Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday Pile of Prep

todaySeptember 27, 2017 4


Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Help Families With Cancer Kids AND Play 18 Holes With Mike Church At The 5th Annual ASK Foundation Golf Classic, Friday, Sep. 22, Fredericksburg, Click For a Tee-Time With Mike!

Sapientia et Veritas – Contraceptive intercourse without a just title is morally wrong, but the world has changed and nowadays most people most of the time have a just title to mutilated sexual behaviors. Objective adultery without a just title is morally wrong, but the world has changed and nowadays the largest groups of adulterers most of the time have a just title to adultery. Killing innocent people without a just title is morally wrong, but the world has changed and nowadays the largest scale killers almost always have a just title to murder.  God wants you to choose evil behaviors, you see, because if loving God requires you to keep His commandments then most people won’t actually love Him very much. Allowing people to hate God and His onerous commandments would be terribly non-inclusive and unmerciful, not to mention grossly impractical; so of course what God really wants is for everyone to remain in a safe and comfy state of salvific ignorance. – The Zippy Catholic


Told Ya So: ObamaCare Is Here Forever, The Repeal Campaign Was A Hoax – On April 23rd, 2010, the U.S. House passed the reconciled version of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – ObamaCare – on April 24th the campaign to “repeal” it began and for 6 years, the GOP has used the canard that they would repeal the beast as a basis for their election. For that entire period I have maintained that the GOP was full of it and that they would ultimately wind up defending the parts of the monster they like. Last night the GOP surrendered to The State, it’s OVER. Today, you can close the “repeal” campaign offices and now get about the business of withdrawing from the union as the only real, effective “repeal” anyone in any state is going to get. Thanks “con-seeeeerv-vah-teee-uves”!

So calling out flag and anthem idolatry now makes one an elitist!?: No. “Elitist” is the hyperbolic belief that ‘Muricah is “special” and our view of how the rest of the world oughtta live must be obeyed or we’ll enforce it with drones, nukes and sanctions; yeah! USA! USA! USA! If only CATHOLICS thought that way about the New Christendom we are duty-bound to work for with pilgrimages, CRUSADES and Adoration-bombs (look it up): Christ-En-Dom!, Christ-En-Dom!, Christ-En-Dom! Your “country” is where you live and the people you love to call countrymen, it is not this totalitarian melange of ruling masters and their “government”. If you want a star-spangled anthem, try the one belonging to your state if you even know what it is. Better yet, try an enthronement anthem for Our Lady of The America’s, it’s called The Salve Regina.

The “Boycott The NFL” Campaign Proves My Maxim: We’re A War-Like People – We’ve made a sport a center stage for fake patriotism and glad-handed orgies of military superiority to whoever on Earth may be watching. Stephen Beale nails the militarization of football and how USA! USA! chanting, rabid fans have lapped it up.

In fact it has not stopped the war liturgy from playing out on the gridiron at all, and yes, given when and how it was mandated for players to honor it, the national anthem has been used a prop in this near-religious convocation. In recent years, soldier parading, flag-waving, and jumbotron shout-outs to warriors have become de rigueur at NFL games.

Existential support of “the military” for its intended purposes has given way to idolatry and religious devotion to it. Scour social media and marvel, nay be saddened by how many ‘Muricans proclaim themselves as “deplorables, prom MAGA and PRO MILITARY”, while simultaneously fretting about the Russian army which is nearly invisible these days. This is another form of our mass hysteria that holds that only our use and glorification of lethal force is justified and the it is the only force justified. As one WWII general put it, “NUTS!”

Hey MIC Lusting Lama! Many of Your “Heroes”, Spot Mandatory Standing For Anthems As Tools Of “Social Control – To watch the effects of 75 years of military propaganda via the idolatry of Francis Scott Key’s “anthem” is truly frightening folks. At least one former military member gets what is at play and it is not patriotism.

We—the vets of Iraq and Afghanistan—are not simple tools in an argumentative arsenal. To use us this way is to reduce the service and deaths of a generation of soldiers to mere political instruments in an incredibly divisive dispute. Whether you are a self-styled “conservative,” “liberal,” or “patriot,” you don’t own—and should not simplify— the veteran experience. Period. Full stop.

