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Why We Should Never Accept The Welfare State

todayJune 8, 2012 2 1

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    Why We Should Never Accept The Welfare State ClintStroman

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Audio and Transcript – I do not have to accept the point of view that we’re stuck with the welfare state.  I don’t and I’m not going to.  I’m going to go to my grave living, eating, sleeping and breathing exactly what we do here every day, and I hope you are too.  No, I will never accept your welfare state.  You compel me by force of guns and threat of imprisonment to live in it, but I will never accept it.  What if the people of the Soviet Union and Soviet republics had accepted communism?  Maybe the first generation for a few years did, but after that, they loathed it.  They hated it.  They never gave up on ending communism and ending the USSR. Check out today’s audio and transcript for more…

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    Why We Should Never Accept The Welfare State ClintStroman


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Caller:  Why can’t we have marijuana vaporized cigarettes that are harmless?  Because these tobacco vaporized cigarettes have rendered tobacco harmless, except for the highly-addictive nicotine.  I tried it and I loved it.  I don’t want to do marijuana.

Mike:  Let me just say that I cannot speak to what Sean Hannity said or did not say about this because I don’t listen to the program.  I don’t listen to talk radio anymore, any longer.  I spend my time in books.  When I’m driving around, I listen to Fox News so I can get news for the show, but that’s the extent of it.  I am not a listener.  AG will come in every now and then or send me a text message, “Hey, Mike, Sean’s talking about this” and we’ll try to get the sound file.  I cannot speak directly to what Mr.  Hannity did or did not say.

I can say this, that there is a divide.  There is a schism.  I’ve never asked him this question, so maybe one of your guys could call and ask him yourself.  There is a schism.  There is a dividing line between people that call themselves conservatives and those of us that maybe call ourselves paleocons or Jeffersonian democrats or whatever the case may be.  There is a dividing line between those that believe that there is no going back from what first Roosevelt, Wilson and the second Roosevelt did in bringing forth the amendments to the Constitution and then making that effective with the New Deal.  There’s no going back from that.  We’re stuck with it.  We have to be stuck with it.  We’re better off trying to run it as conservatives than we are remaining in opposition or denial that it can be defeated.

There are those of us that say no, no way.  Number one, you’re misreading conservatism, and number two, you’re totally misreading the American Revolution and the spirit of ’76.  You may know that I wrote a movie and a three-CD set titled Spirit of ’76.  I named it Spirit of ’76 explicitly.  The spirit of ’76 is what is basically contained in the Declaration of Independence.  It’s not about perpetual union.  It’s not about nationalism and jingoism.  It’s not about any of those things.  It’s about independence.  It’s about the right of people who are sovereign in their own bodies and choose to congregate in things called states or counties or cities, whatever you want to call them, and then who administer their own governments.  They self-govern.  This is a new 17th Century concept.

That’s what a [r]epublican is.  Basically you assert the right to choose your own government and your own form of government.  No prior engagement, no prior commitment can bind you.  You are voluntarily bound to the Constitution.  You’re not bound by force.  What kind of a freaking freedom is that?  I’m going to keep asking that question until one of you decepticons calls me up and sufficiently answers it. That’s not freedom.  It certainly isn’t a critical thinking or even open-minded thinking.  There is a divide.

I do not have to accept the point of view that we’re stuck with the welfare state.  I don’t and I’m not going to.  I’m going to go to my grave living, eating, sleeping and breathing exactly what we do here every day, and I hope you are too, Doug.  No, I will never accept your welfare state.  You compel me by force of guns and threat of imprisonment to live in it, but I will never accept it.  What if the people of the Soviet Union and Soviet republics had accepted communism?  Maybe the first generation for a few years did, but after that, they loathed it.  They hated it.  They never gave up on ending communism and ending the USSR.  Ultimately, it did end.  Who was there to pick up the pieces?  You see the reemergence of Vladimir Putin, sure.  Look at some of the other Soviet states that are more free market and more free than we are here in the United States.

There is a difference, a different school of thought.  If you accept the New Deal, then you’re a New Deal Democrat or Republican, whatever you want to call yourself.  You are not a classical conservative.  I don’t think you are.  I don’t think you stand the test of a classical conservative time.  If conservatism is to preserve or conserve something, then if you’re trying to conserver the New Deal, then I am not with you and I never will be.

I think that’s the dividing line.  I think there are those that have made their peace with it, they’re comfortable with it, and they just think that we need guys like Gingrich and Romney in there to run it and manage it better, because they’re Republicans and free market capitalists or whatever they term themselves as.  There are those of us that will never, and shouldn’t, accept it.  As a matter of fact, without us, without us constantly reminding the others that there is another way to do this and this did not always exist and people were, by and large, happy and even prosperous at times before this existed, without us reminding them, they may actually get away with making us into a new Soviet empire.  We’re well on our way.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: ClintStroman

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Ryan Stuart

The tail end of the caller’s question and your rant are completely unrelated… not sure if it got cut off due to the five minute time limit or what.

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