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Daily Clip

Divide The Debt And Each State Owes 38 Billion, You Gonna Pay That?

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - The Federal Budget Deficit last year was1.6 trillion dollars. If you divide that by 50 states then you end upwith a number around the tune of 38 billion dollars per state. Thequestion is: could you have taxed your state a 38 Billion dollar taxincrease without having riots in the streets and looters sleeping inWal Mart? The answer is no. This is what is staring us in the face people. The State and LocalGovernments have proven to be […]

todayDecember 9, 2010 3

Daily Clip

Mike’s Stance On Education, Yet Again!

(Audio) Mandeville, LA -If you claim to be a taker of theFounders Red Pill with the '76 emblem stamped right there on it, thenhow could you possibly be an advocate of State Government run Educationfor your most precious asset in life, your children? Do you want abunch of self righteous, power-hungry, power-mad, on the take corruptpoliticians determining what it uis your child must learn. Therejection of public education as a default ought to be high oneverybody's list. We've been down […]

todayDecember 8, 2010 14

Daily Clip

Central Economic Planning Is Still Ineffective.

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Yes, it's true that Obama and theRepublicans have come to an agreement on the topic of whether or not toextend the tax cuts, who to extend them for, and what to do with theunemployment state of our society that is set to expire on December31st. In fact, Obama in all his busted lip glory took the time out ofhis pressing schedule to address us, the sheeple of America, on whatconclusions were derived from his tryst with […]

todayDecember 7, 2010 11

Daily Clip

The Power Is On The Wrong Side Of The Ledger

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Getting right into the phones early in theweek today on the show. Man of the minute is Gene out of Missouri whohas a few comments of his own on extending the tax cuts, in particularextending the wealthy tax cuts when Congress are essentially thewealthy. Gene says they have 400 dollar haircuts, capped perfect teeth,2000 dollar suits, they ride around in limos and they have big houses -we're not disagreeing, just simply quoting. But Gene has apoint, […]

todayDecember 6, 2010 4

Daily Clip

Tim Gets DudeMaker Hotline “Dead Gum” Caller Of The Year Nomination

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - On Fridays here at the Mike Church Show wewake up at the ass crack of dawn and we bleed two things: HawaiianShirts & Free Phones. That's it folks. In fact, it consumesliterally the rest of the day post-air on Thursdays, and just continues right into the night. This particularFriday the talk show heavens above sent down a glimmer of goodness inthe form of Tim. It'snot everyday that any old Joe, or Tim in this case, can […]

todayDecember 3, 2010 6

Daily Clip

New Panel, Same Problems – Cut The Deficit Already

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Yesterday a panel consisting of twosenators, one a Democrat in the form of Kent Conrad and the other aRepublican played by Judd Gregg, got together to recommend some drasticmeasures to cut the deficit. What they say they'll do is to support atough new cost-cutting plan put forward by the co-chairmen of PresidentBarack Obama's deficit commission.These two Senators are are the first lawmakers to back the proposal,while others on the commission say they can't. Which is why […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 10


Bruce Fein On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] Mandeville, LA - Fortunate enough to have Bruce Fein back on the showwith us today, a preeminent outspoken authority on matters of foreignpolicy who is always welcome here on The Mike Church Show. First topicof the conversation is what's most prominent in the media currently,the WikiLeaks, which Bruce gives a thorough synopsis of how he feels onit, what the real issue is, and how to solve this and put it behind us.From here we shift gears a bit […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 17


Marc Morano On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='02122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: For more information on the state of global warming as suggested by Marc Morano, listen to this clip from the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: Marc Morano and King Dude Talk Global Warming Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Heres a critical thinker, Marc Morano,, the man that brought the entire Hadley Research Institute to its knees.  How are you, my friend? Marc Morano:  Im doing well.  I feel very […]

todayDecember 2, 2010 26

Daily Clip

Just Another Classic ‘Sheeple’ Phonecall

Mandeville, LA - Allow us to preface this Clip Of The Day with what we were discussing prior to our grateful phone call from Steve in Florida. We were actively engaged in a conversation regarding Leviathan's never ending hunger for control and the fact that their hunger has led them into the thinking that all the street signs round the nation need to be in gubbmint approved cookie-cutter font, format, size, height from the ground, density, material, color and placement. […]

todayDecember 1, 2010 20
