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Alex on October 25, 2012 Also, we Tea Partiers WILL NOT go away. If anything, we’ll be busier than ever. We will have to work alongside Mitt Romney to repair the mess obama has left. We will work hard to promote conservatism, balancing our budget, cutting taxes, growing our economy, creating jobs, strengthening our military, and perhaps most importantly, restoring American morale by making people proud to be Americans while making sure that America is respected at home and abroad. I’m not a big fan of John Boehner or Eric Cantor. I hope that we can replace these liberal Republicans with true conservative candidates in the next election cycle. They’re also part of the problem with their “go along to get along” attitude. I’m also hoping that John McCain will retire and decide not to run in 2014 in my state of Arizona but if not, then I hope that we can get an all out effort to replace him anyway. Just a little excerpt of what to expect, assuming that Mitt Romney is elected President, God willing. Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on October 29, 2012 So this comes down to keeping a scorecard of criticism, Alex? Are you a Lincoln-loving nationalist? Sounds like it. Who is “we”? You are delusional in thinking that any one person, President or national government of these United States has the authority to grow economies, create jobs, restoring or doing anything else to or for morale. What do you mean “making people proud”? Force? Being proud of one’s government is not necessary for happiness. Who cares if our government is respected here or anywhere? I do not respect it and any alleged “conservative” cannot respect this government. Do the ends justify the means, Alex? Does it not matter what your candidates says, does or promises nor how contrary to [r]epublican and Constitutional principles that is as long as they win? You, sir are the sad face of a sham and corrupted movement that had humble and patriotic roots. Log in to Reply
Alex on October 25, 2012 So, Mike, you’re agreeing with obama once again by saying that the math doesn’t add up in Romney’s plan? So sad… Honestly, who are you going to believe? Are we to believe a man who ran a business for decades, has the business know-how and experience, fixed the Salt Lake City Olympics, successfully balanced the budget in Massachusetts every year, and left a budget surplus for his state at the end of his first term? Or are we to believe some community organizer who has NEVER worked in the private sector and doesn’t know the meaning of hard work since everything has been handed to him. If Mitt Romney says that his plan of cutting taxes for everyone (20% across the board tax cuts), cutting spending, auditing the Federal Reserve to eliminate useless government programs, and removing economic and environmental regulations will work to jump start our economy again, then I believe him. Why you say? BECAUSE HE’S A BUSINESS MAN! HE KNOWS THESE THINGS! We have tried this approach before and low and behold these “crazy ideas” worked. Think 1980s and 1990s. Mike, seriously, you have been way more critical of Mitt Romney than you have of obama. If you don’t want your listener ratings to keep dropping, then stop with your progressive obama/ron paul/gary johnson ideas and this “blame America first” nonsense. I’d suggest you listen to Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, or even Michael Savage and watch some good quality TV news shows like America Live w/Megyn Kelly, Fox Report w/Bret Baier, or On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren and take careful notes so you can learn more about conservatism and the issues affecting us. Maybe then you’ll see the light. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757