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Pile Of Prep

WI Election: Banshee Woman & Union hacks OUT Fiscal Sanity IN

Walker Wins BIG in WI! - How many days before we see "Dear leader" chumming up to Union Bosses, reassuring them that their place at the Federal trough is secure Last train to Brokesville: Obama's budget busting spending spree is not an item that can be debated as this story […]

todayJune 6, 2012 13


What Unions Are Really Good For: Depriving The Talented Of Advanced Opportunity

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Those that think that they’re protected by a teachers union, that they’re protected from nefarious, evil, despicable parents who may want actual performance standards for their children, just like they want performance standards for hamburgers and steaks that they purchase at restaurants and produce […]

todayJune 5, 2012 8

Founders Television

Wisconsin’s Big Day: Banshee Woman vs Wealth Producers

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video -Today on the Post Show Show we talk all about the current crazy news. Police department spy drones? We talk about driving interest rates up and how that could affect you. Paycheck fairness act, Obama's physical conservation, 2011 taxes, food […]

todayJune 5, 2012 4

The Constitution

John Quincy Adams’ Jubilee of The Constitution-Delivered on 50th Anniversary of Washington’s Inauguration

THE JUBILEE OF THE CONSTITUTION: A DISCOURSE Delivered at the Request of THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, the 30th of April, 1839; Being the Fiftieth Anniversary of the INAUGURATION OF GEORGE WASHINGTON as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, on Thursday, the 30th of April, 1789. ________________________________________ Serit arbores, quae alteri seculo prosint […]

todayJune 5, 2012 6
