Lives Of The Saints

40 Results / Page 4 of 5



Saint Margaret of Scotland, Queen And Peacemaker

Mandeville, LA - The modern world  is filled with every variety of tyrant rulers, drunk with the possession of lethal weaponry and technology and all too eager to put those implements to the test. The life and reign of Saint Margaret of Scotland stands in brilliant opposition to the "democratic" warfare states including her beloved Scotland. "The succession of saints which in the posterity of St. Margaret afterwards filled the […]

todayJune 10, 2018 18


Archeology Is Not Just For Mummies-The Real Story of Our Lord’s Mommy

Mandeville, La - Author Michael Hesemann, interviewed by Mike Church, LIVE from his office in Germany, explains in loving detail 2 chapters of his book masterpiece Mary of Nazareth. •The Flight Into Egypt. • The Real Story of The Holy House of Loredo. Get the book, Mary of Nazareth, click here! You won't hear this level of scholarship brought out by radio talent that thrills and amazes without ever coming […]

todayMay 22, 2018 23


The Miraculous Martyrdom of The “Apostle Whom Jesus Loved”-Saint John

Mandeville, LA - IN the year 95, St. John, who was the only surviving apostle, and governed all the churches of Asia, was apprehended at Ephesus, and sent prisoner to Rome. The Emperor Domitian did not relent at the sight of the venerable old man, but condemned him to be cast into a caldron of boiling oil. In the Gospel of Saint Mark Saint John and his brother Saint James’s martyrdom […]

todayMay 6, 2018 8


Baby Alfie Is Now In The Miraculous Care of Our Lady of Walsingham

Mandeville, LA - My special guest today, Lepanto Institute's Michael Hichborn asked that I end his segment with 3 Ave Maria's for baby Alfie Evans; I suggested we add an appeal to Our Lady of Walsingham for her intercession to crush the head of the diabolical, masonic serpents behind the attempt to martyr this Baptized child of Christ. Our Lady of Walsingham, pray the Lord for us. Mother who went on […]

todayApril 24, 2018 7


The Substance of Soul & Body Was Worth Dying For – The Story of Saint Epipodius & Alexander

Mandeville, LA - There are 4 saints on the Roman martyrology calendar today. Saint Caius and Soter, bothe Popes on the 2nd century and the inspirational story of the martyrdoms of  Saint Epipodius and Alexander, martyrs of Lyons. Caius of Dalmatia, a priest, was made Pope after the death of Pope Saint Anicetus in 173Having sat twelve years, four months, and seven days, he died on the 21st of April, […]

todayApril 22, 2018 51


A Rose By Any Other Name…. It’s Rose Sunday, Mid-Point of Lent

Mandeville, LA - Laetare Sunday is so called from the first words of the Introit of today’s Mass, "Laetare Jerusalem" — "Rejoice, O Jerusalem" and marks the mid-point of the season of Lent; the vestments for this day are rose, as they are on Gaudete Sunday in Advent. The day is also called: Dominica de Rosa, Refreshment Sunday, the Sunday of the Five Loaves and Mothering Sunday. Today is also the day […]

todayMarch 11, 2018 24


Saint Casimir, The REAL Boy Wonder

Mandeville, LA - In our corrupt, hyper-secular age, role models for young men come in the form of skinny, effeminate narcissists who look more comfortable in girls clothing than in real men's. Should one be found that does not fit the description above, they are quickly assailed as suffering from "hype-masculinity", a pseudo condition manufactured to pave the way for complete, legalized sex transitions to begin, mutilations included, at age […]

todayMarch 4, 2018 37


Did George Washington Die a Catholic or Apostate?

Mandeville, LA - This President's Day, when you're done shopping the Lazy-Boy sale, check out this special EPISODE of The Barrett Brief from my CRUSADE Channel's daily lineup. Ryan Grant stars as our resident expert on the alleged conversion of George Washington to Catholicism. Download or listen to this entire EPISODE, Click here!

todayFebruary 19, 2018 47
