
6014 Results / Page 611 of 669



Interview With Jack Hunter 09 March 2012 – Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript Exclusive

[mp3t track='09032012_Interview_Jack_Hunter_EDIT.mp3']  Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  Now, speaking of Kirkpatrick Sale, I know somebody that knows Kirkpatrick Sale better than I, and thats our good friend Jack Hunter, the Southern Avenger.  Jack, how are you?Jack Hunter:  Good morning, Mike.  How are you?Mike:  Im well.  Youre a buddy with Kirkpatrick.Jack:  Yeah, Kirks a good friend and a great guy.  I think the idea that 300 million people are going to […]

todayMarch 9, 2012 1


Tea Party Doesn't Like Ron Paul Because He Isn't Conservative Enough? – Mike Church Show Audio & Transcript

[mp3t track='02032012_Tea_Party_does_not_like_Ron_Paul_he_isnt_conservative_enough_EDIT.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  I just Tweeted out, asking the question of whether or not todays Tea Partiers are phony conservatives, and I mean phony conservatives inasmuch as, to me, a conservative is someone thats conserving original intent, or trying to conserve as best they can, the original intent of the Constitution.  As we find over and over, time after time, that is not the case.  People talk […]

todayMarch 9, 2012 3

Pile Of Prep

09 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Ho hum...yawn...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - February was the biggest deficitspending month on record...EVER!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzyawnnnnnnnn.......ho....hummmmmObama comes clean after GOP Senators coax him into moving to stop an effortto approve Keystone Pipeline without Obama's blessing Guvenuh Ruhmneh should drop the Reagan mythology that supposedly supports hiswar-hawk positions, especially the myths that are simply not true

todayMarch 9, 2012 2


I'm Conservative But I LOVE No Child Left Behind – Mike Church Show Audio Exclusive

[mp3t track='08032012_Transcript_Cain_Is_Santorum_conservative_loves_NCLB.mp3']Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Listen to this caller who claims to be a conservative and a supporter of Ricky Santorum BUT also loves his support of No Child Left Behind. Excuse me sir, but you do realize that NCLB, and most of Ricky's votingrecord, is in favor of Government EXPANSION! Not exactly what I wouldcall conservative. Check out today's clip...                 

todayMarch 8, 2012 4


Food Desert? What's A Food Desert!? – Post Show Show Free Preview 08 March 2012

[mp3t track='pss_hd_030812_preview.mp3']MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - What is a food desert?  Kathleen Sebelius defined it as walking more than one mile to get healthy food. But really, it's something that our Government has made up to spendmore money. And the worst part of it is that no one is standing up toher, they're just arguing about the mode of transportation.  Listen totoday's clip from the Post Show Show for […]

todayMarch 8, 2012 5

Pile Of Prep

08 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

The folks running the Ron Paul campaign deal with the string of defeats that has led to a pall (no pun intended) of doubt about the campaign's planFrom the grave Breitbart releases Obama video showing the young Obama hamming it up with infamous Professor and Jeremiah Wright clone Derrick Bell of HarvardThe federaguvmint owns WAY too much lands in the west and most eastern Libtards don't care, that needs to […]

todayMarch 8, 2012 2


St Patrick Henry's Day Crawfish Boil & ReFounding Meetup

Covington, LA - All RFFS members-This is a holy day of liberty obligation-you MUST attend and the goal is to bring at least 2 new friends. Everyone else should just make plans to attend this FIRST-EVER St Patrick Henry's day Event!Our goal is to introduce the RFFS to non-members in a friendly, fun atmosphere. All current SELA RFFS members are asked to bring a minimum of 2 friends to this […]

todayMarch 7, 2012 3


Be Sure To Lock In Our Historically Low Rates! And Get A Free Coffee Maker! – 07 March 2012 Post Show Show Free Preview

[mp3t track='pss_hd_030712_preview.mp3']MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - Check out today's clip from the Post Show Show as Mike comments on theLiar in Chief's Press Conference where he promises NEW, LOW interestrates for people who have bought homes too expensive for themselves. AND THAT'S NOT ALL FOLKS: He's going to sell the Buffett rule to Congresstoo! Please Subscribe to the 24/7 BackStage Pass to Watch, Listen to AND Download this full […]

todayMarch 7, 2012 16

Pile Of Prep

07 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

Super Tuesday primary results for all 10 states are hereWant to know how your neighbors stay in their swanky house, with 3 cars, 6 flat panels a pair of jet skis and restaurant dining at the finest establishments every other day it seems? Here's how...Obama gets one right-chiding Romney, Santorum and Gingrich for ginning up a war with Iran without telling the public what the costs and benefits would beAnother […]

todayMarch 7, 2012 3
