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Daily Clip

New Blood In Leviathan, Red Blood

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - There's new blood in and around Leviathan, however the question remains, can the new guys do what Ronald Wilson Reagan couldn't? Probably not, wake up folks! Our solution isn't going to come from changing the deck chairs on the S.S. Leviathan Titanic.Theother big talk of the […]

todayNovember 3, 2010 7

Daily Clip

The Way Out Of This Is Liberty

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Just a reminder; the last time the Republican Party was in control andit 'fixed' the economy it led to the greatest bubble burst in thehistory of the known universe. Yes we got the Bush tax cuts, howeverthe spending never halted. Yes we got a million and […]

todayNovember 2, 2010 7

Daily Clip

Liberal or Just Plain Lazy?

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - When it comes to the subject of LiberalPoliticians and their argument it's merely a choice of ease or studiousdedication. This is their secret: it's intellectually easy, doesn'trequire any effort on their part whatsoever, they don't have to behistorically knowledgeable as long as they can remember 'Life, […]

todayNovember 1, 2010 9

Daily Clip

Same Challenge: New Nit-Wits

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Mike's not your enemy, nor will he rain on your parade on Wednesdaymorning, in fact he will celebrate with you because there are things tocelebrate Wednesday. BUT, we must keep a very keen eye towards what thegreatest challenge facing any human civilization known to man. Thechallenge […]

todayOctober 29, 2010 7

Daily Clip

California: The New Red-Headed Stepchild

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - As you are reading this, Terminatorland, orknown to some as California, is between 13 and 20 billion dollars inthe hole this year. Their unfunded liabilities add up to mere pettycash at 100 billion dollars. California has no industry left, they haveall sought other dwellings due to […]

todayOctober 28, 2010 7

Daily Clip

Federal Law Notice

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - As the boat named S.S. Leviathan Titanic continues to sink, Mike takes a trip to the sporting good store in search ofsome ammo.  While there, the Federal Government manages to botch yetanother Amendment in the form of a sign reading "Federal Law Notice -Stealing anything from […]

todayOctober 27, 2010 14

Daily Clip

The New Class of Republic DeceptiCONS: Bad In Place of Worse

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - How many people out there plan on getting their respective Congressmen to repeal Obamacare with no deal made? Sounds like a fantastic gameplan, right? That is untilthe Federal Government continues to fuel this fiscal disaster and theDude Nation realizes what Mike's been saying all along.."You can […]

todayOctober 26, 2010 10

Daily Clip

Mad Man’s Agenda Depends On Republican Testicular Fortitude

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Focusingon the deficit for the next two years, Obama will try and make gains ondeficit reduction, education and energy while enforcing healthcare andfinancial overhauls. Don't worry though, he also plans on protectingthem from repeal just in case the Republicans try and 'put baby in thecorner'.   

todayOctober 25, 2010 3

Daily Clip

National Communist Radio and Hippies?

Itappears National 'Communist' Radio has taken the liberty of gettingthemselves into a little hot water over terminating Juan Williams. Putaside all the rumored 'defund NPR' jargon and let Mr. Church teach youhow to really get at those Public Radio purse strings!

todayOctober 22, 2010 4

Daily Clip

Piece of Pie!

Thelevel of mandatory spending has exceeded the total amount of the lastyear when Bush was in office. So what are we up against now? Well,Mike's got a pie and would like to explain it.

todayOctober 21, 2010 12