First, for those insisting on standing during national anthem: This sort of insistence on conformity is little more than an authoritarian application of social control. Cloaking one’s self in martial symbolism is an old, exhausted method used by reactionaries to enforce orthodoxy generation after generation.

Well said, patriot, well said.

The “Star Spangled Banner” Was Actually A Poem Written After A Conquest Of MUSLIMSFather George Rutler on the actual history and story of the “National Anthem”.

The Bane Of The Sodomite “Wedding”, Judge Roy Moore, Wins AL Senate Seat – When the Obergefell decision was handed down and passed the totalitarian edict that sodomites can get “married” anywhere on earth, through the star gate, to the ice-world of Hoth and back etc, the only jurist in ‘Muricah whop refused his assent was Roy Moore. Moore is now to be a member of the U.S. Senate after winning a special election to replace Jeff Sessions last night. I can’t wait for the Franken, Feinstein initiation hazing!

NFL Mysoginists Should “Take A Knee” Over The Warfare State Elites At Tyson’s Corner, VA – If an NFL player is seeking a real outrage of “inequality” to protest, one that relies upon the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance, take a knee at the anthem and point this out: the military, spyfare deep state has produced the biggest income equality gap in world history and its benefactors all live in the same place: within a 60 mile radius of Mordor on The Potomac. Addison del Mastro nails what should be an outrage all football fans can fume over until reconciled. “If the government should ever shrink, if the financial system should ever truly collapse, or if the military industrial complex stopped turning, this whole region would be depopulated. The “Alexandria” of The Walking Dead might prove prophetic. Without the steady flow of federal dollars, the 10-lane superhighways, luxury apartment towers, those kitschy mid-century diners, not to mention most of Loudoun and Clarke counties, would make Detroit look like a boomtown.” The fact that a couple million souls thrive in this new Babel with nary a clue to the outright theft they are a daily party to is only shocking if you hold their self-ballyhooed educations up as adequate to that task. They aren’t.

In Median income, Mordor, without producing a solitary widget, drop of oil, moment of education or balanced “budget, is 3rd behind NYC and Silicon Valley.

3 Washington–Baltimore, District of Columbia–Maryland–Virginia–West Virginia CMSA population: 7,608,070 $57,291

But Mordor is the reigning heavyweight champ of Usury and grift when it comes to per capita income and second place isn’t even close!

1 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, D.C-Virginia-Maryland MSA population: 5,949,178 Per-capita income $47,411
2 San Jose-Santa Clara-Sunnyvale, California MSA population 1,918,944 Per-capita income $40,392

5 Reasons The “Take A Knee” Protests Are Not Going To Work – Let me add number six: they are being carried out by prideful, overpaid actors not very much different from the ones booed off the Oscar and Emmy stages. Molly Hemingway’s top 5 list.

The Last Vietnam “Burnout” – Not even documentary filmmakers can defy the empire’s military machine and convey simple truths like “war is hell” and yes, even wars begun by the mighty empire of ‘Muricah. This applies to Ken Burns’ latest film “Vietnam” which, according to this review, fails at its easiest low hanging fruit, the manipulation of the American public by the elite political class and the press that is their lap-dog. “After the 25th similar shot of helicopters landing, you may not even be sure why you’re still watching. You want to finish Burns’ documentary with the feeling the American people will rise up and shout “we won’t be fooled again,” but instead shut off the TV knowing we have, and will.” I can hardly wait for Burns to tell us how awesome the never-ending Iraq war is.

Told Ya So: The War Against Robert E Lee Is A War Against ‘Murican History ItselfJohn Daniel Davidson is spot on in explaining that the war against Confederate statues is not a war against Lee, Jackson et al but a war against ‘Murican heritage, lock stock and two smoking barrels.

‘Tis On! Catholics Throw Down The Gauntlet To Pope Francis: Either Recant Your Heresies Or Face a PUBLIC Correction – Chris Ferrara is a frequent guest on the Mike Church Show and is one of 62 signers of a letter delivered privately to Pope Francis on August the 11th, now made public that demands he recant 7 heresies his Papacy is promoting. From the letter:

“With profound grief, but moved by fidelity to our Lord Jesus Christ, by love for the Church and for the papacy, and by filial devotion toward yourself, we are compelled to address a correction to Your Holiness on account of the propagation of heresies effected by the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia and by other words, deeds and omissions of Your Holiness… We issue this correction, rather, to protect our fellow Catholics — and those outside the Church, from whom the key of knowledge must not be taken away — hoping to prevent the further spread of doctrines which tend of themselves to the profaning of all the sacraments and the subversion of the Law of God.”

