insert_link Liberty Institute James Madison’s “Remonstrance” on Religious Rights of Man Created the First Amendment Mandeville, LA - There has been ample discussion the past 24 hours as there has been since the dawn of the "Religious Right" in the late 1970's over the purported "Faith Based Constitution" and "Christian Nation" that "HE" erected on these shores. I am guilty of this hyperbole and historic distortion my self, recorded in one passage of "The Road To Independence". Full disclosure, I am a practicing Catholic, a believer of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and a […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts How The Industry Works and Why [r]epublicanism Is Our Only Hope Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Politics today is an industry, it is a business, it is The Industry. Why? Because it is an industry, my friends, that has a $3.8 trillion revenue stream, that’s right, $3.8 trillion, our Corporation of America. Hardly anyone says these United States anymore. I’m reading an article right now at The Imaginative Conservative that’s making way too much sense. I wonder where is this discussion in our politics today? Instead of having Obama and […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 9
insert_link Transcripts Romney Loves GOD So We Love MITT! SCREW THE FIRST AMENDMENT! -Part 2 Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We have two callers today inquiring about Religion, God, The Pledge of Allegience, and the First Amendment. These two are so dumb... "How dumb are they?" That we had to split them up into two posts because one post just couldn't handle it. And let's not forget that they're calling in about Mitt Romney's "I can pledge better than Obama" statement, so the bar was already set pretty low for them. Check […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 13
insert_link Daily Clip Romney Loves GOD So We Love MITT! SCREW THE FIRST AMENDMENT! -Part 1 Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - We have two callers today inquiring about Religion, God, The Pledge of Allegience, and the First Amendment. These two are so dumb... "How dumb are they?" That we had to split them up into two posts because one post just couldn't handle it. And let's not forget that they're calling in about Mitt Romney's "I can pledge better than Obama" statement, so the bar was already set pretty low for them. Check […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 11
insert_link Founders Television California Domainin’ Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Operation Insolvency is going good so far… California is so broke that they are now using eminent domain to seize properties they can sell to benefit cash strapped home owners. Gov Brown hasn't cut a nickel of spending and the only way he's keeping CA afloat is by borrowing $18 Mil a day from the Federal Gov. If you're in CA and you haven't lost your property yet… get out while you […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 42
insert_link Latest Dear Mike: You Are a Demeaning, Illiterate, Proselytizing, Catholic Dolt Mr. Church, 1. "You people" is indeed demeaning. But please continue. It is your show. 2. Matriculate. People do not matriculate to the city. They move to the city. 3. Prurient? Wanton desires. 4. What is insensitive? Responding to a caller who mentioned he is paying $1,500 a month for his family insurance? Laughing and wishing him the best of luck. It is your show. 5. How about using your critical thinking skills to examine church history? The Catholic Church […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 7
Pile Of Prep Operation Insolvency: CA Counties Begin Stealing Private Property To Pay Their Bills If you still do not believe that this massive deficit spending combined with nerver-ending printing of currency without basis is all just Ron Paul mumbo jumbo, here are the graphical explanations for what inflation has cost YOU in just 10 years Brad Birzer: There was a little time to repair our culture after WWII, a shorter window after Vietnam and now, has the window closed? Calling all Christian Gentlemen, reclaim your virtuous roles and LEAD OPERATION INSOLVENCY: CA counties, so […] todaySeptember 11, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts No Need For Flat Taxes or Excise Taxes, John Taylor Preferred Duties and Imposts Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The preferable way to raise revenues, and this makes sure that it is totally equally apportioned among all the people of the several states, is to tax only, to do duties and imposts, tariffs as they’re known. As long as they are uniform and as long as they are across the board -- and it’s not a protective tax either. It’s cost of doing business in this country. If you want to do business […] todaySeptember 10, 2012 13
insert_link Founders Television How Do You Fix The Federal Monster? Deconstruction. And The Proof Is In The Jobs Report. Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - On today's [r]epublican radio podcast Mike goes over the jobs numbers in the "Where the Jobs AREN'T" segment, and the numbers are very telling... The Federal Monster has to be stopped, it has to be stopped by Deconstruction. And by this we mean it has to stop spending, it has to borrowing, it has to stop taxing, and it has to stop printing money, if it does these things it will be […] todaySeptember 10, 2012 8