastor here.  People can’t wait to hear what you have to say after your fire and brimstone homily yesterday.  Welcome to the studio.  You’ve never been before.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Father Jeffrey Jambon is formerly our pastor here.  People can’t wait to hear what you have to say after your fire and brimstone homily yesterday.  Welcome to the studio.  You’ve never been before.

Father Jambon:  Thank you very much.  Yeah, my first time.

Mike:  Father is a dear friend of mine.  Father reverted me about three years ago after he wouldn’t give me confession because he told me I was living in mortal sin.  Most priests won’t do that, but Father Jeff said I’ve got to take all that back.  You’ve got to get right with God or you can’t proceed.  I try to remain true ever since.  I always thank you for that.  I think people might like to hear that story, that there are Roman Catholic priests out there that take very seriously the act of contrition.  You have to sometimes, like Padre Pio used to do: Get out of my confessional.

Yesterday, you talked about our subject today that we’ve been talking about all day: Heaven.  You talked about Heaven.  Our subject today has been about all these shootings and all this.  People have lost the ethical tie to eternity, don’t you think?

Father Jambon:  I think so, yes.

Mike:  When you were speaking about Heaven yesterday, you were basically saying the same thing.  When your gaze remains fixed on eternity, then that kind of guides your affairs better, right?

Father Jambon:  That’s right.  Yes, our behavior is tied in with our hearts and with our minds.  St. Augustine put it very well way back when.  He says once we give up the papacy, once we give up the spiritual, then we can go on for a long time with just our reason.  We can straighten things out with ourselves.  Sooner or later we’re going to even lose our minds once we lose God’s perspective and his will.  I think it’s all connected.

Mike:  I think, as I said, when we get report cards on where we are as a society, I think the jury is in.  We’re in St. Augustine’s tale of two cities, the city of God and the city of man.  Which one do we live in today?

Father Jambon:  Man.

Mike:  This morning when you did the mass, you brought up something that I didn’t even know, because I don’t read my missal every day.  You should banish me for that.  Today is St. Pope Pius I.

Father Jambon:  That’s correct.

Mike:  I have a devotion to Pope Pius X and to Cardinal Merry del Val, his right-hand man with his humility pledge.  Pius X was such a humble farm boy.  What can you tell us about Pius I?

Father Jambon:  He died in 157 AD.  He was a martyr under the Emperor Marc Aurelius Antoninus.  He was defending the Church against heresy, the Gnostics that were up there really trying to crush the Church.  He stood up for it and had to pay with the price of his blood.

Mike:  This is just a fascinating conversation, and Ryan Grant who translated St. Robert Bellarmine’s work on the controversy on the pontiff, kind of gave us, in one of the last episodes we did with him, Bellarmine gave us a history of the tradition of choosing names.  I don’t know anything about Pius I and why he chose Pius I, but I do know that we’re lacking a lot of piety today, aren’t we?

Father Jambon:  We sure are.

Mike:  Tell us, and I know your time is brief because it’s a three-day visit here, staying with your mom and dad.  By the way, how did you pack six-foot-six into that little white truck of your dad?  That must have been a task in and of itself.

Father Jambon:  It’s better than my 2014 Kia that I’m currently driving.

Mike:  One of our sponsors is Kia.  You’ve got the Soul, right?

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Father Jambon:  That’s right.

Mike:  Father pours himself out of this Kia Soul and I see him get out and go: There is no way that six-foot-six frame got in that car.  You just spent two weeks, though, or ten days with Chris Ferrara.

Father Jambon:  I did, yes, in Gardone Riviera in Italy.

Mike:  Today, earlier on the program, I read – I don’t know if you’ve seen it.  I read the [unintelligible] statement to the audience here.  I stopped short of the three calls to action here.  This is signed by – I assume that you met all of these great men, John Row [ph], the Reverend Richard Munkelt, Professor Dr. Thomas Heinrich Stark, of course, Chris Ferrara who you sent me the video of playing the drums, and Michael Mott [ph], the editor of The Remnant.  What led to this jam session with Ferrara taking the stage and playing the drums?