Heresy just got real. In reading the charges and the proposed corrections the 62 signers basically inform the chattering classes who have embraced and now promote these heresies of their error and place their fate, a sinful one, before the throne of God and up against the history of Church teaching, which remains unambiguous for 2,000 years until now. This is going to cause sides to be drawn and relationships to be strained to breaking but it is a necessity to prevent the “Gates of Hell” from prevailing. The question is, how many laity will go Carmelite, and how many will fall into sin and go Francis?

Yes, A Public Correction Has Been Issued Before – Pope John XXII preached 3 heresies in the 14th century that drew a public threat of trial and execution if the heresies weren’t corrected. John XXII recanted those on his deathbed.

Is There A Coincidence That Hurricane “Maria” i.e. Mary, Arrives Near 100 Year Anniversary of Fatima? – Don’t laugh, the fact that 4 storms in 3 weeks have made category 4 status, have threatened 1/3 of the empire of America, have wreaked hundreds of billions in material damage AND that none made direct impact on the empire as they could should serve as a warning: your apostasy against my son’s Sacred heart and his teaching is not going unnoticed, STOP. Now comes Maria, the deadliest of all, impacting human populations near the empire frequented by the empires hedonists. Someone COULD connect these dots were we not busy prepping for season 25 of dancing with The Stars and a 7 year old’s transitioning debut on Dance “Moms”.

From Today’s Mike Church Show: An Answer For The Bewildered – I talked about the 100 year long “sexual revolution” in today’s 3rd segment. “Wilhelm Reich understood that religious faith is sustained and passed down through the natural family. And so he concluded that the natural family must be dethroned, disrupted, and ultimately redefined to cut off this contagion of faith. Fatherless homes aren’t church-going homes, which is why the officially atheist Soviet Union abolished the term “illegitimate children” as one of its first decrees, followed by the streamlining of Russian divorce laws….  I know you are troubled by what you see happening around you, such as the rioting in Charlottesville and Berkeley and Middlebury. What I’m writing to you about today might seem like a secondary concern. But look closer. How many rioters grew up following their fathers into church every week? To talk about these rioters as representing “two sides” is nonsense. This is the army of sexual autonomy, free from the falconer, the idios who believes only in himself. This is the Sexual Revolution, nothing more, nothing less. You must put on your armor. Find a parish with its footers sunk deep in the church of our fathers, and go. Go now! There you will hear the falconer.” I’m trying daily to beg God for the Grace to do just that, are you?

More Proof Of Our Demonic Times: Naval Corpsman Calls Newborns “mini-satans”

Did Robert E. Lee EVER Deserve To Be Honored By Being Carved In Stone?Robert W. Merry points out that Lee, like all of us, had his “carved in stone” moments and he had his “better left forgotten” moments. This is a concept that applies to the idea of having a justice system to begin with, to allow the bad to avail themselves of judgement, penance then redemption but this apparently does not apply to Southerners of the civil war era. “But now we live in a time when history is reduced to good and evil, moral people and bad people, with figures of the heritage stamped with opprobrium for their worst traits, without consideration to other exemplary traits or what may be awesome contributions. The growing cadres of iconoclasm, going after the reputations and statues of historical figures they despise, don’t seem to understand any of this human aspect of their heritage, the awesome mix of good and bad, the complexity of peoples struggling to express themselves and define themselves in the context of their times and experiences.” Speaking of our times, what famous icons are being erected today in an era so rampant with child abuse and infanticide that will suffer Lee’s fate but actually deserve that fate? MILLIONS.

Cotton Stalks, The New Slave Chains – You just can’t make this stuff up folks: black students at Lipscomb College demanded and received an apology from the university President because he had a centerpiece on his home’s dining room table. So far so good right? Read on…

In an email to the university, President Randy Lowry said he invited African-American students to his home to discuss their experience at the school. In the email, Lowry said students voiced concerns about the centerpiece in his home, which featured stalks of cotton. “The content of the centerpieces was offensive, and I could have handled the situation with more sensitivity,” Lowry wrote in the email. “I sincerely apologize for the discomfort, anger or disappointment we caused and solicit your forgiveness.”

