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Daily Clip

Liberty or Tyranny; the Choice is Ours

Mike speaks to the dire consequences of leaving our heads in the sand, utterly hypnotized by "American Idol" and iPhones. The collapse by his estimation is inevitable due his understanding of history and wholly Fiat currencies which always end in total insolvency. Yet where some see only despair, Mike sees a chance to restore Liberty and the Republic.The choice is up to us, however inaction is no longer an option.Liberty […]

todaySeptember 10, 2010 4

The Constitution

Framers Debate Rules For Naturalization

From Mike Church - This is the debate held in committee of the whole on the qualifications for holding office in the new federal government. The Framers took great care to discuss the influence that foreigners could weild if they were not careful. I originally came to this debate because it helps flesh out the reasons why the Framers included the enumerated power “To establish a uniform rule for naturalization” which […]

todayJuly 9, 2010 2


Obama Is Fighting A War – But Its Against US

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Oh, so predictable.  More Red Sox vs. Yankees.  More red vs. blue.  More liberal vs. conservative.  More Democrat vs. Republican.  At the end of the day, it doesn't freakin matter.  Both parties are in on this.  There are differences, slight differences, in philosophy now since the libtard wing of the Dumbocrat Party is basically running it now.  This will now, let me just explain […]

todayJune 24, 2010 12

Pile Of Prep

18 of May, 2010 Pile of Prep

HomebuilderConfidence at 2 1/2 Year High Yet Still in the Gutter; Huckster Hype Returns toLas VegasHomebuilderconfidence at 2-1/2 year high in May-NY SlimesWhois Michael Posner, and why is he apologizing to China?

todayMay 18, 2010 4

The Constitution

John Adams-Thoughts on Government

Adams wrote this letter to Declaration of Independence signer William Hooper of North Carolina. He also transcribed this out by hand to William Penn and R.H. Lee of Virginia. Lee would circulate the contents and ideas among his peers in Virginia. These ideas helped form the foundation for Virginia’s first Constitution which was written and signed into law in June of 1776- weeks before the rest of the colonies would […]

todayMay 6, 2010 10


The “Spirit of ’76” World Premiere at XM!

17 September, 2009 - Today I had the pleasure of being among the first people in the Republic who viewed my movie "The Spirit of 76". 40+ folks and 3 school aged children showed up for our premiere. We were all entertained, educated and inspired by the movie. I want to than the folks that came out, everyone that worked on the film and our wonderful support staff at Sirius/XM Programming for […]

todayApril 29, 2010 3


Learn Austrian Economics at iTunes

I discovered Austrian Economics through my reading of Freidrich von Hayek. At the time I read Hayek (twice!) there wasn't an "Austrian" I could recite by name, now thanks to the Von Mises institute and I can recite a lot of names and also a lot of Austrian theory. Free markets are the greatest methods of exchange in civil societies and have brought more prosperity to the world in […]

todayApril 21, 2010 5


Jefferson’s Declaration for Taking Arms

Listen to this excerpt of Jefferson's Declaration being read and discussed on the Mike Church Show, 16 March, 2010 Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms In Congress, 6 July 1775 This declaration was read in part and discussed on the Mike Church Show, 16 March, 2010 in response from Congress' threat to "deem" the Health Care Choices Act of 2009 as "The law of the land". […]

todayMarch 16, 2010 6

The Constitution

The Documentary History of Ratification Book Series

The number one question I am asked about my movies is "where did you get all that information from"? Well, when the subject is the U.S. Constitution there is one very reliable and unimpeachable source: The Documentary History of The Ratification of the U.S. Constitution, edited by Joseph Kaminski... The volumes that I have presonally read are IX and X because they cover the Virginia ratification debates. There are 23 […]

todayMarch 11, 2010 6
