insert_link Latest Election Night with Jack Hunter, Mike Church, Mark Kreslins, and David Simpson Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Enjoy this exclusive audio highlight from election night with Mike Church, Jack Hunter, Mark Kreslins, and David Simpson! todayNovember 9, 2012 4
insert_link Latest Houston ReFounding Fathers Society Chapter Meeting with Mike Church Come meet Mike and get plugged in to the new plan for living little [r] in Texas Saturday night in Houston 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM at the Stag's Head Pub! todayNovember 9, 2012 9
insert_link Listeners Lounge Correction: The History of the Catholic Church, Presented On-Air Today, Edited & Corrected Mandeville, LA - On today's show I recollected a conversation with my daughter Madison over the history of the Christian faith and the evolution of the Catholic & Lutheran Church. I received several responses from listeners who gently persuaded me that i had some of my history and chronology in error. I happily, in the pursuit of the truth in all matters of history, present the following note as a […] todayNovember 7, 2012 4
insert_link Catholicism Your Daily Dose of “Mike, Romney Lost Because of You & Ron Paul, & I will NEVER listen Again Mandeville, LA - Your daily dose of "Mike, Romney's loss is ALL you and Ron Paul 'sfault and because he lost I am withdrawing from your show forever more. Mike, I have been a daily listener for about 3 years now and just thought it appropriate to say goodbye as I won't be listening to your show any longer. The last few months it has been very difficult to listen […] todayNovember 7, 2012 2
insert_link Catholicism Hey Jeff Kuhner – “Regardless of Who Wins There is No Republic” Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Jeffrey Kuhner, “Obama and the future of our republic.” I’m going to say this again, we do not have a republic. I don’t care how many battle hymns you play to it. I do not care how many times you recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the word republic in it. That does not make it so. We are just so historically ignorant. We […] todayNovember 5, 2012 5
insert_link Listeners Lounge Take a Break From Lambasting Mike Church & Try Your Hand At Pasting The American Conservative Magazine Mandeville, LA - When you take a break from lambasting me for refusing to go with the Anyone But Obama herd; refusing to give credence to the "most important election of our lifetime" propaganda and constantly making the point that voting is but a miniscule part of self-governing, you might want to take some swings at the Editorial Board of the American Conservative Magazine. TAC writers also remain unconvinced that […] todayOctober 31, 2012 8
Catholicism Founders Television Visit our sponsors: Liberty Classroom from Tom Woods & Kevin Gutzman, American History from experts you KNOW & TRUST todayOctober 30, 2012 4
insert_link Listeners Lounge Your daily dose of “Mike You’re Bitter & Angry & Hate Your Country Because Ron Paul Lost Mandeville, LA - Your daily dose of "Mike you are bitter and angry and hate your country because Ron Paul lost, hate mail! "You all are too eager too waist your vote when we need to get Obama out of office so badly. Mr Church I've been listening to you for about a year, and I was interested until now. I am no longer going to listen to you because […] todayOctober 25, 2012 8
insert_link Listeners Lounge Your Daily Dose Of “Mike, Why Do You Hate Your Country by Not Endorsing Romney!?” Mandeville, LA - Now I am accused of hating my country because I wish it to stop killing innocent people the world over!? I am also supposed to "do as others in my field have done" and get with "bringing our Government back to the people"!? By doing what!? Endorsing fools who gave us the NDAA, Patriot Act and Domestic drone use? The "my country, good or bad" (see Cales Ryn) […] todayOctober 23, 2012 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1660
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
The Constitution Hour Episode 13-Why Trump IS A Natural Born Citizen & Cruz Is Not-Why The Founders Chose republicanism Over Monarchy