insert_link Church Doctrine JindalCare Is Just A Cheaper Version of ObamaCare Mandeville LA - If Star Wars’ Obi Wan Kenobi were leading a young, virtuous hero across the Mississippi River Bridge toward Baton Rouge, when the capitol came in view he might pause and say. “The Louisiana Capitol. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.” Too bad the citizens of this state haven’t been more cautious in choosing the villains we call […] todayMay 29, 2014 7
insert_link Church Doctrine Kids Know They Live In A Depraved World Adults Won’t Fix Mandeville LA - The murder of 6 people last Friday in Santa Barbara CA is being described as a “rampage” and a “slaughter”. One distraught father angrily demanded to know why “something wasn’t done” to stop Elliott Rodger’s killing spree. On Sunday news shows, U.S. Senators were asked what they intended to do about Rodger’s killing spree which is not surprisingly lumped together with killings in Sandy Hook CT and […] todayMay 27, 2014 8
insert_link Church Doctrine Who-Dat Tree Huggers Lose Their Fracking Minds Mandeville LA - Louisiana residents must have giant stickers on the backs of our shirts that say “kick me.” How else can you explain our obsession with urban legend and charlatans? Many of you will remember the sob story that was told on behalf of the murderer in the “Dead Man Walking” movie. The Bourque family that lived this nightmare with the loss of their daughter, Loretta. responded to Sister […] todayMay 13, 2014 6
insert_link Church Doctrine There’d Be No “Anti-Gay”, If Gays Were “Anti-Social” Mandeville LA - Only in 2014 America could a “religious restoration” act be pegged as “anti-gay”, to be used onlyby “bigots”. You see, a group of MS based chefs plan to take their condemnation of the law with them to New York City this July for a protest dinner. The “Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table” as it is billed will feature “polite southern activism with food” according to organizer, chef […] todayMay 6, 2014 7
insert_link Church Doctrine Middle Class Gets Hosed By The Sick Culture It Worships Mandeville LA - American middle-class families have been a fixture on network TV from the Honeymooners of the 50’s to the Keatons in the 90’s... well from the 90’s on the definition of middle class and of family has been changing for the worse and one of those changes is standard of living. For the first time in almost a century the U.S. middle-class is falling to the rock bottom […] todayApril 23, 2014 7
insert_link Church Doctrine The Supreme Court, A Crime Against Nature Mandeville LA - Today's Church Doctrine video covers the "crime against nature" laws on the books in nearly every state in the land until the Supreme Court found a "miracle amendment" cure for sodomy to become part of the U.S. Constitution. I don't buy this fraud and provide facts to back up my case. You might’ve heard that the Louisiana Legislature failed, in it’s Mozilla-like quest to eradicate that scourge of […] todayApril 17, 2014 10
insert_link Church Doctrine Tax Filing Day Helps Caesar Make War On We The People Mandeville LA - Ben Franklin is rumored to have said “Nothing is certain but death and taxes” what he couldn’t have known is that our government today delays the former so it can collect more of the latter. Today is the official day of the financial genuflect we are all expected to make called Tax Filing Deadline Day. Through a twist of lunar fate Tax Day happens during Holy Week […] todayApril 15, 2014 8
insert_link Church Doctrine With or Without Common Core The State Owns Public School Kids Mandeville LA - The battle over “Common Core” continues to rage in that simmering cauldron of legal buffoonery called the Louisiana Legislature. There are now six bills pending that either cement Common Core into the legal fabric of the state’s education “system” or remove the educational scourge entirely. One St Tammany man who testified at a House hearing said exactly what needed to be said. “You will not take our control […] todayApril 10, 2014 12
insert_link Founders Television When Cupid Makes War On Marriage Mandeville LA - In the movies, the good guys usually win at the end and the bad guys get stuck in a prison made from bullet proof plastic. The good guys usually abide by some creed that held them together during the fight. In Tolkkein’s Lord of The Rings it was the Hobbit creed in Star Wars it was The Force and in the Acts of The Apostles it was Faith. […] todayApril 8, 2014 7
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757