Father Jambon:  I was surprised by that.  His son was on the trip with us, and he just said: Yeah, my dad practices every day and plays every Friday night at someplace near his locality.  I guess to take off some steam, that’s what he does.

Mike:  We have a listener who is a state representative in Ohio, Representative Nino Vitale.  That’s what he does to take out steam.  He plays the drums.

Father Jambon:  I think his son told me that he was playing since he was ten years old, so he was accustomed to it.

Mike:  Before I let you go – by the way, Father is here to bless the Veritas Radio Network Crusade Channel building, in the Latin rite, I hope.

Fr_Jambon_CRUSADE_Blessing_3Father Jambon:  That’s right.

Mike:  Fantastic.  You just joined a confraternity, a fraternal society of St. Peter.

Father Jambon:  Correct.

Mike:  Which is an order of priest.  Tell people out there, because they may not know, what the FSSP is and what are confraternities inside the church?

Father Jambon:  It’s not a religious order.  It’s kind of like with the model of St. Philip Neri, so it’s kind of like an oratory.  They get together, but it’s a priestly fraternity, come together as a community.  They try to watch each other’s back with prayer and fervor and doing the old Latin Mass.

Mike:  You have been in Indiana?

Father Jambon:  Yes, Indiana, Brookville, Indiana.  I’m just about to be transferred to San Diego.  It’s my first year there.  I’m finishing up my postulancy year, so my year of candidacy, and now I have another four years of temporary belonging until they will perhaps accept me after five years total.

Mike:  So right now you’re like an intern.

Father Jambon:  Right, exactly.

Mike:  So when you go to a parish then, you don’t become pastor.  You serve under someone else.

Father Jambon:  Right.  Not yet.

Mike:  What pastor will you be under in San Diego?  What parish are you going to?

Father Jambon:  St. Anne’s in San Diego on Irving Avenue.  The pastor is Father Gismondi.  He’s been there eight years.  A newly-ordained will also be with us, so it’ll be three priests total, Father Chris Mahawalt [ph].

Mike:  Fantastic.  Do you have any information, can you update us on how the FSSP mission might be going in Mexico?  We had Father Heenan here on the show in September.  Any news from Father Heenan?

Father Jambon:  Just a month ago we were in Nebraska together in a big seminary.  He showed us a video on how things are developing and things are happening fairly quickly.  So there’s a lot of response, a lot of great fruits happening there.

Mike:  And that’s bringing the traditional mass back to Mexico.

Father Jambon:  That’s correct.

Mike:  A lot of people – there are so many people, there’s so much that, if I had the time, I would pick your brain.  There’s a lot that people don’t know about, for example, when Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1516, I think it was, the last year of peace on Earth, 1516, peace in the Christian world, or somewhat peace, when Cortes arrives, he found savages, cannibalistic savages, portrayed in Mel Gibson’s great movie Apocalypto.  Millions of Aztecs, Incans, Mayans, human sacrifices atop these massive diabolical temples.  Twenty or thirty years later, Cortes, with a small band, has toppled the high priest butchering babies at the top of a temple.  Churches have been established.  Monks have come over of the Franciscan and Dominican order.  A bishopric has been established and St. Juan stumbles on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Within another 20 years, tens of millions, or some estimate ten million, Mexicans, Aztecs, Mayans, again, savages, are converted to the faith.

Just imagine if Cortes doesn’t go there.  People complaining that Trump wants to build now.  Imagine the wall that you’d have to build with the Incans and Aztecs and Mayans.  Mexico was converted for the faith by Ferdinand, by the wishes of Ferdinand and Isabella.  For almost four centuries Mexico was a Catholic country, until the Cristeros came in and overthrew and sent it into chaos.  They had the killing and martyrdom of all the priests down there.  You’ve been to Mexico, haven’t you?

Father Jambon:  I have.

Mike:  You speak fluent Spanish.

Father Jambon:  I do, yes.

Mike:  What was your experience in Mexico with Mexican people?

