YIKES! New Hampshire Is Ready To Give Mitt Romney Another Go
todayDecember 3, 2014
Some Politicians Never Go Away
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “New Hampshire Voters Are Still Holding Out Hope for Romney 2016.” Are you people in New Hampshire nuts? First you give us Joan of Ayotte, the little war princess that could, Kelly Ayotte, Senator Kelly Ayotte, who has yet to meet an unconstitutional, unjust war that she has not liked, has not endorsed, and has not gone all the way to bat with John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham. This is the first tipping here to: What’s going on in New Hampshire? Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: “New Hampshire Voters Are Still Holding Out Hope for Romney 2016.” Are you people in New Hampshire nuts? First you give us Joan of Ayotte, the little war princess that could, Kelly Ayotte, Senator Kelly Ayotte, who has yet to meet an unconstitutional, unjust war that she has not liked, has not endorsed, and has not gone all the way to bat with John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham. This is the first tipping here to: What’s going on in New Hampshire? We used to be able to point to New Hampshire and go: Small government. These people get it. They have [r]epublicanism there. They have detached the matrix cables from the back of their heads in New Hampshire. Not anymore!
“According to a Bloomberg Politics/Saint Anselm poll” — I have not been to the college of Saint Anselm, but I have read St. Anselm’s biography. How many of you people that are in New Hampshire or have visited or attended Saint Anselm, how many of you know that St. Anselm is regarded as one of the early fathers, doctors of the Holy Catholic Roman Church? How many of you knew that? In other words, Anselm was not a lightweight. He was very, very brilliant.
A Bloomberg/Saint Anselm poll released Monday showed Mitt Romney leading the pack of alleged or proposed Republican candidates for the GOP nomination in 2016 “with 30 percent of New Hampshire voters expressing their support.” Coming in second and the runner-up is Senator Rand Paul. How ironic is that? It was Romney that won New Hampshire in 2012 to Ron Paul — I believe Ron Paul came in second. Gosh, I was there; I should know. There are people out there that want McCain to run again, for Heaven’s sake. Not only do they want Romney; they want McCain!
Leading up to the midterm elections, Romney fashioned himself as a sort of thought leader . . . [Mike: Thoughts about what, insulting the middle class? Thoughts about what, bombing Iran? Thoughts about what?]
“Every day, wherever he goes, morning, noon, or night, people stop him, call him, beg him, scream at him, ‘Please run,’” Ron Kaufman, a former senior adviser to Romney, told National Journal in October. “An awful lot of people in this country feel that Mitt Romney would be the best person to be president.”
[end reading]
Mike: Folks, if that’s true, I am going to start making real serious plans. I’ve got to liquidate all my debt. After I liquidate my debt, then they’ll accept me at a seminary, and then I can call up Father Michael Mary at little Papa Stronsay Island, off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland, and I can go join the Transalpine Redemptorist monks. I’m serious. Life in this country makes me desire to become a Trappist ale monk. I’ll do some missionary work. I’ll brew some beer. If there’s any spare time in between the charity and missionary work, I’ll play a couple rounds of links golf. I’ll probably serve the Lord a lot better than I’m doing here, if this kind of nuttiness is going to continue.
Romney’s support has only increased in New Hampshire, which he won in the 2012 Republican primary. In January, he led other GOP contenders by 25 percent support, while Paul polled at 18 percent and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie polled at 17 percent.
[end reading]
Mike: The soul of republicanism, or the animation of the soul of republicans, I should say — when it comes to political matters, not when it comes to ecclesiastical matters — where it was once burning bright and hot, it seems to me that it has begun to fade, that the old fires of warmongering and the old fires of “Kill, kill, kill!
War, war, war!” have reasserted themselves. There is little talk if any about any of the even cherished Libertarian principles or the Libertarian issues like: We just want to get an audit of the Fed. The Libertarians used to be screaming, “End the Fed!” When Ron Paul was running, it was “End the Fed!” Who cares if you get an audit? We already know what they’re going to find. There’s no clamor for a solid money system. There’s no clamor for an end to corporatism. There’s no clamor for a return to local subsidiarity, none. If there is, I can’t find it, very little.
FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7, here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike church.com! – Mike
Instead, there is a clamor for fake patriotism that manifests itself in this fake nationalism. I should say this dangerous nationalism that Professor Claes Ryn and others keep writing about. That poll is not good news. [mocking] “Come on, Mike, it’s only 2014.” I know that. Then again, it may be that the republicans and Libertarians just don’t respond to pollsters or are out there busy doing other things and are not playing party politics any longer. That would be a positive way to look at this. Yes, let’s look at this as a glass half full, shall we?
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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