
1001 Results / Page 85 of 112



There’s NO Hope For Restoring Our “Idiocracy” Civilization Without Philosophy

Mandeville, LA - "We The People" is the rallying cry of a dying civilization that long ago lost the intellect to even approach a definition of "We" or "People" as if Pythagorus himself is needed to decode a 2 letter word. 400 years into the experiment to suppress intellect informed by philosophy and replace it with the corrupt ideologies of "isms" which mis-inform "opinions". Twain had it right(1) when he concluded […]

todayMay 18, 2015 7


“Hippie” Saint, Francis of Assisi, Didn’t Need Cartoons To Confront Jihadis

Mandeville, LA - If the KKK announced they were hosting a "Good Ole Days of Jim Crow cartoon contest and 'free speech event' " right after the Westboro Baptists held their "God hates dead F--s cartoon contest and free speech event' ", who, including the organizers, would be shocked at predictable outrage and/or retaliation by blacks and homosexuals? Yet the provocative "Mohammed cartoon contest" promoters feign shock and awe at […]

todayMay 6, 2015 11


Wisdom Wednesday-The Purpose of Electrons Is To Make Beer

Mandeville, LA - David Simpson stopped by for another Wisdom Wednesday, politics and philosophy cocktail garnished with some poor impersonations of Brother Francis. David backed up my reasoning on Stones being more meaningful than Islam, applying the Philosophy of highest purpose to annihilate the argument. We then turned our attention to the 2016 field of candidates for the GOP nomination and their cliched, flawed harmony on economic solutions to all our […]

todayMay 6, 2015 3

Listeners Lounge

Hate Mail: Obama=Wrong, Mike, Either Bash Him or Shut Up

Mandeville, LA - Listener John Howard Kelly complains: Wow, after that philosophia perennis Obama love fest, glad I'm listening using the Cone of Silence. I respond: What sound reasoning, Obama = wrong and yet "conservatives" bristle at being characterized as closed-minded? What I actually said was Obama has a CHANCE to do something good with his ex-presidency by donning a cassock and becoming the world's most famous Franciscan Friar. If […]

todayMay 5, 2015 3


Search For Meaning In Life Is Creating Muslims-There’s More Meaning In Stones

Mandeville, LA - One of my daughters recently told me that after high school graduation she wanted to take a year off from school and "go find herself". I might have offered "a mirror would be a good investment" for that or "you can download a phone tracker app on iTunes and it will tell you exactly where you are and suggest restaurants too." But instead I said nothing and […]

todayMay 4, 2015 8


Pro Life Miracles Everyday at Danielle Inn-Annual Fundraiser

Mandeville, LA - The Danielle Inn provides the pro-life mission in southeast Louisiana and beyond a place to see the miracle of life saved from the atrocity of abortion.  The Inn provides a home for the expectant single mother during her term and then for up to 1 year after she gives birth. A christian way of life is practiced by all the residents and the care and love of […]

todayMay 1, 2015 11


Philosophia Perennis Classroom Chatroom Transcript 042815

Mandeville, LA - The transcript from the April 28th chatroom discussion. [Philosophia Perennis Classroom]   04-28-2015 07:42:42 Brother-Andre Marie Mike Church: Are you there? 04-28-2015 07:43:56 TheKingDude Good evening friends, I am trying to get my audio setup configured here at home> I never broadcast from here so it requires several login confirmations and server checks but if I can't get 'er done, we'll go with text chatting for tonight […]

todayApril 30, 2015


Gay Federal Judge’s Memo To God: “You’re Fired” For Choosing Eve Over Steve

Mandeville, LA - DeceptiCONNED by The Miracle Amendment Again: The Nine Imperial SCOTUS mystics refuse to hear the Oregon appeal to have its voter approved Marriage Defense Act upheld after a gay Federal Judge declared it to be "unconstitutional", citing... you guessed it, the 14th Amendment. Note that the Federal judge imparted words into the mouths of opponents of the same-sex-acts in question into his ruling without bothering to back up his claim. Marriage is "...clearly unrelated to […]

todayApril 21, 2015 4
