Anthony Gregory: The "Progressives" have betrayed civil liberties they used to champion Books You're Not Supposed To Read: Justin Raimondo reviews the brilliant pessisimist Gore Vidal's book on the Founding Generation and what it was REALLY like (note to DeceptiCONS, the anti-war positions of the framers are well fleshed out […]
Gore Vidal played the the professor who lectured Joe Pesci on the Constitution in "With Honors", he was one of the U.S.'s great men of letters He would return us, if possible, to the pure republicanism of early America - Jay Parini on Vidal's "Selected Essays" Randerference: Rand Paul, in […]
Chick Fil-a protests: "An experience of community that you rarely have these days" - sums up the reports flowing in from around the US of A What "Support Chick Fil-a Day" REALLY means: 10 million people, tired of being told that the way they think is a crime against PeeCee […]