No, you should not apologize and there’s nothing insensitive about a cotton ball or a cotton stalk. This madness will lead to people becoming political prisoners and others being denied the ability to earn livings in any public venue of any kind. Otherwise, what’s next? Soil was used to grow cotton and burlap sacks used to store it while picking it in the field, shouldn’t these symbols of slavery and white supremacy be banned and all owners of them compelled to apologize…publicly!?

If There Is To Be a “Conservative” Pushback Against Monopolalooza, It CAN’T Be Named “Conservative…” – This is a well written and conceived essay that reflects much of what I talk about daily on my radio show. There is a growing sense that big business idolatry, promoted with such devotion by “conservatives” for a century now, is to be the ruin of souls in ‘Muricah if it is not vigorously opposed then reigned in. Daniel Kishi, calls for an “Anti Monopoly Conservatism”.

“But for conservatives willing to break from the principles of free market fundamentalism, the papal encyclicals of the Roman Catholic Church, the distributist thought of Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton, the social criticism of Christopher Lasch, and the observations of agrarian essayist Wendell Berry provide an intellectual framework from which conservatives can critique and combat concentrated economic power.”

Yes, he wrote papal encyclicals (sorry Francis-bot fans of Amoris, NOT that one).

Now GRAND-Dude Looks Like A Lady!? – California’s assembly is going to pass a law that provides fines and jail time for those convicted of incorrectly using PRONOUNS in old-folks homes which are now apparently overrun with transgender’s and sodomites. Seriously folks, how long before the Gaystappo is actually created and granted police powers? From the bill:

Among other things, the bill would make it unlawful, except as specified, for any long-term care facility to take specified actions wholly or partially on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, including, among others, willfully and repeatedly failing to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.

How long before this implemented in restaurants and all other service intensive fields? Start counting down, that’s how long. This madness is now being codified into law meaning that the natural order of things is being made illegal. This means that correctly ordered thinking itself is illegal and soon, the author of that thinking will be too. The Martyrdom cometh, will you go pronoun compliant or will you go Carmelite?….

Hungary, The Final Frontier – We often joke about our devolving state of affairs in ‘Muricah that there’s no place left to escape to. Well, as I have cited several times, that is not entirely correct as Poland and now Hungary struggle to regain their Christendom way of life lost to Modernity and the demonically flawed philosophers of the Enlightenment and “Reformation”. Hungary is now 99% free of Muslim immigrants and has actually built the wall MAGA boosters think that President Trump will build (he won’t).

Thanks MIC: Drones May Not Be Delivering Your Pizza Yet But They Are Delivering ISIS Bombs – It had to happen: our never-ending wars, driven in large part by so much lethal drone use, has produced copycat drones now being used by ISIS and others and yes, they can drop bombs.

mother” Is A Diabolical Homage To Those Who Mock The Mother of The Redeemer – I haven’t seen Jennifer Lawrence’s “mother” so keep that in mind as you read this review. I deign to spare my intellect and soul the horror of sitting through 120 minutes of an assault on giving life through bearing children, that ultimately is a slander directed at The Creator of this process and her who was chosen to be its most prized example: Mary. Reviewer Rex Reed calls the film the worst of the century and then lists as the reason this revolting scene. “In the ultimate destruction of the female gender, Lawrence tries to save the baby she has always dreamed of to make life complete, but Fellini grotesques in preposterous Halloween costumes fill the screen and burn the house down. The New York Times critic arrogantly warns in his review: “Don’t listen to anyone who natters on about how intense or disturbing it is.” Sorry, pal, but a mob that burns a screaming baby and its mother alive, then turns cannibal, eats the baby and rips its heart out to flush down the toilet while Patti Smith sings about the end of the world pretty much fits my definition of both “intense” and “disturbing.” So, Christian, remember that “your Lord” was born of a flawed woman into a sadistic and flawed world that eats its young. Thus, your faith in this process results in death and there is nothing else.

Another Friday, Another Act Of Muslim Orthodoxy And Another “We Will Not Give In To Fear” Speech – A bomb partially detonated on the London Tube injuring 20 people including children. Note that the bomb PARTIALLY detonated, meaning the full carnage and horror a London Muslim planned was not realized. Gazing at the photos in the speech is like looking at the past from the vantage point of 200 years and exclaiming “those poor souls, why didn’t they do something to stop then reverse the Islam invasion!?” Answer? Western man can no longer distinguish between the “god” of Islam and The God The Creator and First Person of The Holy Trinity (caps intended).

