Daily Clip No Constitutional Conservatives Spotted Giving Their SOTU’s (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Anyone who was under the impression that wewere amongst Constitutional Conservatives can go ahead and allow theLighthouse of the Blind to explain to you the different hues of bluethat lie on a color wheel. So, we have no true ConstitutionalConservatives, it just sounds good when you say it apparently - in factwe heard Paul Ryan last night say he was perfectly fine with all kindsof alphabet […] todayJanuary 26, 2011 10
Daily Clip Another Spending Cut For The Table: Social Security (Audio) Mandeville, LA - When it comes to political news since the November 2nd electionwe've heard a lot of different stories and topics, heard from plenty ofpoliticians of both sides, heard from plenty pundits from both sides,and dissected damn near everything Barack Obama, Nazi Pelosi, JohnBoehner and Mitchy & The Boys have uttered.But the one topic thatremains fresh yet dated on everyone's menu is the idea of a balancedbudget. Underneath a […] todayJanuary 24, 2011 8
Daily Clip HealthCare Debate A Prime Example Of Their Thirst For Control (Audio) Mandeville, LA - The KingDude had a significant amount of content today dedicated towhat's currently taking Mordor on the Potomac by storm - the HealthCaredebate. We brought up the Liberals and their obsession with constantlyusing the Congressional Budget Office as their go to 'trump' card whenany Conservative in this Galaxy mentions this bill as being 'jobkilling'.We then discussed how Congress is apparently split rightsmack down the middle with nothing […] todayJanuary 20, 2011 16
Daily Clip The KingDude Challenged, The KingDude Triumphant (Audio) Mandeville, LA - On today's show the KingDude took some valuable time to turn his attention to the email inbox, with which you loyal listeners sometimes use to communicate with the KingDude. Unfortunately, the said email was not an email of praise nor was it an email of suggestion - and to refrain from being part of this trending 'rhetoric' the Country is currently undergoing we won't use the […] todayJanuary 19, 2011 15
Daily Clip Free Market System? Even For Education? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Somebody recently asked the KingDude why hedoesn't like Michelle Rhee. For clarification purposes, it's not thatwe don't like Michelle Rhee, we don't like reforming Leviathan - whichis exactly what Michelle Rhee is contributing to. So to establish someground rules here in case there are any new visitors to the website,new listeners to the program or citizens just bouncing back from comasor a life of silence in […] todayJanuary 18, 2011 8
Daily Clip For Those Who Ask “Why Do We need To Pay It Back”? (Audio) Mandeville, LA - So the money was borrowed, in mass quantities, now what? Do we reallyhave to pay it back? Well, the answer is yes. And the problem can benipped in the bud here right now on this radio station by acknowledgingthe cultural shift we have undergone here in the Country. Until you inyour own personal life, look yourself in the mirror and commit to notaccepting Federal Largess and […] todayJanuary 17, 2011 6
Daily Clip Fred Tells Us A Very Suspensful Story That Took Place On His Ranch That Borders Mexico (Audio) Mandeville, LA - It's always nice to have a few calls on what is deemed - "Free PhoneFriday". It's always nice when some of those calls are from fellowdudes who share the same ideals as those of little 'r' republicanFounding Father Virtue. But a figurative jackpot on Free Phone Fridayis a call, from a dude, especially when that dude is Dude #1308. Fredand his wife have been listeners of […] todayJanuary 14, 2011 6
Daily Clip The KingDude Is NOT Anti-Gubbmint, He’s Anti-Big Gubbmint (Audio) Mandeville, LA - There seems to be a common misconception out there in the Land ofLibtardia that likes to put all Little 'r' Republicans andConservatives alike in a harsh category entitled "Anti-Government".Well, the KingDude would like to take this opportunity to stand proudlyupon his soapbox that is The Mike Church Show and proudly state that heis NOT anti-government, that's something those Libtards out thereconcocted as an act of desperation. […] todayJanuary 13, 2011 4
Daily Clip The Useless War On Drugs (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Let's discuss another one of our follies here shall we? We live under a silly, destructive,expensive, life altering and life destroying war. The war is notoverseas or across any borders, it lives in domesticated America and isknown as 'The War on Drugs". Why are we against the 'war on drugs' youask? Well, for starters, it's a massive failure, not to mention thecriminalizing of roughly a third […] todayJanuary 12, 2011 11
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757