Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’ve been on this experimental tangent here for the last, I don’t know how long you’ve been listening, but I’ve been on this assignment in trying to explain what it is that makes a state and how it is that governments are formed in sovereign states. If you understand that from the Jeffersonian point of view, then to me it is impossible to reconcile the current leviathan and all its various agencies and what have you in any sort of a constitutional order. You just call it what it is. We have a giant mass democracy, a mobocracy. Check out today’s transcript for more…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: I’ve been on this experimental tangent here for the last, I don’t know how long you’ve been listening, but I’ve been on this assignment — I’m like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, “Your mission, should you choose to accept it.” — in trying to explain what it is that makes a state and how it is that governments are formed in sovereign states. If you understand that, from the Thomas Jefferson, from the Jeffersonian point of view, then to me it is impossible to reconcile the current leviathan and all its various agencies and what have you in any sort of a constitutional order. You just call it what it is. We have a giant mass democracy, a mobocracy.
If you understand and if you can grasp the idea of a state, what it is that a state is, how it is that a state is sovereign, or the people in the state or sovereign rather, and how it is that they establish government, then if we could get ten percent of the population to understand that and become rabid promoters of it, then there would be hope for a return of republican values and virtue in government, at least. I would also say that your union as it currently exists today will not exist in its current form because republicans will reject it. You have to reject it. I don’t think there’s any compromise position. You have to reject it.
Doug: On the other hand, we’re releasing more of our rights to the United Nations under Agenda 21, where they’re coming in and basically are going to be running a lot of stuff.
Mike: Again, unless there has been a treaty made and it’s been ratified by three-quarters of the members of the United States Senate, then the United Nations cannot invade a sovereign country and impose their will carte blanche just because some federal judge says they can. It is then the responsibility and the duty of the damn governor of that state and the damn legislature of that state to kick them out, to tell them no. This is simple. You tell them no. You can’t come in here.
[mocking] “Well, Eric Holder and Barack Obama said.” Show me a treaty. Where’s the treaty that was ratified by my state senator? Where is it? Show it to me. Again, we’re bedeviled. We’re possessed, Doug. We’re possessed by a third grade understanding of what a state is. We think a state is something that Edward Harriman narrates which one of them makes the best pickles on some stupid presentation on the History Channel. You look at a map of the United States. Look, there’s states. You watch that special about the states on the History Channel. They talk all about the great state that makes maple syrup. That’s what makes a state, if you can make maple syrup or you have redwood trees or coal reserves, nothing about the sovereignty of the state. The state is a country.
I’m going to try to straighten this out. Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, the poorest man in all of talk radio will probably become poorer by pouring my resources and time into yet another docudrama, but I’m going to do it anyways. It’s called Free and Independent: Then and Now. I’m going to try to explain this in a manner that junior high teenage girls can understand. If they can get it, I hope when you listen to it and share it with people who are uninitiated to [r]epublicanism and the founders red pill, that they’ll get it, too. This is so simple. Why this is not explained — this ought to be the basis for teaching all of American history. You don’t have a United States of America, you USA chanters unless you have the S part of the U and the A. Why is this so hard to understand? Why? Because they have been propagandized. They have been lied to and they have been brainwashed their entire lives. Let me show you how quick this is to explain.
What is a state? A state is a country. What’s a country? A country is made up of a bunch of people that declare themselves as sovereign. They are free, independent, they own themselves. They believe that they are sovereign. They congregate together with people of like mind. The people of like mind said we ought to draw these boundaries. We kind of own this land. We fought for together for it, or however we got it, and we ought to call this our country. We’ll call it Mikistan, or Mikonia. I don’t like “istan” because that implies — we’re going to call it the Mikotas. We form the Mikotas. That’s all we’ve done, form the Mikotas.
While we’re forming the Mikotas, we decided we’re going to have a republican form of government. We’re not going to have a democracy. We’re not going to have a monarchy. We’re going to have republicanism. We decide that we ought to write a constitution. It ought to be pretty simple and we ought to divide power up into three branches. There are many different ways or methods that you could use to arrive at this. You write your [r]epublican constitution.
Then after you’ve written your constitution and have declared yourself a state, then you can determine what kind of power it is that you want to transfer to that government. Actually, you would kind of do this when you’re writing the constitution, but you would operate from the fundamental principle — and this is not negotiable. There are no if’s, and’s, or’s or but’s. The people are sovereign. They people make the country be declaring that it is a country, here are the borders. The people then choose to form a republican government and then they choose “Republican government, you are not our equal.” Let me repeat that, you are not our equal. All you are is an agent. You are our agent. We’re going to create you because we’re sovereign and we can, and we’re going to charge you with doing a couple of things, and you’re going to have the power to do this because we’re going to grant it to you, we’re going to enumerate it to you.
In this little thing called a state or a country, think of it as a country again, should you ever get out of line, we reserve the right, because we are sovereign, to dissolve you as George Mason and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison said, to reform, alter or abolish. We reserve that right. You are not our equal. Folks, you have to get this through your heads. The government is created by the people. It is not equal. You can abolish it. As Jefferson said, you shouldn’t do it for light and transient reasons, but you can. When it becomes destructive of the ends of liberty, you must. It’s not an option. You must.
The government serves us. It is our agent. We want you to build roads, manage the gold and silver and currency, administer courts and ensure trial by jury. We want you to protect us from foreign invasion. That’s all we want you to do. We don’t want you to do anything else. If you ever try to steal our money by passing taxes, impose duties or tariffs or whatever and then transfer wealth to someone else, we will fire you. What you understand is that the government is not your partner. It is not equal. It in and of itself only exists because you let it exist, and then you have the problem whipped.
Then when you understand that, you see where the fatal flaw today and since the late 1860’s has been, that the governments claim sovereignty, and that they only go back to the people when they want more of it, when they want to do more. They have the right to do this forever more and you can’t ever tell them no, that’s the damage that Lincoln did. When you tell me, “Mike, why don’t you get O’Reilly’s book Killing Lincoln?” No, I’m going to write one myself. I’m going to call it What Lincoln Killed. What I just laid out for you in the last eight minutes is Jefferson, that’s Thomas Jefferson, that founding father guy, is Jefferson’s view of republican government and the governments of these United States.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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