Told Ya So: The Demonic HAVE Infiltrated Our Ruling Elite – This is just confirmation of what you should have already known from listening to the Mike Church Show the last few years: demons are real, they really do attempt to control our affairs and they really do conspire with humans to commit evil and secure souls for Hell. Sally Quinn, the doyenne of the WaPo socialite elite, tells all of her diabolical dabblings in her memoire Finding Magic a Spiritual Memoir. John Nolte explains“Let’s just say it out loud… The most powerful people in our country are either outright occultists, are comfortable with witchcraft and Satanism, or are moving and shaking among those who are. What we do know is that these people have completely rejected any notion of a loving God, and moved towards darkness.” [emphasis mine] Again, when I called Hillary “the nephilim spawn of Satan and Margaret Sanger, that was NOT metaphorical. The evil pushing laws mandating children engage in perverted sex acts now takes on the patina I’ve been framing it with: the demons are here and they’ve come for the children.

If You Want Your Identity Back Then Start Thinking Small Is Still Beautiful – At least once a week I get the chance to talk about the problem of human scale and the fact that in ‘Muricah these days we have so very little knowledge and use of it. During those talks the topic inevitably turns to the FANG+Microsoft, this is not a perfunctory exercise, its a menacing one. Franklin Foer, chillingly points this out in today’s WaPo“More than any previous coterie of corporations, the tech monopolies aspire to mold humanity into their desired image of it. They think they have the opportunity to complete the long merger between man and machine — to redirect the trajectory of human evolution.” it was once the task of Christianity, Her Apostles and successors to perform this work in the image GOD desired for Man, ponder that while reading the rest of Foer’s essay which sounds like the pyramid for a dystopian thriller. “The big tech companies think we’re fundamentally social beings, born to collective existence. They invest their faith in the network, the wisdom of crowds, collaboration. They harbor a deep desire for the atomistic world to be made whole. By stitching the world together, they can cure its ills.” This is all a result of our rejection of scale and obsession with the material.

SINISTER In Real Life – It is one thing to be thought to be diabolical, it is quite another thing to go to a Planned Parenthood “rally”, open your mouth, and remove all doubt. Such is the Twainsian’ twist, Goonies actress Martha Plimpton has added to Moloch’s lust for infant flesh and limbo’d souls. Watch (if you can stomach it), Plimpton, attending a “shout your abortion rally”, brag that Seattle is where she got her “first abortion…notice I said first, yay!!!!” This is what “free speech” is in 2017. How many recall the laws that were passed in the 1990’s to prevent criminals from profiting from their crimes while they were in jail; crimes including murder? Commit an abortion and write/talk about it, and not only can you profit you get showered with praise. This is what our “republic” now produces in massive quantities, can a correction sent from above be far off? Haven’t we earned it?

The End Result of The Sexual Revolution & Canonizing of Sodomites? Lonely, Unmarried Women – This essay has a passage worthy of all our consideration although it is directed at yet to marry, young women:

“Offer it up”: God may, in fact, be asking us to suffer for the sins of the sexual revolution, which is the reason for the situation in which we find ourselves. We should offer up the waiting, heartache, and loneliness for the reparation of the sins against chastity, such as contraception and pornography. Fast for our brothers and for our future husbands.

Such is the plight of our vaunted, “free” society, it can no longer produce men as husbands in a large enough supply. Perhaps that helps explain the despair of resorting to so many yewts claiming they are lgbqT-Virus infected?

Sodomites Aren’t Born They Are Made And They’re Making More – When I revealed the statistic that teenage pregnancies are occurring in higher numbers among girls who claim they are lesbians than in their heterosexual peers, friends just stared at me, unable to disavow the obvious contradiction: lesbians don’t have relations with boys/men! Ahhhh, but they do and not only do they sinfully fornicate they do it with such abandon more of them wind up pregnant than their “straight” friends.

It’s September 2017 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”

The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 22 months old this month. To see another 20 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

For an audio version of Jefferson’s [r]epublicanism via Project ’76 Webisode, click here

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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