
6014 Results / Page 660 of 669



Bruce Fein On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] Mandeville, LA - Fortunate enough to have Bruce Fein back on the showwith us today, a preeminent outspoken authority on matters of foreignpolicy who is always welcome here on The Mike Church Show. First topicof the conversation is what's most prominent in the media currently,the WikiLeaks, which Bruce gives a thorough synopsis of how he feels onit, what the real issue is, and how to solve this and […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 13


Marc Morano On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: For more information on the state of global warming as suggested by Marc Morano, listen to this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: Marc Morano and King Dude Talk Global Warming Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Heres a critical thinker, Marc Morano,, the man that brought the entire Hadley Research Institute to its knees.  How are you, […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 26

Daily Clip

Just Another Classic ‘Sheeple’ Phonecall

Mandeville, LA - Allow us to preface this Clip Of The Day with what we were discussing prior to our grateful phone call from Steve in Florida. We were actively engaged in a conversation regarding Leviathan's never ending hunger for control and the fact that their hunger has led them into the thinking that all the street signs round the nation need to be in gubbmint approved cookie-cutter font, format, […]

todayDecember 1, 2010 17

Daily Clip

No Need For Minimum Wage In Free Markets

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - In case anyone out there is confused about orunder the impression that we operate under free market principles, thenallow the fundamental teachings of The Mike Church Show to immediatelytake precedence in your life. The last thing we are under is a freemarket, you've better luck stumbling across a free beer on ladies nightthan you do a free market. What we have instead is regulated markets,over-regulated markets […]

todayNovember 30, 2010 7

Daily Clip

Why Was Kanye West In The Thanksgiving Day Parade?

(Audio)Mandeville, LA -You know those cartoons where you have tofind the odd item out? For instance, it'll be a picture of a huge greenfield of grass, they've got some horses galloping about on the top left, a few trees with some nondescript birds on itdown on the left corner, a rocky stream flowing through the middleleading to a pond on the bottom left with a few forest animals lappingup a […]

todayNovember 29, 2010 7

Daily Clip

Ignore The TSA Pat-Down; They’ll Just Shoot You

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Eric in Indiana on the line with us tofinish out a free phone Tuesday, and what a great finish it was. Hebrings up the disputed point that the airport is a FederalInstillation. He then makes the entering of an airport sound like acomplex and socially governed scene out of Minority Report. Fortunately,the KingDude has a knowledge tree in his back yard and knows that theTSA only […]

todayNovember 23, 2010 6


Ireland: So They’re Gonna Get A Bailout, Aren’t They?

[mp3t track='23112010_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - For a moment, just for a brief moment today, we are allowed to take a well deserved and much needed break from the monotony of all of our ridiculous economic woes and politely point and laugh at Europe and their surmounting fiscal disaster that's frothingover the side of the mug. In particularly we're discussing the economicfate of the Irish. There was once a time […]

todayNovember 23, 2010 14

Daily Clip

Michelle Obama’s Salad Bar Solution For Fatties

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - First Lady Chairmanette MaObama has takenthe nutritional needs of all the fat kids throughout America and placedit neatly on her plate so as to tend to it as soon as possible. Andtend she will folks, she plans to instill a major new initiative thatwill place up to 5,000 salad bars in public schools nation wide. Hasthe Gubbmint taken the perfection of society into it's deadly Leviathangrasp? […]

todayNovember 22, 2010 17

Daily Clip

Larry Get’s DudeMaker Hotline Caller of the Year Nomination

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - On Fridays here at the Mike Church Show wewake up at the ass crack of dawn and we bleed two things: HawaiianShirts & Free Phones. That's it folks. In fact, it consumesliterally the rest of the day post-air on Thursdays. This particularFriday the talk show heavens above sent down a glimmer of goodness inthe form of Larry. Hear Mike and Dude-Maker Hotline Caller of the Year […]

todayNovember 19, 2010 8
