
6014 Results / Page 658 of 669


Daily Clip

No Need For Minimum Wage In Free Markets

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - In case anyone out there is confused about orunder the impression that we operate under free market principles, thenallow the fundamental teachings of The Mike Church Show to immediatelytake precedence in your life. The last thing we are under is a freemarket, you've better luck stumbling across a free beer on ladies nightthan you do a free market. What we have instead is regulated markets,over-regulated markets […]

todayDecember 23, 2010 10

Daily Clip

Federal Reserve Has No Christmas Spirit Whatsoever

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Got a story here from Thursday, but given the season and all of it's tis' jolly-ness,we felt it relevant to divulge in it for just a few minutes thismorning. Apparently a small town bank in Oklahoma was told thatreligious decoration is inappropriate, and get this, the examiners that'bah-humbugged' the bank that was simply trying to spread a littleChristmas cheer were none other than the Federal Reserve, […]

todayDecember 20, 2010 7


Professor Randy Barnett Pushing His Repeal Amendment

[mp3t track='201122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio)Mandeville, LA -Very special guest with us today on the DudeMakerHot-Line. Professor Randy Barnett who is a lawyer and also a lawprofessor at Georgetown University Law Center, with his teachingsinclude constitutional law and contracts. So, if you've never heardRandy Barnett mentioned on the show before, now you know why he washere and gets the occasional mention. In fact, this past April theKingDude amongst a few others set up […]

todayDecember 20, 2010 7

Daily Clip

17th Amendment Explained KingDude Style

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Welcome to yet another Free Phone Friday,in fact the last of the Free Phone Friday's for the year of 2010.KingDude's got his Hawaiian shirt on and is well prepped for one lastpotential DudeMaker Hotline caller to make a bit of a stir. Chris fromTexas doesn't exactly stir the airwaves, but he succeeds at bringing upa great point in the form of a question. Chris proposes: Why isit […]

todayDecember 17, 2010 12


Zuckerberg’s Charity Donation A Contribution To Leviathan?

[mp3t track='17122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: Hear some more KingDude take on the art of 'charity' by checking out this clip from the archives ofThe Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: The Immoral Nature of Coerced Charity  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  So let me go through, let me just present something to you and give you a different point of view on it.  Everybody knows who Mark Zuckerberg is; […]

todayDecember 17, 2010 17

Daily Clip

The 17th Amendment In Relation To The START Treaty

(Audio) Mandeville, LA -The ratification of treaties is a Constitutional duty that is necessary to have a Union. One of the duties that the President is assigned and the Senate must concur in as representatives of the States. With the passage of the 17th Amendment we getno representation of the States. Almost every treaty, unless it's acease fire or an end of war declaration, that has been passed since could […]

todayDecember 16, 2010 17

Daily Clip

Founders Wouldn’t Go For Pooling Money, That’s Socialism!

(Audio) Mandeville -The idea that we send these things calledRepresentatives to Mordor on the Potomac, sometimes thousands of milesaway, to go and retrieve money that has been sent there, laundered anddivvied amongst the connected few and then whatever is left is sent tothe States, is ridiculous. Why this is tolerated, we don't know. Evenworse, the corruption is on nearly every level of the spectrum withonly the amounts of money stolen […]

todayDecember 15, 2010 9

Daily Clip

Why Aren’t We As Prosperous As When Bubba Was In Office?

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Isn't it amazing how many jobs where aroundwhen the Clinton Administration was in full force, his successliterally reached beyond the United States and bled over into Mexico,Canada, Haiti - practically everyone above the age of 16 with a workpermit had a job. Now that you've finished swallowing that Dumbacratnonsense, notice that Obama truly wants to create jobs while notincreasing taxes on the middle class and can't […]

todayDecember 14, 2010 11


Dr. Kevin Gutzman On Judge Hudson’s Ruling On HealthCare Bill

[mp3t track='14122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio)Mandeville, LA -We were honored and privileged to have Dr. KevinGutzman on the show with us today. Yesterday, Judge Hudson's rulingyesterday was Constitutionally sound for one of the rare times as of late with this Leviathan beast we have come to know. The KingDude andDr. Gutzman discuss the ObamaCare issue a bit further which leads themdown the avenue of unconstitutionality regarding Big Gubbmint trying tomandate us citizens to […]

todayDecember 14, 2010 4
