
1001 Results / Page 96 of 112

Gal quad's war on women

Gentleman's Corner

Gal-Queda: We Need Men… Who Build Stuff

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – " 'Surely, modern women are strong enough now to give credit where credit is due!' Well, Camille, they’re not going to give credit where credit is due because they’re members of Gal-Qaeda. They’re arrogant and full of themselves, just as so many other people have become, because we are we, and no one gives credit for anything. Trust me, I know." Check out today’s […]

todayDecember 19, 2013 28


Mt Olympus Has Fallen; A Fun Yet Disturbing Ride Through Our Empire

KingDude's Rating = 2.5/4 Reagan's Mandeville, LA - In Mount Olympus has Fallen the White House is take control of by a special ops force of elite North Koreans, decimating the entire defense system of the President and leaving the President & his top 3 advisors in the White House bunker with the masterminds of the operation. Only 1 man remains either not killed or close enough to do something […]

todayDecember 1, 2013 9

Listeners Lounge

Travis Pope on the Art of Being a Statesmen and Gentlemen Promoted by Y/T

Mandeville, LA -  for those who were looking for the  brief letter I read on-air today about gentlemen and statesmen, from listener Travis Pope, here it is. Thanks Travis and please keep send us posts like this folks. Mike Church [h]as been doing a ton of shows on being a "Statesman" and how Chivalry is dead in our nation. Men are not men today they are boys or sissys. When […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 85

Mike's Hate Mail graphic


Hate Mail: If We Can’t Rely On You To Homer For The GOP, You’re FINISHED, Mike!

Mandeville, LA - UPDATED (see below) With lightning speed, the - hate mail - threats to end my radio, web and film career have been made by those oh so virtuous defenders of the "republic", "conservatives". I knew it would be a long day that when I dared to express and then allow my producer Andrew Gruss to express any opinion on Senator Ted Cruz outside the 3x5 GOP talking […]

todayOctober 22, 2013 7


This Day In Founding Fathers History – 14 October 2013

This Day In Founding Fathers History – 14 October 2013 On this day in 1780, Gen. Nathanael Greene, Washington’s most able and trusted general, is named as the new commander of the Southern Army, replacing Gen. Gates. Greene then begins a strategy of rallying popular support and wearing down the British by leading Gen. Cornwallis on a six month chase through the back woods of South Carolina into North Carolina […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 3

Listeners Lounge

Hate Mail: Mike & Libertarians, the Reason Progressives are Winning!

Mandeville, LA - From the "I like your show but..." file , Here is another "Mike, you and Ron Paul (libertarians) are the reason why we are losing this war against Progressives! But that's just prologue for "Fred" or "Joe" to get to his real topic: my arrogant, lack oc humility existence, fed by a non-stop cacophony of degrading homilies aimed at every caller to the radio show. My response […]

todayOctober 4, 2013 13


Why Fournier Is Wrong & Millennials Won’t Rule This Millennia

Mandeville, LA - National Journal columnist Ron Fournier thinks the ObamaCare "shutdown" spells the end of the GOP, the status quo of the DNC and the rise of "millennials" but if Noah Webster were still alive, I imagine the caterwaul of four letter words he might use to describe the "millennial." Time Magazine gave the "Me Me Me" generation a cover story last May and concluded. "They’re narcissistic. They’re lazy. They’re […]

todayOctober 1, 2013 7
