Month: May 2016

174 Results / Page 14 of 20


CRUSADE channel

The Constitution Hour Episode 20-The Constitution’s Framers Would Not Find Humor In Our Hilarious 2016 Election

Mandeville, LA - The Constitution Hour featuring Dr. Kevin Gutzman with host Mike Church. The Constitution Hour Episode 20-The Constitution's Framers Would Not Fin Humor In Our Hilarious 2016 Election. From the ineligibility of Ted Cruz to the near-avowed Marxism of Bernie "we must defend the revolution in Nicaragua" Sanders to the inexplicable rise of Donald Trump. We cover it all and even throw in some American History lessons you won't […]

todayMay 12, 2016 12

Pile Of Prep

Veritas et Sapientia – Alasdair MacIntyre Warns Moderns You Won’t Find Truth In Chaos

Mandeville, LA - To have understood the polymorphous character of pleasure and happiness is of course to have rendered those concepts useless for utilitarian purposes; if the prospect of his or her own future pleasure or happiness cannot for the reasons which I have suggested provide criteria for solving the problems of action in the case of each individual, it follows that the notion of the greatest happiness of the […]

todayMay 12, 2016 17

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep-Thanks Obama For The Night of The Walking Perv

C'mon Northeastern 'Muricah, make plans NOW to attend the Mike Church Show LIVE from Philadelphia's Twins Smoke Shop and get your Founding Father's Red Pill Fix IN PERSON! RSVP today and make plans to attend the Philly Cheese Steak pub crawl afterward at grumpys Pub South Philly!  Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio […]

todayMay 12, 2016 1


Modern Wrong World Made Right: Calvin Was Wrong Episode 8

Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […]

todayMay 11, 2016 8

CRUSADE channel

ReConquest 23. True or False Pope? Part I. Guest: John Salza

Mandeville, LA - In this next Reconquest, we examine the subject of sedevacantism, the novel idea that the popes since Vatican II are not actually valid popes, but either lost their office or never held it for a variety of reasons (depending on the particular school of sedevacantist thought). My guest is Mr. John Salza, attorney and Catholic apologist, who co-authored, with Mr. Robert Siscoe, a new book on the subject, True or False Pope?   […]

todayMay 11, 2016 7

CRUSADE channel

Episode 21 True Money Show Featuring: Trent Hamm.

Mandeville, LA - True Money Show with David Simpson, Featuring: Trent Hamm. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past episodes of the True […]

todayMay 11, 2016 3

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051116 Segments 3-4

Mandeville, LA - Wisdom Wednesday and Secession Options. - David Simpson joins Mike for Wisdom Wednesday.  Topics on the table are secession options and solutions, the Veritas Radio Network's Crusade Channel's six-month anniversary, and Loretta Lynch's declaration of war on North Carolina (and all the states).  The problem we have today is that our authorities (federal, state, and local) will not make themselves under God.  We must recognize their authority but […]

todayMay 11, 2016 6


Wisdom Wednesday Prep: Happy Birthday CRUSADE Channel & The NEW Mike Church Show!

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -"It may have seemed something less than a compliment to compare the American Constitution to the Spanish Inquisition. […]

todayMay 11, 2016 1
