Day: June 21, 2013

3 Results / Page 1 of 1



Immigration Is Simple – Either They’re Alien Enemies Or Alien Friends

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If Congress wants to deal with this in a constitutionally consistent manner, what I think they ought to do is they ought to have the testicles to declare those that are here illegally as alien enemies. That might require then a declaration of war against Central American countries, but then the designation of alien enemies would apply and you could then deal with the […]

todayJune 21, 2013 11


Teenage Orgies Are Fine Now Because Plan B Abortion Pill Is Available To Everyone

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “FDA approves over-the-counter sales of Plan B One-Step for all ages.” I guess if you’re not a sexually-active and reproductively capable young girl but you sincerely want to be like one of the older girls, you can practice by going to your local Rite Aid or Walgreen’s or CVS or Dr. Smith’s Pharmacy and pick yourself up a pack of Plan B, just in […]

todayJune 21, 2013 5

Pile Of Prep

Immigration Deform: Should “Conservtives” Favor Expanding The Police State?

Mandeville, LA  - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest "immigration deform" nonsense which should not appeal to "conservatives" or [r]epublicans plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Resolved that ALIEN friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the state wherein they are; that no power over them has been delegated to the US. […]

todayJune 21, 2013 1
