Church Doctrine

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Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine-2014 Begins As Morally Sick As 2013 Ended

Mandeville, LA - Here are some thoughts on the first week of 2014. Christmas isn’t yet over for the real spirit of the season. In what I can only describe as lamentably selfish, a certain phone provider is running advertisements featuring a young man who begins the spot sad because “...he didn’t get what he wanted” but ends this all-too-real-life scenario in bliss. What drove this change of heart in 30 seconds? […]

todayJanuary 7, 2014 4

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

If NORAD Escorts Santa Who Escorts Baby Jesus?

Mandeville, LA  - If NORAD Escorts Santa Who Escorts Baby Jesus? "The military has become part of nearly every American activity: sporting events(3), civic meetings and even specialized “hear us O’ Lord” prayers at Catholic church services, maybe Santa & the jet-fighter escort video should cause some “red flags” to be raised. After all who would shoot down St. Nick? Has the Grinch become a North Korean?" ©2013 Mike Church […]

todayDecember 17, 2013 8

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers

Mary Landrieu-The Cousin It of Personal-Foulers Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's bi-weekly Church Doctrine video. If you watch a lot of football you’ve seen the “he hit me first”, personal foul penalty that usually does not get called against the guy that “hit first”. I’m throwing a personal foul flag at Senator Mary Landrieu, she hit first, on Christmas Eve, 2009, with her “Louisiana Purchase[d]” vote for the Gordian monstrosity […]

todayDecember 12, 2013 10

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Nelson Mandela Was No Patrick Henry

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's bi-weekly Church Doctrine video commentary Nelson Mandela Was No Patrick Henry ©2013 Mike Church In his zeal to captain the “Mandela for Man of the Millennia Express” Newt Gingrich wrote(1). “...Americans celebrate the farmers at Lexington and Concord.... We praise George Washington for fighting the British Army’s...assault on our freedom. “Patrick Henry said, ‘Give me liberty or give me death.’ ” “Thomas Jefferson wrote ... […]

todayDecember 10, 2013 9

Church Doctrine

Don’t Raise the Minimum Wage-Abolish The Minimum Wage

Mandeville, LA - Today's Church Doctrine covers the minimum wage using the genius of Thomas Jefferson and Ludwig von Mises. Forward this to all your lib friends and watch the outrage and spittle fly (rain pancho sold separately).   In his inaugural address Thomas Jefferson cautioned Americans to “...not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”1  Jefferson was talking about government staying out of the affairs of […]

todayDecember 5, 2013 16

Church Doctrine

Happy Thanksgiving New Awlins

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - “Happy Thanksgiving!” goes the oft cited phrase and indeed this year there will be plenty to give thanks for. Despite the stubborn rate of unemployment, the growing sea of red ink our government is swimming in and a corrupt culture from Baton Rouge to music award stages starring half naked hipsters simulating coitus, still we give thanks.

todayNovember 28, 2013 5

Church Doctrine

Scalise Needs To Pick “Allies” Closer To Home, Like Texas

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - Why is Rep. Steve Scalise spending an Israeli lobbyist’s money? Oh wait, he only accepted the “gift” as a way to spare taxpayers the expense of funding his seven day trip to Israel to meet with Israeli leaders. Gee I wonder why he’d want to do that? Well it may have something to do with his embrace of “our closest ally in the region” […]

todayNovember 26, 2013 12

Church Doctrine

St. George: A Microcosm Of Our Gordian Knot Government

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - South Baton Rouge has a problem: they don’t like their neighbors. To be specific, they don’t like the way their neighbor’s kids behave in school, the way those kids videotape fights for the joy of posting them online and the fact that they have to subsidize this behavior. Welcome to the soon to be incorporated city of St George, LA whose residents believe their […]

todayNovember 21, 2013 4

Church Doctrine

Vouching For Jindal that Holder Should “…go pound sand.”

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine Video - Back in August I commented on the ridiculous court case the Obama InJustice Department is pursuing against Louisiana’s school voucher system. Yesterday federal judge Ivan Lemelle confirmed that the state has to comply with Holder’s information requests before issuing vouchers. This is supposedly necessary because of the 1975 desegregation case Brumfeld v. Dodd but that is just a ruse. As I pointed out […]

todayNovember 19, 2013 7
