insert_link Daily Clip Red Pill Diaries – England’s Abortion Industry: Proof The Nazis Won The War – The Mike Church Show – 14012019 To Listen To Or Download The Full Episode Click HERE HEADLINE: Filthy Lucre: The UK’s Abortion Industry by K.V. Turley The Pro-Life movement has been a failure. The reason it is failing is because it is not using the highest authority….GOD. GOD said thou shalt not kill, GOD said thou shalt not steal….see where I am going with this? Instead we chose to use the creations of man, government […] todayJanuary 14, 2019 4
insert_link Daily Clip England’s Abortion Industry: Proof The Nazis Won The War – The Mike Church Show Mandeville, La - Mike's commentary on KV Turley's The Filthy Lucre of England's Abortion Industry and these two disgusting and diabolical points [emphasis mine-MC] Disturbingly, this increase in UK abortions comes at a time when some private abortion providers have been accused by the UK government’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) of trying to persuade women to have abortions. A 2017 report from the CQC told of how Marie Stopes International […] todayJanuary 14, 2019 7
insert_link Contributors Dirty Harry: The Rage of the Anti-Hero Clint Eastwood changed his career arc when he took on the role of "Dirty Harry", his success, never assured, kept seemingly doomed conservative content in the movies. London, UK - In December 1971, Dirty Harry appeared on movie screens. Starring the then rising movie star, Clint Eastwood, the film proved as controversial as it was successful at the box office. Today, Mr. Eastwood is Movie Royalty. It is worth remembering, […] todayJanuary 14, 2019 8
insert_link Pile Of Prep Monday Prep – Where’s The Outrage When 10 Year Olds Are Posed Naked With Perverts? Veritas et Sapientia - "The result is the shallowness of postmodern society that cannot delve deeper into what is happening. People are unwilling to take things to their final consequences. Everything must be fleeting as a twitter post, superficial as an emoji smiling, frowning or sulking at the end of a text message. Indeed, the emoji is a fitting symbol of the times. It has no depth or personality. It […] todayJanuary 14, 2019 9
insert_link Contributors What Does the War on English Fox Hunting Mean for America? The recent English controversy over the banning of fox hunting has ramifications that go to the heart of the future of the United States. If there are two Englands, rural and urban, there are two Americas also, the red heartland and the blue coastal fringes. The traditional heart of America is threatened by the radical fringe… Reprinted from First Things by Joseph Pearce Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, is […] todayJanuary 13, 2019 11
insert_link Daily Clip Red Pill Diaries – The Concrete Truth, is that These Bishops Knew – The Mike Church Show Mandeville, La How can any ‘Catholic’ write hit pieces on other devout Catholics? Looks like Wuerl and Dolan knew about McCarrick in 2004! All this while Pope Francis is lecturing the laity and clergy on becoming too obsessed. todayJanuary 11, 2019 4
insert_link CRUSADER Cocktails A Hill Worth Climbing! The Juniper Hill, CRUSADE Cocktail of The Week Juniper Hill, NJ - CRUSADER member and FOKD (friend O' the KingDude) Dan and Deb Mundy of New Jersey are this week's CRUSADER Cocktail contest winners with Deb's favorite libation and Thursday night regular The Juniper Hill! Here's some history on the restaurant that created this jewel and the recipe to make it. Named after its surroundings and nestled in the village of Annandale in Hunterdon County, New Jersey - […] todayJanuary 11, 2019 10
insert_link Pile Of Prep Free Phone Friday Prep-Tulsi Gabbard’s Not Pro-Catholic!-She’s Pro Secular State Veritas et Sapientia - "While I absolutely believe in the separation of church and state as a necessity to the health of our nation, no American should be asked to renounce his or her faith or membership in a faith-based, service organization in order to hold public office." Rep. Tulsi Gabbard responding to Senator Hirohito "disqualifying" Judge Buescher from the DC Circuit because he is a Catholic Mandeville, LA - Today's […] todayJanuary 11, 2019 8
insert_link Daily Clip How Obama & Catholic Notre Dame Got Joined At The Hip: “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing” Interview With Filmmakers Richard & Stephen Payne Special Guest Richard and Stephen Payne You can search their website here at Arcadia Films Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing (newest DVD) Left the industry in 1991 because of the demonic way the movie industry was going. AUDIO/VIDEO: A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Official Trailer|Buy Wolf In Sheep's Clothing From Mike's Founders Tradin' Post Why the Saul Alinsky story? EWTN the President was the one that actually approached us about this […] todayJanuary 10, 2019 24
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757