insert_link Church Doctrine The Cliven Bundy Saga: How Congress Snatched The Power To Claim Lands A Founders Pass Audio Exclusive! Another way to put this point is that if Congress did have an original, implied power over all its Territories, there would be no need to include in the 13th Amendment the second instance where slavery was to be abolished i.e. “place[s] subject to their jurisdiction” and so that should be that. todayJune 8, 2022 116
insert_link Pile Of Prep James Madison Veto Of The “Bonus Bill” Shows Interstate Highways Are NOT Constitutional With "Conservatives" and their corrupt "think tanks" now fully backing the wasteful and unconstitutional spending on "interstate highway projects" who is left to defend the molecules of the Constitution that remain in effect? Well, we can summon the pen of Constitutional author, ratifier and President under, James Madison and his -SHOULD BE FAMOUS-veto of Henry Clay's "bonus Bill" in 1817. todayNovember 16, 2021 26
insert_link Liberty The Declaration of Independence-Mystery of The Missing Original, SOLVED! Pages Of Independence "OVER the past two centuries many legends, myths, misconceptions, and palpable error have clustered about the Declaration of Independence... All of them, including the signed and engrossed copy, share in common the fact that they are derivatives of the prototype which was adopted by Congress on the evening of July 4, 1776, and which unhappily disappeared from history almost at the moment of its creation." - Historian Julian Boyd, commissioned […] todayJuly 3, 2020 38
insert_link Feature Productions Finding Jefferson’s Original Declaration – The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore! Finding Jefferson's Original Declaration - The 3rd of July Is Not Boring Anymore! by: Mike Church As John Adams told us yesterday "the second of July is to be remembered as the greatest epocha in American history" and tomorrow, July 4th needs no explanation but what of poor, lonely, neglected July 3rd? Is there nothing worthy of remembering on the day before Independence was declared!? You bet your 4th of […] todayJuly 3, 2019 9
insert_link Founders Pass Founding Fathers on War: Madison to Jefferson Letter of 1798 After watching Senator Paul's speech and becoming intrigued by the Madison line I began searching for the source which his notes did not provide. In my search I encountered dozens of articles citing the line, most attributed to Senator Paul. After a thorough search using google I could not locate the passage in question. todayMarch 1, 2018 44
insert_link Latest Trump’s Refusal To Take The Hillary Pledge Was “Spirit of ’76” Brilliant Mandeville, LA - The Spirit of '76 Lives! The most courageous thing said since the 1776 Continental Congress responded to King George III's Proclamation of Rebellion was said by Donald J. Trump tonight in the misnamed "Debate": When asked if he'd take the pledge to support Hillary's rigged victory, Trump, staring down catcalls of "traitor" stood unmoved and repeated "No I will not take the pledge... I reserve judgement until […] todayOctober 19, 2016 20
insert_link Project '76 Times That Try Men’s Souls, The Story of Washington’s Crossing, 2 CD Set Washington's Crossing Limited Edition CD & Parchment Map set - Great, rare, collectible gifts for patriots this Memorial Day! Mandeville, LA - Times That Try Men's Souls - Washington's Crossing. New Feature from Mike Church debuted on SiriusXM December 23, 2013. 2 CD set with original, one of a kind battle map, on sale and in stock NOW, just in time for Memorial Day listening on the Veritas Radio Netwrok's CRUSADE […] todayMay 29, 2016 20
insert_link Project '76 Madison: George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation Crashed 1st Amendment NOTE- This essay was originally published on 24 Nov, 2014 Mandeville, LA - We will all hear a lot about Washington's Thanksgiving proclamation of 1789 and how this holiday has its roots in the Christian tradition. While this is true and not the point of this post it's still worth noting. Let me get to the point. Late in his retirement James Madison began to develop his theory over he […] todayNovember 24, 2015 10
insert_link Project '76 Who Ratified The Nomocratic, U.S. Constitution? Why of Course, The 13 Countries of N.A. Mandeville, LA - To "reclaim" the Constitution we first have to establish WHAT that Constitution was expected to do and as importantly, what breathed life into it, namely the 13 Countries that ratified it. You read that correctly, the 13 Countries of North America, known as the United States ratified and therefore granted IT powers because they already POSSESSED those powers. Consider the Treaty of Paris that ended the War […] todayAugust 17, 2015 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1763