Founders Pass

595 Results / Page 26 of 67

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Not Shocking: Common Cores Is Supported By Crony Capitalists

Mandeville LA - Imagine a large, public meeting room full of men in fancy suits, passing a microphone around taking turns at critiquing your parenting skills. “Why did you tell little Johnny & Susie to bathe after dinner, shouldn’t they bathe before!?” Or “Instead of the Lord’s Prayer, have you ever thought of saying the Pledge of Allegiance before bed?!” “Why would I ever subject myself to such second […]

todayMarch 13, 2014 1

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Doctrine – The LA Film Tax Credit, Time For Baton Rouge To Yell “Cut!”

Mandeville LA - In today’s America, there isn’t a single state that can boast it is immune to political corruption but that doesn’t mean you have to roll out the red carpets for it. I am speaking of the greatest government money giveaway since Mary Landrieu became FEMA Claus: the ridiculous Louisiana Film Tax Credit. In 2012 this self inflicted wound showered almost $240 MILLION in tax breaks to Hollywood’s […]

todayMarch 11, 2014 3

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Free People of Crimea Meet Abe Lincoln

Doctrine - Free People of Crimea Meet Abe Lincoln Mandeville, LA  - You have to hand it to the American media, they are eternally resourceful when confronted with a slow news cycle that threatens readers, viewers and thus profits. Take the latest “crisis” from the Ukraine. This story has been presented as an immediate threat to all civilized life on earth and for days now, news anchors have been doing reports […]

todayMarch 6, 2014 5

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Doctrine: Where Will The Anything Goes, Gay Marriage Crusaders Strike Next?

Mandeville, LA - I’m going to read you the definition of a word from a 1755 dictionary, and you tell me the word. “Airy, cheerful, merry, frolick.” If you answered “happy, spirited” or “playful”, check yourself into a sensitivity training course before its too late. The correct answer is the adjective form of “gay” and if you saw any video from Phoenix Arizona last night, I’d say Johnson’s dictionary is […]

todayMarch 4, 2014 9

Project '76

Celebrate George Washington’s Birthday – The Story

Mandeville, LA - At the Mike Church Show, Founding Father Films and Founding Father Films Publishing, we never stop working to deliver to ourselves and then share with you the rich history of the People of These United States. Today, in celebrating the birth of George Washington, please consider this brief preview from our upcoming re-issue of Washington Irving's "Life of Washington" book (April, 2014n release). What better way to […]

todayFebruary 22, 2014 20

Keystone Pipeline commentary

Church Doctrine

Landrieu’s Legacy? LA Addicted To Bailout Crack

Every nickel of the $228 million in bailout crack that Landrieu has “won” for this state’s crony capitalists will be paid back, with interest, by our kids and grandkids and the cycle of the government giving to the wealthy will be completed when it takes all from the middle. Thanks Senator Landrieu, my kids can hardly wait, how about yours?

todayFebruary 20, 2014 6

Founders Pass Audio Media Center

The Pile of Prep LIVE – Audio Download Center

Mandeville, LA - By popular demand, Mike has now added a daily audio edition of the famous rundown of news and newly discovered and posted historical content "The Pile of Prep-LIVE". You can find all the POP files we have archived right here in addition you will also find Founders Pass Members Only video and audio files. Not a member? Join now for just 17 cents per day and enjoy […]

todayFebruary 10, 2014 26