Father Jambon:  I was stationed for a little over a year in the Caribbean where the Mayan Indians are.  It’s such a tremendous faith there, unfortunately losing it little by little.  They have such a simple faith in the Cancun area, Playa del Carmen area and so forth.  Just one example, there was a little baby that had died and I had gone to the funeral.  It was a tragic thing.  We had just baptized the baby.  The mother was so distraught, as you can imagine, just unglued because of the situation.  At the end of everything, she grabbed my arm and she says: Father, God gave; God took away.  Blessed be God.  She was quoting Job.  This comes straight from the Mexican heart, the people of their faith.

Mike:  How long were you there?

Father Jambon:  I was there for a year and a half.  It seems like I always was in Mexico because all my seminarian brothers and so forth, and throughout my formation and all that, are all Mexican.  I always felt like I was in Mexico.

Mike:  The FSSP, the work that they’re doing in Mexico, is that just in one mission or is there more than one?

Father Jambon:  I think there’s two.  I think there’s one in Guadalajara and then there’s also one in Mexico City.

Mike:  How large has the FSSP become?

Father Jambon:  I think here in the states they have about 45 parishes.  I think there’s about 200 priests total.  There’s a lot of seminarians all over the place.  It’s growing quite frequently.

Mike:  So you’ve been to the seminary in Nebraska.  Have you met Mike Cunningham?

Father Jambon:  The name sounds familiar.  I think I did.  From South Carolina?

Mike:  That’s right, yes.

Father Jambon:  Yes, I did meet him.

Mike:  His brother, Steve Cunningham, does our Sermon Sunday.  He finds all the sermons, almost all FSSP priests, who are all donating all their time and their sermons, their homilies to Audio Sancto.  There are so many I couldn’t mention them all.  Finally, you are a Louisiana native.

Father Jambon:  That’s right, from Westwego, Louisiana.

Mike:  Your mom and dad wound up in Abita Springs.

Father Jambon:  In Bush, north of Covington.

Mike:  Is this parish now, St. Jane de Chantal, is this one of your boyhood, childhood parishes, or is this an adult only?

Father Jambon:  This is adult only.

Mike:  You were a pastor there or understudy at one time, right?

Father Jambon:  I was an associate pastor there for one year about four years ago.

Mike:  So you come back to St. Jane de Chantal.  Did you see a change that may have come about as a result of bringing the traditional mass back?

Father Jambon:  I certainly did.  I had never seen that church so full like yesterday for the traditional Latin Mass.


Mike:  You were a superstar.  They were there for you.

Father Jambon:  Our Lord was all behind it, believe me.

Mike:  It’s good to see that, isn’t it?

Father Jambon:  It is.  It’s beautiful.

Mike:  You entered the priesthood right out of college, right?

Father Jambon:  That’s right.  No, right out of high school.  I went to Archbishop Shaw High School in Marrero.  I entered at 17 years old, and I became a priest at 30.  I was with the Legionaries of Christ for 21 years.  Then I had left 2010, joined the dioceses here for two years here in New Orleans, Missouri two years, Houma-Thibodaux one year, and then Fraternity of St. Peter this past year.

Mike:  I don’t think there’s enough said, and I’ve been watching a lot of the work of Ed and Lorraine Warren lately, the exorcist couple.  I don’t think we place enough emphasis on blessing buildings.  You told me, when you came to bless our house, that you also had a year, or several years, in Italy.

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Veritas_earbuds_listenFather Jambon:  That’s right.  I studied four years.

Mike:  Those people are fanatical about it.

Father Jambon:  They are.

Mike:  Tell the folks a little bit about how they get their houses blessed.

Father Jambon:  They have a tradition. Every year during Eastertime, they would have the priests come over to bless it every year, the same house.  It’s like the yearly blessing.  For them it’s very, very big because God’s presence is there.  Through the priest, he protects and blesses the place where they reside if they’re in a state of grace.

Mike:  Here today, we’re going to – is it a different blessing that we get on a business?

Father Jambon:  Yes.  What I’m going to do is one for an office, which has to do with trying to keep the truth and promote the truth.  There are special words for that.

Mike:  Folks, that’s what we have here today.  Father, thank you.  Thank you for visiting with me.

Father Jambon:  You’re so welcome.  God bless you.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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