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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Mike Church Show VIDEO-How Corporate, Commie, ‘Muricah Has Monetized This CoronaHoax™

Brother Andre Marie and I moved #WisdomWednesday to today and broadcast recorded THIS: See today's Pile of Prep for Alexis de Toqueville's take on this same topic! A complete philosophical and ethical takedown of the current #Commie #CancelCulture, with remedies! For further reading please see Brother Andre's ad rem on this subject: From that visit on Thursday till Sunday, I thought a lot about how this entire Covid-19 PSYOP — […]

todayJuly 9, 2020 6

Cancel Culture

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-There Is No “Cancel Culture” There’s Anti-christ’s Waging War On What Remains of Christianity!

Thursday Red Pill Diaries-There Is No "Cancel Culture" There's Anti-christ's Waging War On What Remains of Christianity!     BIOGRAPHY  Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The Mike Church Interview: A Remarkable Conversion to Tradition Changes the Face of Political Talk Radio Featured Chris wrote […]

todayJuly 9, 2020 6

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep – Shut The Schools Down, Homeschooled Kids Are Smart & Don’t Riot

Thursday Pile of Prep - Playing Defense Against The Iconoclast Mob Won't Work, Time To Go On Offense, CRUSADERS! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - ""After having thus taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface […]

todayJuly 9, 2020 14



The CRUSADER Knight Congress’s Committee’s of Correspondence

Representatives from 39 states attended to Inaugural CRUSADER Congress! IMPORTANT!! If you are reading this and are NOT registered as a CRUSADER Knight, you can do so here. On Friday, 3 July, 2020 on the CRUSADE Channel's radio and TV channels, representatives from 39 states met in General CRUSADER Congress and established Committees of Correspondence to promote the efforts of all concerned in securing and expanding religious rights and liberties […]

todayJuly 8, 2020 14

Cookin' With The KingDude

Independence Day 2020 Boat Drinks! The Blender-Less Pinâ Colada!

WATCH THE LIVE SHOW, BELOW! "If you like Piña Colada's, Gettin' caught in the rain And the feel of the ocean and the taste of Champagne" - Rupert Holmes, Escape I LOVE Boat Drinks and so do you and Jimmy Buffett! "Boat drinks, boys in the band ordered boat drinks, visitors scored on a home rink, everything seems to be wrong!" Today we will make  the KingDude version of THE […]

todayJuly 4, 2020 23

Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Friday Red Pill Diaries-Are There No Patriot Men Left To “Pledge Their Lives, Fortunes & Sacred Honor”!?

Friday Red Pill Diaries-Are There No Patriot Men Left To "Pledge Their Lives, Fortunes & Sacred Honor"!?   BIOGRAPHY  Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The Mike Church Interview: A Remarkable Conversion to Tradition Changes the Face of Political Talk Radio Featured Chris wrote of […]

todayJuly 3, 2020 3

Pile Of Prep

Independence Weekend Prep

Wednesday Pile of Prep - Playing Defense Against The Iconoclast Mob Won't Work, Time To Go On Offense, CRUSADERS! Today's Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today's Mike Church Show! Veritas et Sapientia - "After having thus taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface […]

todayJuly 3, 2020 7

Declaration, draft mystery solved


The Declaration of Independence-Mystery of The Missing Original, SOLVED! Pages Of Independence

"OVER the past two centuries many legends, myths, misconceptions, and palpable error have clustered about the Declaration of Independence... All of them, including the signed and engrossed copy, share in common the fact that they are derivatives of the prototype which was adopted by Congress on the evening of July 4, 1776, and which unhappily disappeared from history almost at the moment of its creation." - Historian Julian Boyd, commissioned […]

todayJuly 3, 2020 41


Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts

Thursday Red Pill Diaries- Lockdown 2.0 Is A Sadistic Payback For Blue Staters Who Voted For Trump

Thursday Red Pill Diaries- Lockdown 2.0 Is A Sadistic Payback For Blue Staters Who Voted For Trump   BIOGRAPHY  Mike Church Biography – “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” In May of 2015, Chris Ferrara wrote a bio pic essay on a talk-radio host who was then completely unknown to Catholic, talk-radio fans. The Mike Church Interview: A Remarkable Conversion to Tradition Changes the Face of Political Talk Radio Featured Chris wrote of […]

todayJuly 2, 2020 3
