
Who’s Really To Blame For The Government Shutdown?

todayOctober 10, 2013 15


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Democrat Party — again, I hate to do this in the partisan sense because I despise partisan politics.  I don’t want to be a part of them, don’t want to have to talk about them, but in this instance we’re going to have to here because there is politics involved.  The Democrat Party has been gaming this from the beginning, knowing that October 2013 was coming, knowing that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act was coming, knowing there was going to be this battle and girding the loins.  They’ve been setting this up all along.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There are two things that are operating here.  Number one, the increase in the debt limit, again, this is one of the other reasons why the Gingrich post is, I think, what’s the terminology, I think constructive in considering.  It is possible to take a losing hand, which currently has been dealt, and turn it into a winning hand if you have the political will to do so.  There is no one that’s in this studio, Studio D in Mandeville, Louisiana right now that believes that’s going to happen.  I just want to be clear, I do not believe this is going to happen.  However, that does not mean that I don’t want it to happen or that I’m not going to continue encouraging people to do what is necessary for it to happen.  Let’s just separate the wants, needs, and desires from the reality of it.  However, I do think this and I really believe — there’s a clip here that I have from Teen Wolf Blitzer from CNN yesterday that fleshes this out.

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[start audio file]

james-madison-gutzman-ad-signWolf Blitzer: . . . years to get this ready. If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them, delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works. Look, there are other government healthcare-related websites that work great, and a whole bunch of others. They know how to do it, but if they didn’t get it ready on time, maybe fix the problem and make sure people don’t have to worry about it.

[end audio file]

Mike:  The discussion was about this story that has been circulating, and there are many more stories, about how the Obamacare website is not ready for business.  If you’re dumb enough to go there, put in your social security number and all your other personal information in there, you’re just begging someone to hack that thing and steal your identity, that according to the founder of McAfee antivirus software.  Many others now have followed suit.  Now you have government agencies, those that have “essential” employees saying: Yeah, this thing is probably not ready actually to do business yet.  We probably ought to delay it.  Even though they had three and a half or four years to get the thing ready.  You go to the Clinton News Network and you have Teen Wolf Blitzer — and as Andy McCarthy quips about this in his post on this, and he is making a parody or satire over Nixon saying he lost Cronkite in the throes of the Vietnam War.  [mocking Nixon] “I’ve lost Walter Cronkite.  I’ve lost America.”  McCarthy’s headline is “When You’ve Lost Wolf Blitzer . . .”.  You have Teen Wolf saying: Look, it seems to most reasoned individuals that this thing is really not working as advertised.  Why don’t you just give in and agree to the one-year delay?

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This is the other part of this that I think is just fascinating.  What is it that President Obama is afraid is going to happen in the ensuing one year?  It is going to be one calendar year.  There is going to be a congressional election twixt now, well, it will be close to being twixt now and then, but at least you would be debating this as the elections for members of the House of Representin’ would be going on.  Does he really fear that yet another referenda on the Affordable Care Act, on Obamacare is not going to pay the electoral fruit, and that if he agrees to the one-year delay that an electoral smackdown in November 2014 makes it almost a foregone conclusion that he’s going to have to agree to a final nail in the coffin of the Affordable Care Act?  It seems to me, if I judge human nature correctly, and if I’m analyzing the politics of this correctly, that seems to me to be what’s afoot here.

america-secede-or-die-t-shirtIn other words, if the bow is broken, if the bow breaks, if Boehner and company break and cave on this, then they will probably surrender the effort for eternity.  If they hold the line, if the line is held, it is those that are advocates of the bigger government.  Republicans these days are advocates of big government.  It is those that are advocates of the bigger government that have much more at stake and much more to lose than does the paltry government desideratum (the things longed for) of the Republican Party.  Who has the chips?  I’ve been telling you for three years now that the House of Representin’ has all the cards in this, not some of them, all of them.  If they don’t say it’s going to be funded, then it’s not going to be funded.

Who has to do the negotiating then on the impasse?  If you’re following me and if you agree with the foregoing, what I just said, then think about this.  If the president is being told by all the president’s men that he’s going to lose this electoral effort, that there’s no force on earth that’s going to convince an electoral majority of the American sheeple to vote for the Affordable Care Act in enough congressional districts, if he knows he’s going to lose, all this makes sense doesn’t it?  Every single part of it now makes sense, doesn’t it?  The Democrat Party — again, I hate to do this in the partisan sense because I despise partisan politics.  I don’t want to be a part of them, don’t want to have to talk about them, but in this instance we’re going to have to here because there is politics involved.  The Democrat Party has been gaming this from the beginning, knowing that October 2013 was coming, knowing that the implementation of the Affordable Care Act was coming, knowing there was going to be this battle and girding the loins.  They’ve been setting this up all along.  This did not happen at this juncture in time by accident, in other words.  To say [mocking] “We were always getting along.  This is just something the Republicans wrought.”  No, it’s not.  You guys have been playing for this.  You have been gaming this and playing for this very moment the entire time.

article-v-pamphlet-adWhat I think is even more thrilling and exciting — again, I’m under no delusion that this is going to happen, even though I’ve been predicting, since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, that it would lead to a constitutional crisis, that this indeed could lead to a constitutional crisis that none of you and none of our illustrious and celebrated conservative and liberal elite thinkers and media personalities and what have you, that none of them have considered, which is the constitutional crisis that the country found itself in in the latter part of the year that was 1860.  I doubt anyone thought that what was going to happen in 1861 happened exactly as it happened.  There were some that hinted around.  They may have thought things could get to there, but I doubt many would have predicted that.  You’re staring down yet again another constitutional crisis here.  The Constitution, if it is to be defended, then the victor is going to have to be the House of Representatives and those that either want an outright abolition of or a delay in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  I asked the question yesterday: What if they don’t get their way?  What if all the peaceful protests and all the peaceful means of getting rid of this or trying to stop this have failed?  What will then people of the states do?

I can always bring up the example of Missouri: 72 percent of Missourians voted to oust the Affordable Care Act from their state.  Just the other day, the state legislature in South Carolina voted to see to it or make it law that the Affordable Care Act, or parts of it, could not be implemented in South Carolina.  We have a similar act here in Louisiana.  I even asked my state representative: What are you going to do when you actually have to implement this?  He didn’t understand what I was asking him.  There are grave, enormous questions at stake here.  This is not child’s play.  Boehner said this the other day [mocking] “This isn’t some damn game.  I don’t want the government shut down.  The American people don’t want their government shut down.”  Lots at stake here, lots more than people are giving credit.  That’s because there are those that don’t see these things in terms of any tradition or of any guideline that something ancient and anachronistic like the Constitution could possibly place on it.  After all, Chief Justice Roberts has ruled.  Again, Chief Justice Roberts and his band of eight fellow masked men do not get to rule over 311 million people.  That’s not the way it’s supposed to work.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


boehner shut it down

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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