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Why Are We Surprised Libtards Despise Smiling Catholics? – The Mike Church Show

todayJanuary 23, 2019 8

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Personal Story About Social Media –

  • Was chastised on FB by someone over Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.
  • I capitalized The Faith and he absolutely lost it on me because he is NOT Catholic.
  • I don’t go looking for these altercations, they come to me.
  • I was minding my own business and writing down my beliefs and posted them. If you don’t believe them, fine, move on. There truly is NO need to post your opinion etc.
  • This is the problem here with society.
  • This is why 13-17 year old boys are now public enemy #1.


HEADLINE: Saints owner Gayle Benson ‘thoroughly disappointed,’ seeks rule change after loss by Christopher Dabe

  • A controversial non-call by game officials on a pass intended for Tommylee Lewis caused the Saints to settle for a field goal far earlier than they hoped to attempt one, which left enough time for the Rams to kick a tying field goal in regulation before winning in overtime.



HEADLINE: Notre Dame Will Cover Christopher Columbus Murals after Complaints by Alexandra Deanctis

  • There are bad people everywhere. We are a crooked, fallen people so there will always be evil around.

HEADLINE: Rebuttal to the Lies about Columbus by Phillip Mericle

  • This is a scandal and Catholic alumni should be upset about this.


HEADLINE: Goodbye Ireland by Rod Dreher

  • New York Times Covington Catholic Boys Tweet from Marlon James
  • This accusation could ruin their lives!!!!!

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 HEADLINE: New York Assembly Will Vote Tuesday on Bill to Legalize Abortion Up to Birth

AUDIO/VIDEO by the TFP: Two Marches: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Abortion

  • What is the Most Important Human Right?
  • Which America will you fight for?

HEADLINE: The Truth About the Covington Catholic Students at the March for Life by Tom Woods

  • “The native Americans are later told, “You think there’s Uncle Tom? You’re an Uncle Tomahawk. You got your head up the white man’s ass! You say peace? There ain’t gonna be no peace!” – from the Black Hebrews
  • The video also shows a black man shouting at them. They respond, “You got all these racist bastards — you nigger! you nigger! — all these crackers with these racist-ass Make America Great Again hats on, and you want to get violent with us? Get your Uncle Tom ass out of here!”




 Special Guest Stefanie Nicholas –

Follow her on Twitter @StefMNicholas 

  • The Women’s March and the correlation with the Communist party.
  • The color schemes are even the same.
  • 15 years in, would you say that was a lie?
  • There are very clearly 2 sets of standards for people. Especially if you are a Catholic.
  • You have ‘blue check’ journalist saying they are going to put these children names and personal addresses out on social media.
  • These are CHILDREN!
  • Moral Therapeutic Days
  • It has been quite the journey for me.
  • “You are a very quick study.” – Mike Church
  • What was the catalyst?
  • This was the one religion that was never really on my radar.
  • Our Father it is not MY Father…
  • You can find her at One Peter Five main place.
  • I have a few other places I am looking to submit to but I am all over social media so you can find me there for sure.
  • Our Blessed Mother –
  • The Wedding At Cana – invited Jesus he brought his Mother and the 12
  • They asked the Mother of the Miracle Worker if SHE would ask Him about the wine. THAT should tell all Protestants WHY we pray for the intercession of Mary His Mother.
  • Be on the look out for the article on the Women’s March and one coming soon at One Peter Five.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to crusadermonastery@crusadechannel.com

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Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com




HEADLINE: The Truth About the Covington Catholic Students at the March for Life by Tom Woods

  • Meanwhile, for a solid hour the students endure language like: “You little dirty-ass crackers, your day coming!” “Dusty-ass animals!” “Bunch of child-molesting faggots!” The kids are also compared to “dogs” and “hyenas.”
  • “In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way to the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat.”

HEADLINE: How We Destroy Lives Today by David Brooks

  • Here is the problem David, you cannot fix this with a secular solution.
  • He makes a great number of good points but he doesn’t get to the ACTUAL solution.




 Special Guest Michael Hichborn

Follow Michael Hichborn on Twitter @MichaelHichborn

  • Southern Virginia
  • The Archdiocese of Baltimore issued a statement Sunday also condemning the boys.
  • What was the song Nathan Phillips was chanting? AIM American Indian Movement Song
  • It is a protest FIGHT/BATTLE cry!
  • This is NOT a peaceful prayer song.
  • You can see very clearly that one of Nathan Phillips companions starts to film right in Nicholas Sandmans face and shouting at the other students telling them to go back to Europe.
  • “What we have is a case of Politicians playing at Bishops!” – Michael Hichborn
  • Look at those MAGA hats, that then became the focal point.
  • I don’t want to call them the left or anti-Christian sides.
  • I will separate the lambs from the goats.
  • “I will set the just on the Right”
  • The lance entered from his right side and there is where the blood flowed.
  • Researching what it takes to condemn someone on heresy.
  • We have to be very careful about how we word things so we are looking at around 2 months.
  • Nancy Pelosi and getting her excommunicated – they should definitely be denied Holy Communion.
  • Canon Law is VERY clear on that matter. That is the true canonical process anyway so that is the update.
  • Where has virtue gone? We do not practice virtue any longer.
  • Fox News is out at Covington Catholic School with the American Indians hosting a peaceful rally outside.
  • That’s it…I’m done!

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Covington Catholic School, Phillip Nicholas Sandmann, Stefanie Nicholas, Archdiocese of Baltimore, AIM, American Indian Movement, MAGA, March for Life, ProLife, David Brooks, Rod Dreher, Nancy Pelosi, President Trump, abortion, TFP, Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, NFL, Saints, Christopher Dabe, Gayle Benson, Alexandra Deanctis, Phillip Mericle, Marlon James, NY Assembly

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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