
504 Results / Page 39 of 56



There Is No Santa Claus And There Is No Way To Achieve Political Unity Through “Religious Liberty”

Mandeville, LA - I am browsing my regular sites searching for good writing on the Orlando tragedy and lo and behold, this irreconcilable screed passed as a way forward at the Imaginative Conservative website: "Second, we need to recognize the constitutional responsibilities and freedoms regarding religion. America as a secular state is governed by the Constitution, which guarantees the right to private religious practice, expression, and association. This freedom is […]

todayJune 14, 2016 4


Orthodox Islam Strikes In ‘Muricah & The Muslim Apologetics Have Begun

Mandeville, LA - Via Rod Dreher "These details are why I caution about a rush to judgment. Mateen was a Muslim, but as with many of these radicalized young men, he might well have seized a radical version of Islam to justify and to express violence and hatred he had within him. We just don’t know for sure yet." Wrong, Rod. There is NO "radical Islam", there is, as my […]

todayJune 12, 2016 3


It’s Official: My New Home of Papa Sonstray Island Is Being Prepped In Case Ol’ Glowing Ovaries Prevails

Mandeville, LA - It is now official, barring a convention miracle that would be no miracle at all, Slick Hilly Clinton, demon spawn of American-Mengele, Margaret Sanger, has clinched the Dumbocrat nomination. To add insult to injury and agony to the living, who survived to regret 56 million abortions, one possessed Hillary fan writes of her "glowing ovaries" at Hillary's nomination. Glowing to do what? Find a 1 night john […]

todayJune 7, 2016 2


Mike Church Show 060616 Seg 3-4: The Sanctity of Surgical Drone Strikes

Mandeville, LA - The story of a woman drone operator (Tina) is shared, via Laurie Calhoun's blog (We Kill Because We Can).  When a government is acting in sinful error, you have a duty to oppose it.  Soldiers have been told for years that the wars they are fighting are JUST.  How do you think man has become so good at killing?  Who is behind it?  Concluding from Calhoun: "Ironically, if […]

todayJune 6, 2016 7


Reason 442,666 To Withdraw All Christian Children From Public Schools: Prayer Nazis

Mandeville, LA - Every year there is a high-shcool football game, bake sale or commencement ceremony that riles up a controversy simply by giving thanks to Almighty God for the success of the students and their futures. This year instead of "risking" burning the tender ears of heretics, apostates and the obsessed, a Pottsgrove PA High School will ban, a priori, a benediction prayer before the graduation ceremony because ONE […]

todayJune 2, 2016 8


The Latin Word For Loving Your Country is Patriam, The English Word For Pardoning Your Country’s Use of Nukes is Propagandized

Mandeville, LA - Every year around this time the flag waving, bomb bomb bomb, kill kill kill army suits up in flag adorned baseball caps and t-shirts to continue the 71 year old gloat of the United State's vaporization of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you are in that number and already boiling with rage that another "liberal, America-hater" is about to unload another attack against patriotism, […]

todayMay 29, 2016 9


Trans-lgBtq Pervert Promoters Predictably Promote Pederasts, Order The Millstones

Mandeville, LA - "If something is inevitable, it will happen" - Herbert Stein "If some stultifying error is inevitable it will happen in 'Muricah, regardless of whether we willingly accept it." - Me Mark the date and mourn the souls destined to plunge into Hades like lead into punch bowls. The pederasts are now ascendant and we will vey soon "commemorate" International pederastaphobia Awareness Day as google recently "commemorated" International […]

todayMay 19, 2016 14


The More Voices Start To Sound The Truth The More The Truth Will Grow Sound

Mandeville, LA - I am fond of saying, on-air, "that sin is easy, it requires no restraint no specific skills and ostensibly relieves that sinner of consequences for their actions. Now virtue and pursuing Holiness, that is difficult, requires near constant effort and humiliation and the consequences of its pursuit may not be enjoyed until eternity begins, so yeah, most people choose Sin." In a similar manner, most "Christians" these […]

todayMay 16, 2016 6
