Founders Quotes John Taylor of Caroline Great power often corrupts virtue; it invariably renders vice more malignant. In proportion as the powers of government increase, both its own character and that of the people becomes worse. John Taylor of Caroline Explaining why Federal control of medicine is a bad idea todayApril 30, 2012 4
Founders Quotes Patrick Henry – Inaction Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Patrick Henry 1765 Speech to VA House of Burgesses over that bodies refusal to confront the King's tyranny todayApril 30, 2012 4
Founders Quotes Charles Carroll of Carrollton – Slavery Changes in the constitution ought not be lightly made; but when corruption has long infected the legislative, and executive powers: when these pervert the liberties of the people; if THEY tamely submit to such misgovernment, we may fairly conclude, the bulk of that people to be ripe for slavery. Charles Carroll of Carrollton todayApril 30, 2012 6
Founders Quotes James Madison – Constitutional Powers The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite. James Madison Explaining the new federal government's very limited powers in Federalist 45 todayApril 30, 2012 5
Founders Quotes Thomson Mason – Posterity The very objection evinces the folly of trusting the decision of this dispute to posterity, who, familiarized to oppression, will never resist it, and who, by long use, will be accustomed to look upon every badge of slavery with as little horror as we do upon the Navigation Acts. Thomson Mason todayApril 30, 2012 8
Pile Of Prep Ron Paul wins LA Caucus But Even Victories For The Good Dr. Are Savaged as “So What!” Ron Paul's win in the LA Caucus is reported by FoxNews, CNN, OMSNBC, Drudge? Nope, just relayed by those that voted in the LA Caucus and posted the official results: LA Caucus results, District 1 The good news doesn't end with Louisiana Caucuses though, the Ron Paul campaign has made inroads into many state Rep Party power structures including Alaska Gottfried: "Weak tea" is indeed what plagues the Te Party's fortunes […] todayApril 29, 2012 4
Founders Corner Thomas Jefferson’s [r]epublican America is Much Like The One Mike Church Promotes Thomas Jefferson letter to John Cartwright. To Major John Cartwright Monticello, June 5, 1824 Dear and Venerable Sir, I am much indebted for your kind letter of February the 29th, and for your valuable volume on the English constitution. I have read this with pleasure and much approbation, and think it has deduced the constitution of the English nation from its rightful root, the Anglo-Saxon. It is really wonderful, that […] todayApril 29, 2012 7
insert_link The Constitution Gutzman: The 14th Amendment does NOT Make 2nd Amendment Universal (or incorporated) Mandeville, LA - New listeners to my radio show are always asking the same questions about the Most Hallowed Second Amendment: that Ted Nugent and the NRA, traveling in their WAYBAC machine witnessed Thomas Jefferson applying ink dry powder to the Constitution's second Amendment. Nugent asked: "So, this will cover every gun, in every city, state, county & federal land, forever until eternity, right?" Jefferson, awed by Nugent's stature and […] todayApril 27, 2012 9
Pile Of Prep Government Popularity Shrinks as its Obscene Size Grows The bigger Obama and Boehner's Leviathan grows the more people find reasons to hate it, hmmm, is there a link? TIC: Jefferson REALLY DID say, write, long for, promote, defend little [r]epublics and here is more proof "But why is it not possible to begin to reverse the trend by concentrating on one’s own locale and region? Perhaps the problem is not that too many roads lead to Rome, but rather […] todayApril 26, 2012 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1762