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Lundi Gras Pile of Prep – The Water In Ohio Has Vinyl Chloride In It

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "Some might ask why Catholics should be concerned by such ideas that appear removed from their daily lives. However, the themes of both schools are found all over postmodern culture. Transhumanist ideas permeate Hollywood films and mold the minds of Elon Musk-type figures. Anti-humanist propaganda […]

todayFebruary 20, 2023 14

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday, February 17 Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "F.A. Hayek said in 1960 that, “The aspirations of the great mass of the world’s population can today be satisfied only by rapid material progress.” That we are satisfied is questionable; that we have made “rapid material progress” the goal of our economies and individual […]

todayFebruary 17, 2023 3

Pile Of Prep

Wisdom Wednesday, February 15th Pile of Prep

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "In any case, one thing seems likely: The memo must have been music to the Vatican’s ears. Certainly, Christ-following, church-attending, Bible-believing, cross-bearing Catholics make poor Democrats, and therefore inevitable targets for President Joe Biden’s Justice Department. But the orthodoxy of these Catholics also puts them […]

todayFebruary 16, 2023 7

Pile Of Prep

Monday, 13 February Pile of Prep-Has A UFO Invasion Begun?

Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae "The greatest gift humanity has is its vulnerability. Our souls are inextricably woven through our bodies. Yes, we can turn ourselves into machines and create violent meta-verses where we game without hurting our tender flesh. Or we can be lizards who ruthlessly use others and […]

todayFebruary 13, 2023 5
