Lives Of The Saints

40 Results / Page 2 of 5



The Feast of Saint Longinus – The First Convert

Today the Church celebrates the Third Sunday of Lent and The Feast of Saint Longinus, the Roman centurion who pierced Our Lord's side with a lance. Tradition holds that Longinus was miraculously healed when the Precious Blood sprayed forth from Our Lord's side and onto Longinus who suffered an eye disease. The Slaves to The Immaculate Heart of Mary relate... He was the centurion who pierced the side of Our […]

todayMarch 15, 2020 28


The Feast of The Holy Relics Is The Honor of The Saints

by Mike Church The Catholic Church, having celebrated on November 1st the feast of All Saints and the feast of All Souls, on this day honors all the holy relics of their bodies, which will remain on earth until the day of the last resurrection of the body.  The Council of Trent, Session XXV, declared “Veneration ought to be shown by the faithful to the bodies of the Martyrs and […]

todayNovember 3, 2019 23


Lives Of The Saints

Saint Helena-Empress And Holy Archeologist of The Catholic Church

Saint Helena-Empress And Holy Archeologist Article by Mike Church Saint Helena is very well known as the mother of Emperor Constantin and for her discovery of The True Cross and Holy Sepulcher. Digging deep into her story paints a picture of an archeologist who is every bit was worthy of that title as the renowned Howard Carter, discover of the tomb of King Tutankhamun. There is no more loved or […]

todayAugust 18, 2019 40



The Patron Saints of Slavs, Cyril and Methodius

Patron Saints of Slavs by: Mike Church “You have thrown your darts into the midst of the crowd, yet pretend no one will be hurt. How great soever the eyes of your wisdom may be, they are blinded by the smoke of avarice and envy. Your passion against Ignatius deprived you of your sight.”  Constantine and Methodius were own brothers, born of the same noble parents in Thessalonica, and when […]

todayJuly 7, 2019 25

Lives Of The Saints

Paradiso, Paradiso! I Prefer Heaven! The Joy of Saint Philip Neri

"I Prefer Heaven" The beautiful and happy holiness of Saint Philip Neri, The 3rd Apostle of Rome by Mike Church This happy angel in human flesh was a living answer to the insults heaped upon the Catholic Church by the so-called Reformation. Don Prosper Gueranger describes Saint Phillip Neri, thus. This Seraph in human flesh was a living answer to the insults heaped upon the Catholic Church by the so-called […]

todayMay 26, 2019 117


40 Days of Lenten Fasting, Meet The Story of The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebasté!

Mandeville, LA - This Sunday, the first of the six which come during Lent, is one of the most solemn throughout the year. In the ancient Calendars, it is called Invocabit, from the first word of the Introit of the Mass. In the Middle-Ages, it was called Brand Sunday, because the young people, who had behaved sinfully during Carnival, were obliged to show themselves to-day, at the Church, with a torch […]

todayMarch 10, 2019 7


Saint Blaise, Patron Saint of Throats and Hansel And Gretel

then placing his venerable hands over the child’s throat and thanking God again, the boy sprang to life as though he had awakened from a nap Mandeville LA - by Mike Church - Saint Blaise was born in Armenia and as a young man studied philosophy and then studied for the priesthood. After the death of the Bishop of Sebaste, he was elected as his replacement. It didn’t take long […]

todayFebruary 3, 2019 10


New York’s Tenochtitlan’s Cuomocóatl Needs A Bishop Crysostom

Mandeville, LA - In an era that boasts of legalizing the most despicable acts humans can commit against other humans the Catholic Church's prelates can not be bothered to stand in the crucible and invoking Our Lord's authority and privilege demand this evil be brought to an end. witness the staggering viciousness of the government and governor of New York Tenochtilan, disgraced "Catholic" Andrew Cuomocoatyl. On the feast day of […]

todayJanuary 27, 2019 11


The Incredibly Versatile and Holy Epiphany of Our Lord

Mandeville, LA - Every year, on January 6th, The Catholic Church celebrates her most versatile yet undervalued and respected feast: The Epiphany of Our Lord. From the New Orleans' annual ritual of "King Cake Season" (yes, we really have a season to make cakes!) to the actual date of Christ's baptism in the River Jordan to the presenting of gifts from three earthly kings, The Magi, to the King of […]

todayJanuary 6, 2019 20
