CRUSADE channel

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CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051116 Segments 3-4

Mandeville, LA - Wisdom Wednesday and Secession Options. - David Simpson joins Mike for Wisdom Wednesday.  Topics on the table are secession options and solutions, the Veritas Radio Network's Crusade Channel's six-month anniversary, and Loretta Lynch's declaration of war on North Carolina (and all the states).  The problem we have today is that our authorities (federal, state, and local) will not make themselves under God.  We must recognize their authority but […]

todayMay 11, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051116 Segments 1-2

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network Crusade Channel is 6 months old today!!  Mike walks down memory lane with the audience. The Assault On The Nature of Man. - Texas schools go trans--in Fort Worth, Texas.  The assault that we've been talking about for years and seems to be on hyperdrive and steroids for the past few months is a FULL FRONTAL ASSAULT.   It is an assault on the […]

todayMay 11, 2016 7

CRUSADE channel

My Story of America – Conversation with a Communist

Episode 23 -On Episode 21 of My Story of America, we heard the true life events of Harald who grew up as an East German Communist. On today's episode we will speak with Harald live and find out more about the terrible experiences he faced living under a government hell-bent on the socialist control of it's citizenry. Harald will share the similarities we sees in America today that correlate with […]

todayMay 11, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Mark Kreslins Show 051116 Segments 1-3

Mandeville, LA - The Mark Kreslins Show. Secession is the right avenue. Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past episodes of the […]

todayMay 11, 2016 2

CRUSADE channel

Modern Wrong World Made Right: Calvin Was Wrong Episode-9

Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […]

todayMay 10, 2016 4

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051016 Segments 3-4

Mandeville, LA - Loretta Lynch Has Declared War on NC. - If there is such a thing as objective truths, and we can know them, we should be able to agree that there is but ONE truth.  We need to put things in their proper order.  The laws of man should conform to the laws of Almighty God.  DC McAllister tacitly rejected this yesterday.  There are NOT thirty-thousand separate flavors […]

todayMay 10, 2016 1

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 051016 Segments 1-2

Mandeville, LA - This Is Shocking: HB2, The Shell Game of The National Debt, and "Constitutional Conservatives". - When your civilization arrives at a point in time in which smart people (that are allegedly leaders) refuse to identify that the nature of things cannot change, civilization is at an end.  We think that civilization is simply technology: indoor plumbing, modern technology, indoor air conditioning and heating.  Actually, to be in a civilization, we must […]

todayMay 10, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

Mark Kreslins Show 051016 Segments 1-3

Mandeville, LA - The Mark Kreslins Show. Talks about Donald Trump, GOP and DNC.     Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past […]

todayMay 10, 2016 1

CRUSADE channel

Mike Church Show 050916 Seg 3-4-lgBtq Don’t Care About Children, They Care About Their UnNatural Agenda

Mandeville, LA - Deviancy is the New Normal, and We MUST Stop Accepting It As Such. - DC McAllister comes on with Mike to discuss her piece about a naked Bruce Jenner on the cover of a magazine.  Why would Sports Illustrated choose to make this kind of an editorial decision?  It is the politically correct thing to do; SI is advancing an agenda of tolerance and acceptance.  It is about […]

todayMay 9, 2016 5
