
6014 Results / Page 593 of 669

Mike's Hate Mail graphic


Rick From VA to Mike: Bail on Your Silly, Pathetic Ron Paul Revolution & Support Romney

Updated with Editor's Note: Richard has discovered that his letter was published and in a growing fit of rage and delusion, fired off 4 sccessive, progrogressively outraged responses to other member's responses, they are all gathered into one post in the comment section below, followed by Mike Church's response. Tampa, FL - From today's show-the email I read on-air: Mike- Your learned grasp of American history and respect for Liberty […]

todayAugust 29, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

Churcheoisis: My Thesis That the RNC & Politics Have Become Commercial Industry Gains Adherents

Milbank: The Ron Paul storm in Tampa throws Romney a curveball he gets Boehner to hit out of the park with an oversized, pine tarred bat WaqPo Resident Socialist: The GOP revives the Old South... I say "Is that the best you got and besides, what exactly is/was wrong with the Founders and their heirs" 3 Year old asked to change his signature at school because it looks like a […]

todayAugust 29, 2012 11

Pile Of Prep

RNC Tampa- These Are NOT the [r]epublican Patriots I came Looking For…

REVOLT! The GOP/RNC plan to hold a vote tomorrow that will basically do to the state GOP delegations what the Federal Congress did to the states with the 17th Amendment: strip them of their roles in the process as insular political entities. Tea Party groups promise a fight-we have it all Tuesday morning on Sirius/XM Patriot UPDATE I- TX LEADS THE OPPOSITION Food stamp use or what is today called […]

todayAugust 28, 2012 15


Is This The [r]epublican [m]oment We’ve Been Waiting For? A REVOLT at the RNC!?

Tampa, FL - The GOP is getting a bit full of themselves and with the Romney campaign are trying to pass rule changes to delegate selection that eerily do to the GOP state parties and activists what the 17th Amendment (& war of Northern agression) did to the States themselves: transfer selection process to the GOP Leviathan to insure no debate and 'fall in line" conformity. This just 1 day […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 10


Live Chat Reminder

Hey Folks, Don't forget about the live chat occuring this Thursday (August 30) 6-9pm CST. We'll be covering the convention live. I'll be taking questions and chortling with Founders Pass members. Come chortle with me won't you? Here's a discounted Founders Pass Membership for anyone so inclined: $45 a year (this is for mailing list subscribers only!). From (just in case you pondered..) Chortle - to express with a gleeful chuckle: to chortle one's joy.    

todayAugust 27, 2012 8

Founders Quotes

John Taylor of Caroline Warns of Powerful Presidents

[The powerful Executive branch]...converts representation into vassalage to the leaders of parties, disciplined, not by the comparatively honourable infliction of the lash, but by the base and wicked sophism, that it is honourable to stick to a party, and treacherous to adhere to conscience. The disciples of this infamous doctrine are forged into tools for ambition and tyranny by praises and rewards, whilst honesty is discouraged by base epithets, as a foil to […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 22

John Taylor-friend to James Madison

Founders Corner

“Money For Nuthin’ & Your Chicks For Free”-My Tour of the RNC

Tampa FL - Warned John Taylor in his "Inquiry Into The Principles of the Gov't of the United States"  "[The powerful Executive branch]...converts representation into vassalage to the leaders of parties, disciplined, not by the comparatively honourable infliction of the lash, but by the base and wicked sophism, that it is honourable to stick to a party, and treacherous to adhere to conscience. The disciples of this infamous doctrine are […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 9

Founders Corner

John Taylor of Caroline-The Evil Moral principles Of The Government of the Unite States

Mandeville, LA - This is the 3rd chapetr of John Taylor's work  'An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States" written chiefly as a response to John Adams' "Defence of the Constitutions of The United States". This chapter lays out Taylor's belief that no system of government that ever stray from [r]epublican forms can remain free of corruption. You can listen to Taylor's view […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 19

Pile Of Prep

Hurricane Mike Roars Into Tampa/RNC – DeceptiCONS at DefCON IV

REJECTION: The UVA, founded by one Thomas Jefferson, will NOT host an Obama speech on Tuesday as reported earlier! AmConMag's McCarthy: Conservatism lost its prized intellectual mind chiefly because it has become a profession and not an intellectual pursuit  Let the bickering begin: the recriminations have already started on the process that is going to nominate Mitt Romney for Republcans-we need one for [r]epublicans Americans would not support Paul Ryan's […]

todayAugust 27, 2012 7
