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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Romney puts Olympic Job Creation-suit on, eats a can of spinach and challenges the :Unemployer-in-Chief to put up some real numbers to defend his jobs record (wait, haven’t I heard this one before!?)
Romney to race/gender/rich guy/SUV driver/homophobe-baiters: —k off, we won’t let you control who our friends are (my, how the smallest things seem to animate us these days)
A widely read and accepted textbook on the Constitution, from 1825, clearly stated and explained that the entire Federal Union was COMPLETELY voluntary and to have it NOT be so would be to destroy the purposes it was created for
If the Canucks can get their budget balanced and cut ACTUAL spending, why, Virginia, why can’t we…why..can’t…we!? (hint, what do we have $1 Trillion of that Canada has $1 billion of?)
If the auto industry is as strong as it was back when Henry Ford was knee-high to Warren Buffet then why do 20,000 people apply for 877 auto manufacturing gigs in AL?
Ummm, if people are buying cars with 8 year loans that IS a sign they cannot afford them
Why is Condoleeza “We know there are weapons of mass destruction let’s invade Iraq now” Rice’s endorsement of Romney a big deal for anyone other than Bill Kristol, John Bolton and all of FoxNews
Let’s attack Syria! “Yeah!”, Wait a minute WHY should we attack!?” Well, because… well, “because we can!” Yeah, USA, USA”
Why study Latin when none of the cool kids with the pumped up kicks are using it to write lyrics anymore? Well, because your kids will be the smartest in the room and then the school
Snake Handling preacher makes his final show of faith and gets bitten on his thigh, dying shortly thereafter as another religious tradition (go ahead and laugh) bites the dust to make way for The Church of US
Pat Buchanan dishes the truth on Bill Kristol, The all powerful, all seeing pro-Israeli lobby that has kicked non-believers out and cleansed nearly ALL our federal Houses of this not 100% behind Israel
The dangers/risks posed by turning more “defense” over to unaccountable, unidentifiable Special Ops Forces
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 122 1
The Year That Was Anno Domini MMXXI
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