Church Doctrine


todayAugust 29, 2011 3

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    What TheKingDude

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    What TheKingDude

Appeal To My Local Politicians: Tax Me Directly & Save US From The IRS

2011 Mike Church

Hey folks its Mike Church with today’s Church Doctrine.

For decades, bark humping, frog licking wackos have been telling us that we must adopt a renewable energy policy: Why, failure to do so will threaten the environment and question our sustainability and blah blah blah. One of the nature nazi approved renewable energies has always been windmills. Why, if there were only tens of thousands of windmills around wed clean up the planeta air, make the environment healthy and this would be good green policy.

Well a succession of Presidents and crooked Congresss saw an opportunity to pretend to heed this advice and to re-direct, read re-distribute, tens of billions of dollars into subsidizing windmill development and wind farms. Everything was right with the planet until some tree hugger came along and started noticing something deadly about the windmills they used to promote so heavily: they were killing tens of thousands of birds.

Yes our ornithologic friends apparently didnt get the memo about the food processor like blades on the windmills now dotting their former living space-the sky, as Eddie Eagle meets Ralph Nader. Now the bark humpers at the American Bird Conservancy are lobbying for criminal penalties for operating the windmills and killing all those pretty little birds that keep getting ground up in their blades.

In the most laughable case ever of environmental policy gone wrong the bird conservers now also demand that the windmill companies make the windmills spin SLOWER, to spare the birds but this of course will mean a lot less of the minuscule amounts of power will be generated which makes wind power even more grossly inefficient than it was before. And all of this has been brought about by central economic planners who assured us this was the wave of the future.

While we may now see the public and the nature nazis turn against the government subsidized windmills for cutting up the little birdies it is the taxpayers who will really get gashed when we have to subsidize their demolition.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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