
You’ve a Proper Name for a Church? – Why yes I Do – The Mike Church Show

todayDecember 14, 2017 8


In Defense Of Churches Named For Night Clubs (You read that right) – It must be a sign of the times when writers can find honest work publishing stories that defend the naming of “churches” by “marketing consultants” even if the name suggested sounds like a “night club”. Folkds, you just can’t make this stuff up. The author ends his “critique” of the First Relevant Church of Spa by slandering Shakespeare’s “rose by any other name”.

I’m not discouraging anyone from attending a church named “Relevant,” although I would suggest (as with all churches) that we keep both eyes on our Bibles. What I’m arguing is that churches should own their identity, no matter their denomination, creed, or confession.

How does a church “own” and “identity” and in exactly what part of “our Bibles” do we find license to call as “churches”, coffee shops, rock climbing walls and health spas that have auditoriums for Jesus bands attached and a removable pulpit? When Our Lord is asked when his Disciples – us – should pray his answer “Pray always” might be a bit of a challenge at the First Relevant barista bar. But by all means, lets not deride the lack of reverence and solemnity these places are havens for because as long as the faithful want to go to heaven, then they surely must get to go to heaven. The “narrow gate” hath been turned into an everyone except Hitler guarantee.

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Christopher Warshauer

Written by: Christopher Warshauer

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