
1001 Results / Page 32 of 112



Fathers Day Martyrs, Saints Nicander and Marcian

Mandeville, LA - Saints Nicander and Marcian were martyred under the diabolical reign of emperor Diocletian around the year 303; tradition holds that the two were brothers who fought side by side in the Roman Legion until they were given orders to seize Christians. Now am I favoured with that comfort, and I behold you going to glory, and myself made the wife of a martyr. Give to God that testimony […]

todayJune 17, 2018 11


Saint Margaret of Scotland, Queen And Peacemaker

Mandeville, LA - The modern world  is filled with every variety of tyrant rulers, drunk with the possession of lethal weaponry and technology and all too eager to put those implements to the test. The life and reign of Saint Margaret of Scotland stands in brilliant opposition to the "democratic" warfare states including her beloved Scotland. "The succession of saints which in the posterity of St. Margaret afterwards filled the […]

todayJune 10, 2018 18

Gentleman's Corner

We’ve Given Away A NEW CARRRRRRRR! Congratulations To William Parrish of Temecula, California!

Athens, GA - On Friday, 08 June, 2018, The CRUSADE Channel gave away a 2018 KIA Soul via our 2nd Annual, Golden Truth Ticket Sweepstakes and the winner is: William Parrish of Temucula, California!! The ticket that William won with was actually won in the on-air giveaway contest on The CRUSADE Channel! William was among the final 9 ticket holders that had tickets matching the first 6 digits Mike gave […]

todayJune 9, 2018 4


The Only Cavalry Coming Are Men Wearing Cassocks-The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA, The Mike Church Show - Season 3, Episode 582.  Special Guest Gregory Carpenter aka Junkbond host of the Reverse Deception Show Bruce Frohnen Professor of Law at Ohio Norther University College of Law A cyclical adjustment based upon the whims of the party that is currently in power. Academy of Philosophy and Letters - “Populism and the Failure of Elites” The concept of the product provided - audio […]

todayJune 4, 2018 6

Book Mike As A Speaker

“Too Catholic” For Satellite Radio-Mike Church Confesses His Marian Consecration

Silver Springs, MD - For the first time ever recorded, Mike Church, the longest running radio talk-show host in the history of Satellite Radio reveals details of how he became "Too Catholic for Satellite Radio", intimate details about his reversion to the Catholic Faith and radical conversion to Tradition and Marian Consecration. You've never heard a conversion story quite like this one! Recorded at a private event at the home […]

todayJune 3, 2018 13


Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto Comes To Dublin, Where Will The Irish Build The Pyramid?

Mandeville, LA -  John Daniel Davidson of The Federalist and I are in perfect agreement on the tragedy of Ireland's pro-infanticide vote; to the point where he brings up my oft-cited comparison of the cult of death and their Mayan grandparents featured in Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. "The reality that so many of us do not wish to confront, and that the Irish referendum thrusts upon us, is that liberalism divorced from Christianity means […]

todayMay 29, 2018 31


He’s Baa-aaack! LISTEN NOW to The Mike Church Show Every Morning 5-11 AM, Here’s How

Mandeville, LA - You can now listen to the Mike Church Show fro FREE, every weekday morning from 05:00-11:00 a.m. You must be wondering, OK, so HOW do I listen to The Mike Church Show? Simply put, listen to Mike Church LIVE and his über cool, 24/7 Channel called CRUSADE the same way your kids listen to nearly all their music and watch their movies: TIP 1 - Download the […]

todayMay 29, 2018 12


Mike Church-Civilization In 6 Words-LIVE From Lincoln, NE!

Mandeville, LA - The Mike Church Show has taken the Civilization In 6 Words talk to  different cities now, Lincoln NE will be our 4th and will be broadcast for Founders Pass members, LIVE! WITH a FREE, members only chatroom! You'll need to be a member to WATCH and join the LIVE! Chat available on the CRUSADE Channel website here. If you're not a Founders Pass member, support our 24/7 […]

todayMay 22, 2018 6


Archeology Is Not Just For Mummies-The Real Story of Our Lord’s Mommy

Mandeville, La - Author Michael Hesemann, interviewed by Mike Church, LIVE from his office in Germany, explains in loving detail 2 chapters of his book masterpiece Mary of Nazareth. •The Flight Into Egypt. • The Real Story of The Holy House of Loredo. Get the book, Mary of Nazareth, click here! You won't hear this level of scholarship brought out by radio talent that thrills and amazes without ever coming […]

todayMay 22, 2018 23
