The Mike Church Show

Willing Ignorance and Lack of Catechesis Can’t Beat Dogma

todayAugust 9, 2018 2

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Papa Francis, the death penalty, Argentina ProLife Vote and much more

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HEADLINE: NFL’s first male dancers will hit the sidelines this season by David Williams

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HEADLINE: Sting: ‘The Church’s Music and Liturgy Fed This Artistic Soul’ by Edward Pentin

StingFields Of Gold 

Luciano Pavarotti and StingPanis Angelicus

  • Don’t ignore the good the true and the beautiful when you see it.
  • Stings full given name: Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner

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 Papa Francis – Death Penalty – FANG

  • There are so many acts of desperation happening right now with the Catholic Church.
  • You now have a global consortium of 4 or 5 companies that control the economy.
  • They control nearly all global transmission of data now.



HEADLINE: Social Media Giants Shouldn’t Be Arbiters Of Appropriate Speech by David Harsayni


HEADLINE: I Was Banned for Life From Twitter by Peter Van Buren




 Caller Tom from Arkansas –

  • FANG t-shirt idea
  • Pope Francis is a probable imposter.
  • St. Catherine of Sienna – she lived in a time where there was a Pope, and Anti-Pope and so on.
  • Praying for his reversion back to Christ – Sting

HEADLINE: Weigel, World Youth Day, and a Conservative Catholicism that Doesn’t Exist by Steve Skojec


  • Conservative Catholicism

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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 Crusade Channel Preview Stream Statistics –

2,410 = that’s the number of unique listeners, unique devises or IP addresses

This is great news for the Crusade Channel.

Continue to pray that as these listener numbers grow, the demons stay at bay.

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 Caller Robert from Idaho –

  • Catherine of Aragon
  • Conversion of Souls just isn’t talked about these days.
  • People these days truly don’t believe in the REAL Presence of Christ.
  • Our Lady of Good Success
  • Our Lady of La Salette
  • Our Lady of Fatima
  • Our Lady of Akita



 HEADLINE: Weigel, World Youth Day, and a Conservative Catholicism that Doesn’t Exist by Steve Skojec

  • You could be on the side that says…”yeah radical whackos like you Mike”
  • The new evangelization began after World Youth Day in 1993.
  • Mother Angelica was completely upset about the activities of World Youth Day
  • This is why so many faithful Catholics in the pews of even the best suburban parishes are at a complete loss as to how to grapple with all that is currently transpiring in the Church.
  • God Himself instituted the death penalty.
  • Just because he is the Holy Father doesn’t give him the power to change Dogma!
  • Heretics don’t go to Heaven.
  • If it was true at the Council of Trent, it is still true today.
  • They can’t make sense of it because their entire paradigm is built on sand. It isn’t even their fault.

Please upgrade from basic monthly or basic yearly to Brother monthly or yearly! Please help keep our radio station alive. We also have Founding Father and Crusader levels.

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

HEADLINE: “Heavily Armed” Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings by Tyler Durden


HEADLINE: Nikolas Cruz punches own face, rambles about demons in chilling confession video by Chris Perez


Back to Headline: “Heavily Armed” Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM

  • Ali is NOT God!
  • People that run around raping and throw people off buildings, is not a religion of peace.
  • This so-called religion is SELF fulfilling.
  • You can do ANYTHING you want and say Ali willed it and be just fine.
  • Why are we out in other countries seeking terrorist cells when we hav them here in New Mexico?


HEADLINE: I Was Banned for Life From Twitter by Peter Van Buren

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary





 Special Guest Father David Nix –

Follow Fr. Nix – @FrDaveNix PADREPEREGRINO

  • Has nothing to do with the death penalty it has everything to do with changing Dogma.
  • Never negotiate with a terrorist. I think that is what we are seeing here with tradition.
  • Why does code matter? Such as a “code” of conduct.
  • There used to be a board for movies that gave them ratings etc. Hollywood used to comply with this.
  • If they put a moratorium on one of those movies, it greatly impacted their bottom line.
  • This is the OPPOSITE of what is happening now.
  • We are giving up ground! We used to be unafraid of our culture and tradition.
  • We cannot change the culture if we don’t change the Church first.
  • WWC – just like World War Z the movie
  • Everybody knows the last line on the battlefield is Catholicism.
  • Even Protestant friends will admit this is the last line here on the culture battle.

HEADLINE: What Catholics are Missing in the Death Penalty Debate by Father Nix

  • We don’t actually believe the new Catechism is infallible. They didn’t use the same language as they did with the Council of Trent.
  • No we don’t believe everything the Pope says is infallible.
  • The Catholic Church produced the Bible.
  • Every time you open a Bible you are saying “I am believing in the infallible decisions of former Popes and disciples.”
  • Ordinary Magisterium vs. Extraordinary Magisterium
  • Immaculate Conception and Assumption
  • Vatican Council II was NOT a Dogmatic council it was a Pastoral Council!  *
  • The universal teachings of the Church has always permitted the death penalty.
  • A personal opinion of a Pope cannot change the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium. PERIOD!
  • Even John Paul II knew you couldn’t change this Dogma.
  • Colorado Prison – the application of JPII on the death penalty.
  • The death penalty back in the day was seen as a medication for salvation!
  • “If we know a Catholic running around on FB blogging that the teaching has now been changed and the Magisterium is wrong, they are in open revolt against the Dogma correct?”
  • Father David Nix answer – YES
  • I have always been seen as too extreme to be a Pastor so….
  • A modern Priest that cannot read hearts, but who is a good Priest – seeking absolution without really truly being sorry for the sin.
  • Unless you are willing to have your bones broken for what the Church teaches, you shouldn’t receive communion.
  • When you get confirmed you are signing up for a super difficult task.
  • The heresy of modernism has caused so much confusion.
  • Sensible ignorance and Vincible ignorance

Special Guest Rick Barrett host of The Barrett Brief doing a rundown of what’s coming up next!

 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Fr. David Nix, Pope Francis, WWC, FAANG, FANG, Council of Trent, Padre Peregrino, Vatican II, Dogma, John Paul II, World Youth Day, NFL, male dancers, David Williams, Edward Pentin, Sting, Fields of Gold, Luciano Pavarotti, David Harsayni, social giants, Peter Van Buren, Steve Skojec, Catholic Air Raid Warning, Muslims, Catherine of Aragon, Mother Angelica, EWTN, Tyler Durden, Nikolas Cruz, demons, Chris Perez

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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