
57 Results / Page 6 of 7



When Freidrich Met Russell – The Famous “Conservative” vs “Liberal” Essay by Hayek

Mandeville, LA - In response to many requests by readers for a posting of Freidrich Hayek's "response" to Russell Kirk's "Chirping Sectaries" essay, here is the Hayek post in its entirety. I will post more of a narrative and response after reading this work in its entirety. Why I Am Not a Conservative By Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek In The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, […]

todayAugust 20, 2012 6


For The John Roberts Haters, HL Mencken on “Provocative Mirth”

For those still troubled and aching over Chief Justice-Supreme Mystic Ruler -John Roberts' majority opinion in ObamaCare, recall, that some of us predicted the outcome AND told you that putting your constitution's fate in the judiciousness of Federal Judges would lead to tears and tyranny. Consider this little gem from HL Mencken. "It is, perhaps, a fact provocative of sour mirth that the Bill of Rights was designed trustfully to […]

todayJuly 10, 2012 6


The Meeting-Citizens of BeerBeeria Meet To Plan a New General Government

REPORT OF JUNE 24, 2012 From the Citizens of BeerBeeria-assembled in General Council in the township of Abita Springs, LA - The second session (after intermission) was VERY productive. We formed the skeleton for the plan of government of BeerBeeria. A bi-cameral legislature, with a lower house elected to 2 year terms and representing no more than 10,000 citizens. We granted the legislative lower house, 7 enumerated powers thus far […]

todayJune 24, 2012 9


The Louisiana GOP Convention Tragedy: DeceptiCONS Deliver the Rigged Results

Mandeville, LA - David Simpson was elected a delegate to the LA GOP Convention at the GOP Caucus of 28 April, 2012. Mr. Simpson is a co-founder of the ReFounding Fathers Society and also a contributor to the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM and the Post Show Show. Below is Mr. Simpson's account of the events that transpired Saturday, in Shreveport, LA at the LA GOP state convention. By David […]

todayJune 3, 2012 15


Prof. Clyde Wilson Defends & Defines “A Little Rebellion”

Mandeville, LA - I have with great energy read and re-read Prof. Clyde Wilson's essays available online. Essays that move the real freedom loving journeyman to action in words and deeds. In this excerpt from the Nov., 2011 issue of Chronicles Magazine  (a great mag to subscribe to!) Prof. Wilson lays out the best case for what the American Revolution produced I have ever read. One cannot help but feel compelled […]

todayMay 2, 2012 13


Lord Acton was a Secession & Southern Supporter

Bologna November 4, 1866 Sir, The very kind letter which Mrs. Lee wrote to my wife last winter encouraged me to hope that you will forgive my presuming to address you, and that you will not resent as an intrusion a letter from an earnest and passionate lover of the cause whose glory and whose strength you were. I have been requested to furnish private counsel in American affairs for […]

todayApril 26, 2012 5


Brave Horatius at the bridge

I am often asked the question: Mike, if you're so sure there is no hope for the Constitution and the Union why don't YOU just give up!?" And the answer is "just because the fight seems unwinnable that doesn't mean that it is worth fighting. That's where the "Brave Horatius at the bridge" poem comes in because Horatius faces the same situation and the same question, yet he soldiers on. […]

todayNovember 19, 2010 7


Learn Austrian Economics at iTunes

I discovered Austrian Economics through my reading of Freidrich von Hayek. At the time I read Hayek (twice!) there wasn't an "Austrian" I could recite by name, now thanks to the Von Mises institute and I can recite a lot of names and also a lot of Austrian theory. Free markets are the greatest methods of exchange in civil societies and have brought more prosperity to the world in […]

todayApril 21, 2010 5


Jefferson’s Declaration for Taking Arms

Listen to this excerpt of Jefferson's Declaration being read and discussed on the Mike Church Show, 16 March, 2010 Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms In Congress, 6 July 1775 This declaration was read in part and discussed on the Mike Church Show, 16 March, 2010 in response from Congress' threat to "deem" the Health Care Choices Act of 2009 as "The law of the land". […]

todayMarch 16, 2010 6
