insert_link Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep-What Happens When Cops Act Chivalrous When Cops Act Chivalrous- Today's Pile of Prep Feature! Veritas et Sapientia - "We often forget the erotic weight of Dorothy Malone’s glasses in The Big Sleep (1946). When she finally removes them and looks into Bogart’s eyes, it’s as if she’s just slipped off an item of her clothing and invited him into her boudoir for a nightcap. We don’t even want to see her naked. We certainly don’t want Bogie […] todayMay 23, 2019 9
insert_link Daily Clip Red Pill Diaries – Catholic School Girls Protest Against MODESTY!? – The Mike Church Show Catholic high school girls protest against modesty at Cathedral Catholic HS in San Diego, CA. This video is from this day's Mike Church Show. RELATED!! Listen to Mike Church's Commentary on the hideous pornography sung to 6 year old girls by pop-tart succubus Ariana Grandé. I composed the following meme to try and drive home the gravity of what is happening here and all over the world the Catholic […] todayMay 22, 2019 19
insert_link Pile Of Prep Wisdom Wednesday Prep-Catholic School Girls Demand Right To Dress Like Tramps Catholic school girls dress- Today's Pile of Prep Feature! Veritas et Sapientia - "We should remind ourselves that these three ages do not represent a linear progression in the right direction, As the denizens of the agent disenchantment would have us believe, but a manifestation of the perennial struggle between homo superbus [Secular Man] and homo viator, between barbarism in civilization." - Joseph Pearce, Catholic Man vs Secular Man Mandeville, […] todayMay 22, 2019 11
insert_link Daily Clip C.J. Doyle interview: Catholic Boston Is Still There, Just Under The Heretics & Invading New Yorkers Mandeville, La Mike Church and CJ Doyle discuss the bygone history of Catholicism in the US and break down the modern heresies origins. todayMay 20, 2019 4
insert_link The Mike Church Show How I Learned To Restore Christ’s Order With Mary’s Chivalry & You Can Too – The Mike Church Show Mandeville, La Following up with the Mike Church Show after the Chivalry Conference is a recap of the weekend catching up on the news cycle and the one and only Joe Doyle. todayMay 20, 2019 4
insert_link Pile Of Prep Monday Pile of Prep-Yes, Virginia, There Is Truth In: Abortion Bans Work! The South's Gonna Do It Again! Southern States Draw Abortion Lines - Today's Pile of Prep Feature! Veritas et Sapientia - "We should remind ourselves that these three ages do not represent a linear progression in the right direction, As the denizens of the agent disenchantment would have us believe, but a manifestation of the perennial struggle between homo superbus [Secular Man] and homo viator, between barbarism in civilization." - […] todayMay 20, 2019 10
insert_link Veritas et Sapientia Veritas et Sapientia – The Epic Battle of Catholic Man vs Secular Man Editor's Note: The Epic Battle of Catholic Man vs Secular Man is excerpted from Joseph Pearce's newest book, Literature, What Every Catholic Should Know. In the great works of literature we discover a deep understanding of man’s been and purpose. We discover that the human person is homo viator [Catholic Man], a pilgrim or wayfarer who journeys through mortal life with eternal life always in mind. This understanding of who […] todayMay 20, 2019 11
insert_link The Mike Church Show The End of The Micro-Brewery Cometh, Thanks Sam Adams End of The Microbrewery - Thanks Sam Adams by Mike Church I stopped drinking Sam Adams beer 4 years ago when CEO Jim Koch threw in with the LGBTQ+ loons and demanded sodomites be admitted entrance as grand marshals in the annual Saint Patrick's Day parade - ditto that for Guinness. Now Koch is busy showing my decision was prudent - he's now on a quest to buy his competition […] todayMay 20, 2019 7
insert_link The Mike Church Show Lib’s Infanticide Obsession Will It Cause A New War of Northern Aggression!? – Tim Gordon Special Guest Tim Gordon from the TnT show he hosts with Taylor Marshall #TnT @timotheeology This is the proper usage of Federalism. They are basically experimenting with laws that are forcing the Judiciary committees hands. “Quixotism” = Quixotism is impracticality in pursuit of ideals, especially those ideals manifested by rash, lofty and romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. It also serves to describe an idealism without regard to practicality. An […] todayMay 15, 2019 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757