insert_link Transcripts What is the Proper Role of Military Power for a Republic? – Winston Elliott III Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Winston Elliot III is the father of Winston Elliot IV, who is currently deployed in Afghanistan. He has, as I believe Obama says, skin in the Afghanistan game. Winston is asking the question, what is a republic? Does a republic do certain things? Here it is “What is the proper role of military power for a Republic?” Someone should actually ask this question of […] todayMay 5, 2012 1
insert_link Daily Clip Julie on “Life of Julia”, Mike on Not Being a Number Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - When you’re a number and you’re nothing more than an economic statistic -- what are people running around saying? What’s this election about? “It’s about jobs. It’s about the economy.” How do you measure the economy? “I don’t know, but I know when that jobs report comes out today, I’ll be looking for that number.” The numbers, the whole study, the infatuation, […] todayMay 5, 2012 2
insert_link Transcripts Amazon Caves to Sales Tax Collectors Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There are seven or eight states that they are talking to to cut sales tax deals with, where Amazon will collect the sales tax. If I have to pay the sales tax of California when I shop in Louisiana, and one of the principle advantages I have at Amazon is that I don’t pay the sales tax, why would I shop there? I’ll just […] todayMay 4, 2012 5
Pile Of Prep Austrian School Economist Jim Grant: If I had $118 Million in Dollars I’d Buy The Van Gogh Too TIC: What is the proper role of military in a REPUBLIC? The answer will surprise the DeceptiCON but please the [r]epublican Ron Paul at 76 years old, continues his youthful campaign for Liberty & the Constitution, speaking to massive crowds in CA James Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer says that if he had $118 million dollar bills he would happily trade them for the Van Gogh "Scream" painting which […] todayMay 4, 2012 5
insert_link Founders Television Big Government Destroys Small Business MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - The bigger the Federal, State, and local governments, the more regulations they make for business, the bigger a business must become to handle all of it. For instance, the Amazon case, where they are going to start charging taxes in some states, how does that affect the small business that sells to the other 49 states? If a small business has to keep up […] todayMay 3, 2012 4
insert_link Transcripts Romney Should Either Listen to Ron Paul or Go Full Neo-Con and Propose the Draft Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - If anyone from the Romney campaign is listening, reading, viewing this website, they should know that if Romney wants to win they need to be listening to Ron Paul. "But Mike, Paul only gets 10-12% in the polls" you say, well that's in the GOP race, Romney is going to have to pull in some Independents and Democrats, which Paul polls much […] todayMay 3, 2012 3
insert_link Daily Clip What Secede Means e.g.: The United States Should SECEDE From Afghanistan Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Today's vocabulary word of the day is: Secede. It's from the Latin word "secedere" and means to withdraw, which is what Obama and the United States should be doing in Afghanistan. But we're not allowed to used the word s-word anymore because Lincoln supposedly abolished it. But in the 1800's secede was actually a word that was used quite often: "I'm going […] todayMay 3, 2012 26
Pile Of Prep Gingrich Gives Back of Hand: Romney Isn’t As Good As Me But Still Better Than Obama In what must be the most overachieving moment in recent politics history, Newt bows out without bowing out without endorsing Romney and without backing off his publicly financed Moon Base Is anyone at the Romney campaign listening? Obama has upper hand on foreign policy and none of Romney's attacks make a dent (which is why Mitt should be listening to Ron Paul) Freedom has another strand of the rope it […] todayMay 3, 2012 2
insert_link Transcripts Interview with David Simpson Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Check out today's transcript of Mike's interview with David Simpson. In the interview David discusses his how to be your own banker system including his "four-bucket strategy", the four places you can put your money where you can expect a return. David also discusses the housing market with Caller Scott and how you should really be thinking of your house. Check out today's transcript […] todayMay 2, 2012 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757