insert_link Transcripts Ferrara – Obama Is Clueless, Crusades Were JUST Wars, No Comparison To ISIS What does ISIS have in common with 11 century Christian Crusaders? Absolutely nothing. Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Mike: Obama said something that has started a bit of a controversy... He basically said that atrocities have been committed in the name of Christ, just like the Islamists have perverted their religion in the name of their God. He gave as two examples, the Crusades and the Inquisition. Ferrara: The Crusades were a war […] todayFebruary 10, 2015 9
Pile Of Prep Pile of Prep-There’s Nothing “Neutral” About Obama’s Internet Power Grab Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. Now we see the FCC rear its ugly, regulatory head, in what has to be a corporatist coup - net neutrality -to wrestle control of the internet away from any small players and place it in the hands of a monopoly that Congress can manage. Read along with […] todayFebruary 10, 2015 14
insert_link Project '76 Great Reading & Listening: John Taylor’s “Argument on the Carriage Tax” Book THIS WEEKEND ONLY, GET A CARRIAGE TAX BOOK FREE WITH ANY PURCHASE An ARGUMENT RESPECTING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE CARRIAGE TAX - In V I R G I N I A, In May, 1795 by John Taylor of Caroline County. Mandeville, LA - John Taylor of Caroline County, Virginia continues to this day an unheralded member of that august group of American men known as “Founding Fathers”. The following work, “An […] todayFebruary 10, 2015 10
insert_link Catholicism Blasphemer Katy Perry, Meet Saint Catherine Of Sienna Mandeville, LA - This is what happens when "God" can be whatever you want him to be and do whatever you wish him to do without you doing anything for him . Much like the Heresy promoted by the über-rich, ludicrous TV & radio "preachers" who feign to believe "God" just wants you to say at least once while drawing breath "I accept Jesus as my personal savior" then it is […] todayFebruary 9, 2015 7
insert_link Transcripts James Madison Vetoed Public Works Public Works Bills are STILL Unconstitutional Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "When I say that the president has as much authority to present a budget as you do or as I do to the Congress, I draw upon the letter of the ratified law. The letter of the ratified law gives no such appropriation authority to the president. His authority is limited to either signing or affirming an act of […] todayFebruary 9, 2015 26
insert_link Transcripts What No One Will Tell You BEFORE You Apply For Divorce America and the Divorce Epidemic Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "How did we get here? Is any of this legitimate? Those are, I think, fair questions to ask. Are they detrimental to society and to culture as a whole? I think they are. To admit that is then to reevaluate or to evaluate our own personalities and our own lives, our own miserable lives from the standpoint of truth. Since […] todayFebruary 9, 2015 6
Pile Of Prep Prep – Obama Trashes Crusades With Mythology, Claims Church Is Like ISIS Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to's Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. Obama's "prayer breakfast" cooments on the ISIS like violence of the Crusades continues to simmer. Read along with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125."Those who talk […] todayFebruary 9, 2015 1
insert_link Transcripts The New American Culture Is a Restoration of the American Nation is Somehow Possible? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "A gentleman called last hour and wanted to know why there’s more marauding today and why it seems that government, as we view it anyways, is becoming more menacing and does not take no for an answer. That’s because government is no longer government. Government is now religion. Government is what people believe in. It […] todayFebruary 8, 2015 8
insert_link Transcripts Turn Off TV News, Turn On Classics To Halt Brain Atrophy How Do We Stop The Degradation Of Our Society? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The last caller and I were talking about the degrading nature of the news, or what is framed as news, and of the TV entertainment industry. It’s the media-industrial complex is what it is. He was complaining about how he can’t watch Fox anymore, can’t stand CNN or MSNBC, feels like he’s losing his mind when […] todayFebruary 6, 2015 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757