Post Show Show – 29 November 2011
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[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]How The 24/7 News Cycle Creates Fake News For Christmas2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.Black Friday has given way to cyber-monday which has given way to the consumption hangover of 2011. The rabid infatuation with news, any news, to fill the glaring gaps in a 24 hour news cycle requires that the Industrial News Complex create all manner of fabricated stories and Black Friday is one of the biggest ever. Whether or not a […]
National Review DeceptiCON to Newtster: "Don't get cockyNH Newspaper that endorsed John McCain endorses Newt-what is a solid, most electable seeking "conservative" to do now!? Ron Paul holds steady third place finishes in latest NH & IA pollswhich show fake conservatives Gingrich & Romney as "leaders"Told Ya So...The sinister deceit of the Federal Reserve during the "financial crisis" of 2008 is revealed in new FOIA documents
[mp3t track='22112011_Transcript1_Franklins_salary_free_executive.mp3'] Mike: I absolutely would not. I hold out no hope for any official disbursement of funds through the federal Leviathan, that that fixes anything. Including paying the President 20 million a year. You know, in the Federal Convention of 1787, AG, this is part of my movie, The Spirit of 76, theres a whole scene in there where Ben Franklin says that he didnt think that our executives should be paid a dime. Did you know that?AG: I […]
Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La.- JJoin Mike Church tonight for live commentary and analysis during the Republican Candidates debatebroadcast from Constitution Hall, Washington, DC at 8 PMEastern sponsored by CNN, The Heritage Foundation and the AEI. Tonight's debate will be moderated by "Teen" Wolf Blitzer and "foreign policyexperts" from Heritage and AEI. Look for Mike's pre-debate analysis and commentary here, at 7:30 p.m.eastern. PLUS get exclusive discounts on DudeGear Store merchandise,just in time for Christmas, withtonight's debate coupon code....Ron Paul has been […]
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OLD NEWS - Red Sox vs Yankees, Red vs Blue, "Conservatives" vs "Liberals"in the latest and soon to be year long chapter of "Whose deficit is itanyway" starring Barack Obama, co-starring.....Dear Leader is out of dear options for his re-election and some Dumbocratsknow it, but do NOT expect this most arrogant of all Libtard tyrants tovolunteer the reigns of Czar power over to anyone elseMish: The Superfriends Supercommittee accomplished 100% of its objective ofaccomplishing nothing more than an urgent need […]
[mp3t track='20111121_church_doctrine.mp3']When $30,000 Per Hour Historians Double As Mortgage Brokers2011 Mike ChurchExclusive, Audio & Transcript - Hey folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. If you fancy yourself a politician these days It has become fashionable to call yourself conservative. If you are a conservative politician who retires to private life as a lobbyist, you are now a lobbyist and no longer a conservative. Why, Because you are complicit in growing the size and power of the government that […]
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