
Wil You Go LGBTQ-transgender, or Will You Go Carmelite? California Has Decided For You: LGBTQ

todayJuly 8, 2016 11


Mandeville, LA –  For those who remain unconcerned and or unconvinced that the “religious liberty” you currently “enjoy” is about to be in short supply I offer the following: A school board member in Bakersfield, CA has resigned his position because he can no longer claim to be a Christian defender of the Gospel and The Moral Teaching it grants us and remain on the board. How tragically sad is it that the state of California, principally settled by Dominican and Franciscan monks and priests (thus all the city names that begin “San” i.e. “Saint”) is now about to completely revert to its pagan, cannibalistic past. The Rev. Chad Vegas gives us the reasons why he resigned his long-time school board seat: “It is now law in CA that your children must be taught how to have safe homosexual sex, how to obtain an abortion, and that gender does not correspond to biological sex. Think of that! It is legally required to teach your children the LGBTQ sexual mores while simultaneously illegal to mention God. I can’t and won’t enforce that foolishness. Vegas has chosen to go Carmelite, meaning his has chosen his reverence to Christ’s teachings and tradition over the demands of the Evil Empire of California. Recall the 14 Carmelite nuns who refused to recite or enforce the French Constitution Congress’s oath of denial and were thus beheaded on 17 July, 1794 while singing Gregorian chants in Latin. Chad Vegas has chosen Carmelite, what will you choose when they come for you? The story of the Carmelites of France should fill us with horror and hope at the same time, this is where we are headed folks:

that their place of worship should be transformed into a dog kennel.

They had expected this; indeed, they had prayed for it. At some time during the summer of 1792, very likely just after the events of August 10 of that year that marked the descent into the true deeps of the Revolution, their prioress, Madeleine Lidoine, whose name in religion was Teresa in honor of the founder of their order, by all accounts a charming perceptive, and highly intelligent woman, had foreseen much of what was to come. At Easter of 1792, she told her community that, while looking through the archives she had found the account of a dream a Carmelite had in 1693. In that dream, the Sister saw the whole Community, with the exception of 2 or 3 Sisters, in glory and called to follow the Lamb. In the mind of the Prioress, this mean martyrdom and might well be a prophetic announcement of their fate.

Mother Teresa had said to her sisters:

“Having meditated much on this subject, I have thought of making an act of consecration by which the Community would offer itself as a sacrifice to appease the anger of God, so that the divine peace of His Dear Son would be brought into the world, returned to the Church and the state.”

The sisters discussed her proposal and all agreed to it but the two oldest, who were hesitant. But when the news of the September massacres came, mingling glorious martyrdom with apostasy, these two sisters made their choice, joining their commitment to that of the rest of the community. All made their offering; it was to be accepted.

After their lodgings were invaded again in June, their devotional objects shattered and their tabernacle trampled underfoot by a Revolutionary who told them that their place of worship should be transformed into a dog kennel, the Carmelite sisters were taken to the Conciergerie prison, where so many of the leading victims of the guillotine had been held during their last days on earth. There they composed a canticle for their martyrdom, to be sung to the familiar tune of the Marseillaise. The original still exists, written in pencil and given to one of their fellow prisoners, a lay woman who survived.

Give over our hearts to joy, the day of glory has arrived,
Far from us all weakness, seeing the standard come;
We prepare for the victory, we all march to the true conquest,
Under the flag of the dying God we run, we all seek the glory;
Rekindle our ardor, our bodies are the Lord’s,
We climb, we climb the scaffold and give ourselves back to the Victor.

O happiness ever desired for Catholics of France, To follow the wondrous road
Already marked out so often by the martyrs toward their suffering,
After Jesus with the King, we show our faith to Christians,
We adore a God of justice; as the fervent priest, the constant faithful,
Seal, seal with all their blood faith in the dying God….

Holy Virgin, our model, August queen of martyrs, deign to strengthen our zeal
And purify our desires, protect France even yet, help; us mount to Heaven,
Make us feel even in these places, the effects of your power. Sustain your children,
Submissive, obedient, dying, dying with Jesus and in our King believing.


Our Lady of Sorrow-Dolorosa
Our Lady of Sorrow-Dolorosa

Across the amber waves of LGBTQ pain, stories begin to pile up of an entire nation, especially the young, enraptured in the tidal wave of unnatural, sexual passions as the new “normal”, nay the new “moral”. Carl Trueman tells the story of his son’s respectful refusal to wear a rainbow flag on his track uniform in solidarity with a team member who decided she was a lesbian. The cries of “bigot” and “homophobe” were quick and loud and young Trueman is not alone.  The martyrdom is coming folks and if you can’t see it and begin making plans for it like shoring up your prayer life, the prayer life of your family and that of your community. This is done for 3 purposes, 1. to pray for those in mortally sinful error to be blessed with the Grace to repent. 2. For the purity and reverence of you and your’s souls while inside this maelstrom of evil and 3. for Holy Mother Church and the Church Militant, that she rear her Saints and martyrs to declare the Truth and refuse assent to the heresy and apostasy brought to bear against it. Trueman, nails it: “Power is not a function of numbers any more, if it ever was. It is a function of organization and of having one’s hands on the levers of cultural and legal power. Expect no quarter in the conflicts that are already upon us, however many of your neighbors may initially express sympathy with you.”

Our Lord told us this day would come and from the morbid trail of abortions and murders of foreign, non-combatants, God is bringing this ‘Murican madness to His conclusion, just as he did in France, in 1794, Russia, 1917, Germany 1936 and now California/Orlando/Dallas/San Bernardino, 2016. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Dean on July 10, 2016


    As always, on point. Thanks for the great content on your show. Listeners! Get a subscription! Help this keep going.

