insert_link Contributors Thanks To The Corona Shamdemic, We Have A New Confederation of States, Can We Keep It? We Have A New Confederation of States, Can We Keep It? by Mike Church When Patrick Henry bellowed “Who authorized [the Constitution’s authors] to use the language of 'We The People' instead of 'We The States!?'” he was stating the ruling mindset of 1788 America. That Spirit has returned, but, can we keep it? One unintended consequence of the soon to be infamous Covid-19 “lockdown” orders now in effect in […] todayApril 20, 2020 16
insert_link Catholicism Note To Catholic Media: G.K. Chesterton Was NOT A Socialist Chesterton Was Not A Socialist Editor's note: A strange, novelty has blossomed in various Catholic media of late, it has become fashionable to call G.K. Chesterton "a socialist" and also make the simultaneous claim that the clumsily named theory of "Distributism" is a loving stepchild of Karl Marx. Ask almost anyone who has taken the time to actually read Orthodoxy, Everlasting Man and What's Wrong With The World and the […] todayMay 30, 2019 20
insert_link Contributors The Demons Have Learned Sex Trafficking of Kids & They’re Good At It! The Demons Have Come For The Children & They're Winning Using Sex Trafficking John Whitehead has a must read essay at The Rutherford Institute, The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America. I spent over 90 minutes on this topic on yesterday's Mike Church Show (listen to this episode now, its FREE!) because it may be the most important issue facing American families...ever. For 3 […] todayApril 30, 2019 31
insert_link Contributors Guest Post – Without Elitist Racialism, There Is Little Racism GUEST POST by Jeffrey Barrett - For the past quarter century, I have owned a home in the Virginia county where the now infamous and embattled Governor Ralph Northam was born and raised. Because of this actual living experience, I was surprised at the amount of media attention given to Governor Northam's embarrassing yearbook picture. Then again, because I have lived in America for the last few decades, I am […] todayFebruary 13, 2019 12
insert_link Contributors Joseph Pearce: Why We Shouldn’t Ban Books And Burn Their Heretical Writers Mandeville, LA - Joseph Pearce is the co-host of The Pearcing Truth radio hour with Mike Church and is a regular contributor to The CRUSADE Channel. His works are republished here with the graceful permission of our friends at The Imaginative Conservative. Why We Shouldn't Ban Books And Burn Their Heretical Writers by Joseph Pearce Several years ago, I visited the two-room shack in Tupelo, Mississippi, in which Elvis Presley […] todayJanuary 26, 2019 7
insert_link Contributors Dirty Harry: The Rage of the Anti-Hero Clint Eastwood changed his career arc when he took on the role of "Dirty Harry", his success, never assured, kept seemingly doomed conservative content in the movies. London, UK - In December 1971, Dirty Harry appeared on movie screens. Starring the then rising movie star, Clint Eastwood, the film proved as controversial as it was successful at the box office. Today, Mr. Eastwood is Movie Royalty. It is worth remembering, […] todayJanuary 14, 2019 8
insert_link Contributors What Does the War on English Fox Hunting Mean for America? The recent English controversy over the banning of fox hunting has ramifications that go to the heart of the future of the United States. If there are two Englands, rural and urban, there are two Americas also, the red heartland and the blue coastal fringes. The traditional heart of America is threatened by the radical fringe… Reprinted from First Things by Joseph Pearce Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, is […] todayJanuary 13, 2019 11
insert_link Catholicism Tucker Carlson Is A Few Ave Maria’s From Becoming A Catholic Distributist Mandeville, LA - Wow...just wow! Watch this monologue from Fox News' Tucker Carlson and, for the moment, imagine you're listening to Hilaire Belloc deliver the same, oh so juicy and enlightening screed. OK, Fantasy Island time is over, Carlson is not Belloc but he is but a few Ave Maria's away and we should all pray for him (really). What Tucker has written and then voiced is Fox News first and […] todayJanuary 9, 2019 18
insert_link Contributors Trump and The WaPo – Whose Side Is Mitt Romney On? By Patrick J. Buchanan If there is a more anti-Trump organ in the American establishment than The Washington Post, it does not readily come to mind. Hence, in choosing to send his op-ed attack on President Donald Trump to the Post, Mitt Romney was collaborating with an adversary of his party and his president. And he knew it, and the Post rewarded his collusion. “The president has not risen to […] todayJanuary 7, 2019 8
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757