Post Show Show – 08 November 2011
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Oh cry me a river WaPo for those underpaid, toiling in obscurity and without thanks, federal bureaucratsHaleyBarbour tells Herman Cain to fess up because he is tired of answeringquestions about "anonymous, oops I mean not so anonymous allegations"(say "bimbo eruptions" Haley!)Want change in the federal Leviathan? Then bribe the geezers to go along with it and outvote their juniorsSteyn: OWS continues to point to the end of empire and our […]
EXCLUSIVE-Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript Begin Mike Church Show Transcript The Gospel According To Saint Cain| I read now from the hallowed text. Can we put this in the Cainiac Bible? This is the first book no, no, the 9-9-9, wait a minute, 9-0-9 plan is the Book of Cain Genesis. This is the book of Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, all rolled into one.One Year from Now When I […]
Mike Church Show Audio - David is a caller from North Carolina is is distraught that I have notshown a willingness to endorse WHOEVER the GOP nominates because thiswill wind up costing that person the nomination. What follows is ten minutes of hysteria during which Mike's attempts to assuage David's concerns are met with repetitions of what Mike says, through a "bizzaro" filter. David thinks Mike will cost Romney the […]
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[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Giving Future Historians A Laugh Riot2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.You really have to wonder about the age we live in and what historians in the future will write of it. Our shared insanity on economics and empire building will look marvelous when put side by side with the macabre acts of the Inquisition. The religious bigotry of the witch trials and the famous […]
RonPaul wins Illinois straw Poll but does not get any press coverage -Cain eats Dominoes Artisan Pizza and receives front page headlineThis story about the Illinois Straw Poll does not even mention Paul or that he won it! Attn:All Rubio, McCain, Graham and DeceptiCON fans in general-your new "Arabspring" buddies in Libya are decidedly PRO Al-Queda, no wait AnnCoulter, they ARE Al QuedaArmyannounces that it cannot keep enough fighting forces […]
[mp3t track='04112011_Transcript1_What_conservatism_means_in_2011_edit.mp3']Audio, Mandeville, LA - Begin Mike Church Show Transcript -Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptUpdate I - Tom Woods argues that Herman Cain boosters and supporters are not even bothering to re-arrange the Titanic's deck chairs in their promotion of Cain as the "beau ideal of conservatism" (Mike's term) Woods writes: "Under Cain its only slightly less obvious. His big proposal is a revenue-neutral tax shifting. He has no plans […]
AUDIO EXCLUSIVE-The Mike Church Show, Mandeville,LA -Debbie Schlussel reviews Harold & Kummar's Very 3d Christmas and gives it4 Marxes, a bin Laden and an Obama. Mike Church for his part lays the gauntlet down in this clip "If you watch this film, buy it, rent it at Netflix, laugh while someone retells the humor theyfound in the shower scene with lesbian nuns then YOU are part of theproblem. Any of […]